Sunday, May 31, 2009
*Click 4 Messenger on ur phone!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I Hate Domes With Astroturf
Wakefield & The Knuckler-Not Effective, as he was engaged in giving up 6 runs at Rogers Centre in Toronto, which had the top down. Game was lost 6-3;
The Pez Report;
Red Sox down by 1/2 To The Wind Tunnel Yankees.
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
In A Mets Themed Pub In Woodside
Granted, one Sr Omir Santos, NY Mets Catcher, had homered on Saturday evening, after Red Sox Closer, Jon Papelbon, gave up a pitch, which landed on top of the Green Monster. My wisecrack on that evening, was ''Let's see Santos hit one in Citi Field''. Well, Santos hit one down the left field line, for a solo shot, tying the Mets & Florida Marlins at 1-1. He has excelled unto the point, that 2nd String Catcher, Ramon Castro, was traded to the Chicago White Sox, for a RHP named Lance Broadway, a deal consumated by Mets GM, The Illustrious Sr Omar Minaya, referred to by ''The Omnipotent Q'', as a ''Big, fat idiot and a clueless Putz''(I don't mean JJ, either);
Sr Omir Santos drove in the tying and winning runs. It was in the 11th Inning, when Santos drove Gary Sheffield home on a single;
To those of you in the Boston Area, who, when Fenway Park was sold out, only to seek refuge at Shea Stadium, in the Corona Section of Queens, well, that 58K Stadium is as ''Gone-Goodbye'' as a Mike Piazza Homer. Unless you can buy your tickets online, don't even think of walking up to a ticket line, to get tickets at Citi Field. I went to Citi Field, and found that fact of life to be true. Citi Field's Capacity is 41,800. Someone in '07, wasn't kidding, when the name of ''Stub Hub Field'', became the nickname for Citi Field. On a Friday Evening, as the Mets were to face the FL. Marlins, Citi Field was sold out. This was never the case at Shea Stadium, especially with the Marlins in town, unless it was the final 3 games in the History of Shea Stadium;
The time of the mutipurpose stadium in Major League Baseball, is nearly over. Thankfully, games are returning to places, with ''Field'' & ''Park'', in their names;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
MMDCCC_Winging Towards MMM(2800)
Some Guy named Omir, ruined my Saturday Night;
Some Guy named Omar, changed the name of his team to Los Mets De Nueva Yorque;
Jeffy has caught hell here;
Catholicism Gets A Nod, Here;
It's all written here & goes on and on;
It's "The Pez Report"
Labels: Landmark Post; The Pez Report; MLB;Boston Red Sox; Catholic Faith; MLB; Acupuncture; Reiki
Red Sox "Qi"-Out Of Balance(MMDCCXCIX)
Papi is batting below the "Mendoza Line", at .194. He's now hitting 6th In The Lineup in Minnesota, vs the Twins, in that soon to disappear Cloth Dome;
Daisuke Matsuzaka still has trouble pitching;
Red Sox Bats have gone silent;
Toronto has begun "S----ing The Bed", as they've lost 9 Straight Games, all on the road;
"Qi" is Chinese for Balance-Yes, I do love getting poked by Acupuncturists;
They Who Hit Wind Blown Balls In The Bronx, are tied with Us for 1st;
Send The Red Sox to The Nearest Acupuncturists to restore their "Qi", PRONTO;
The Pez Report
Labels: Acupuncture Place, MLB; Boston Red Sox
On Monday Evening, Gary Sheffield clocked a line drive above the left center field line, above the 16 Foot Wall. There is a fence, recessed by about 1 foot. Upon video review, it showed that the ball was above the line and over that wall;
This evening, the Pepsi Porch, with a nod to both Tiger Stadium and the Polo Grounds, was the location of another video review. Mets 1st Baseman Dan Murphy, hit a ball into the area by Modell's Corner, above it. The ball stuck something and dropped straight down, where it was fielded by Adam Dunn;
As Warner Wolf would say, "Let's Go To The Videotape", it was time for another "Video Review". Umpires have views of two television feeds, in this case, both M A S N and S N Y, both fed to the Video Review Room on Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan;
In the Murphy Homer, the ball came up to the Subway Sign on the Pepsi Porch & dropped suddenly, as if it clipped something, ever so-slightly. Then the emerging Umpires gave the Homer Sign;
With the high walls, fencing, asymmetric distances and a section hanging over Right Field, as if in tribute to Tiger Stadium and the Polo Grounds, Citi Field has to be the Quirkiest Park, where one has to earn Homers or have them "Video-Reviewed";
There was no doubt when Dunn hit a ball to RCF, but cracking his homer to the Rear Of The Replica of the Hells Gate Bridge-almost 500 Feet;
Strange how Santana BB'd 6 but K'd 11;
The NY Mets have been involved in 4 Replays in 6 Games;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;Hello Citi Field, MLB;NY Mets
Changes In Printed Word Media-The NY Times
You read me correctly-''All The News That's Fit To Print'', soon will not be printing. The newspaper business in NYC, is getting smaller;
I was a child of 7 in Brooklyn, & remember the following newspapers;
The NY Daily News, The NY Mirror, The NY World Telegram & Sun, the LI Press, the NY Journal-American, The NY Herald-Tribune, The NY Post, and the NY Times. This was a great newspaper town before the big newspaper strike, in 1962;
The Mirror folded in 1964. The Journal-American, World Telegram & Sun & Herald Tribune merged to become the NY World Journal Tribune. It folded in 1966. The Long Island Press folded around 1976;
One hardy survivor of the print wars, has published continuously since 1801. The NY Post, a tabloid, used to be an evening paper. It used to be Liberal, until K. Rupert Murdoch became Publisher, under News Corporation;
The NY Daily News soldiers onward, every morning, as does the NY Post, as both are tabloids;
With the reported passing of the NY Times, NYC will be a tabloid town, with Newsday-NYC, in the mix;
I feel for the printers and drivers, who'll be hurt in this change. I find it kind of strange that the NY Times built a huge printing plant in College Point-Queens, as soon there will be no use for it;
The Red Sox Ownership, includes a 17% Ownership by The NY Times Company, Owners of Boston.Com & The Boston Globe. The Boston Globe is a broadsheet;
The NY Times still has the Fine, Classical Music Radio Station, W Q X R-FM, 96.3. It so-compliments the NY Times;
The Web is killing the fine art of the printed word;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, NY Times Company
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
*Gay marriage ruling Gary Sheffield hit his 6th homer & Livan Hernandez pitched a complete game. Sheffield has clobberred 3 homers in 5 games, 2 on consecutiu+ consecutive nights. Omir Santos doubled tonight.
MMDCCLXXXVII-Mets Fans In A Dilema
''The Nouveau Faction'' will root for the Yankees, whenever a NL East team is involved. The Traditioalits, known as ''Shea's Old Guard'', will root for the Yankees, when pigs fly, meaning NEVER;
I can imagine how it would sound in a Catholic Confessional Booth. The booth would sound rather unusual;
''Bless Me Father, for I have Sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession.''
If the priest is a Yankees Fan, he will mete out almost no Penance. If the priest is a Mets Fan:
10 Our Fathers, 10 Hail Marys, 10 Glory BeS', & Make a Good Act of Contrition;
If you're a Mets fan, here's hoping your confessors weren't either Bishop Thomas V. Daily or Bishop W'm Murphy, as both were ordained for the RC Archdiocese of Boston. That penance would be a whopper;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
Is There An Uptown-Downtown Red Sox Bar War In Manhattan In The Making? Stay Tuned Following These Messages And A Word From Your Local FOX Station
It was grand seeing N E S N, with Announcer Boy and Eck, after 3 Days of Gary, Keith and Ron on PIX 11 & S N Y. Whoa, am I ever revived! It was great hearing Orsillo, again, though I miss Remy, a LOT, but Eck is fun;
I sat next to the ONLY Red Sox Fan who viewed N E S N in NYC, this past weekend, by using the Plymouth Proxy Feed to his laptop, getting N E S N, and feeding it to his TV Set. He also coined the phrase "F---, F---ing Kazmarek, F--- Him", a favorite chant of the Professor Thom's Crew, in the 7th Inning of Red Sox Games;
Ennis, The One Who Saw N E S N all weekend, is now a Hairy Monk Regular & has declared war on Professor Thom's;
One weekend, when The Bruins abso-f--kinglutely SUCKED, he went in to watch the Game at Professor Thom's. But, as Ennis Put it, MONEY Rules what goes on the Flat Screen TVs in Thom's. He also calls the place a "Bandwagon" joint. He may have a point, as I saw Red Sox Fans, whom I've never seen before in my life, during the Mets-Red Sox Series. He has viewed Bruins Games at "The Riviera" at 7th Avenue South and West 4th Street;
I remember watching The Subway Series at Thom's. Instead of the Pleasant and Intelligent S N Y Feed, a # of us endured Michael Kay on Y E S(Yankees Entertainment SUCKS). "The Riviera", a place scorned by Thom's Regulars, as well as by The Esteemed Vernon Edward Trotter of The Hairy Monk, had the decency NOT to use the Y E S Feed, lest there be bullets whizzing all over 7th Avenue South. Even Sertell knows that it's NOT Wise to play the Y E S Feed during The Subway Series;
The Hairy Monk deploys Bartenders from my Favorite European Nation(Ireland, a Nation from where I'm descended from). It's an intimate, Red Sox Themed Pub and a great NYC Neighborhood Bar. Alexa, from Litchfield, CT, sat next to me and she was fun to be with. Two New Englanders, both U S Marines on Shore Leave, were there for shots & have 10 Months to go. Mike From Boston stopped in The Hairy Monk, after discovering that Professor Thom's Was Closed, yesterday afternoon(Surprising);
If you've seen my FOX Sports Parody, a bar called "The Hairy Professor", is named in the parody. It's just the merged names of both Professor Thom's and The Hairy Monk;
Two Red Sox Bars At War-ONLY on The Island Of Manhattan;
The Pez Report
Labels: Hairy Monk, MLB; Boston Red Sox, Professor Thom's
3 Days Of Replay
In The 2nd Replay at Fenway Park, Youk's 1st Clobbering was ruled a foul ball;
The 3rd Replay came live from $iti Field. A ball was hit above the foul line, on a railing. That was ruled a homer, from a replay;
Youk homered his next time up at Fenway Park, which sounded a lot like $iti Field, on Sunday;
Gary Sheffield, who homered on Friday Night at Fenway Park, hit the Homer which needed a replay, last evening, at $iti Field. The Final was Mets 5 and Washington 2;
I remember when Carlos Delgado hit the LF Foul Pole in Yankee Stadium, and the Homer was called back, after that DIVA, Derek Jeter, protested the Homer Call like a Ballerina;
Thank You, M L B, for replay;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB
Monday, May 25, 2009
One Can Safely Say That Jeffy Wilpon Is The Mets GM-As Attested To Tim Redding's "Pitching"
Kevin Burkhardt(S N Y), originally from that Bastion Of Keen Intellectualism(W F A N 660), played the Ken Rosenthal Role, was in the scoreboard, in The Green Monster and all over Fenway Park, while Gary and Ron were calling the Game on PIX11;
It's apparent that Jeffy Wilpon, referred to by Mets Fans, nastily, as "A--h-l- and a Retard'', is running the Ballclub, as the De Facto General Manager. Omar Minaya, referred to by The Omnipotent Q Of Midwood, Brooklyn, as a "Big, Fat Idiot & A Clueless Putz", is GM in Name only, which makes the signing of one Tim Redding, entirely plausible, as Jeffy is looking to throw Omar under the Q48 Bus, which runs by $iti Field;
Redding, perhaps another Steve Trachsel(Which Isn't Saying Much), did not please those Denizens Of $iti Field, yesterday, as Mike Lowell(Mi-Lo)spanked a pitch into the Parking Garage on Lansdowne;
Yesterday's Game was delayed by a Thunderstorm with Hail and Heavy Rain for 37 Minutes. Wakey's Knuckler didn't dance too well, as Ramon Castro, the 2nd String Catcher, hit Fisk's Pole for a Solo Shot;
The Final Score In The 3rd Game Of "Despising The Mets Weekend" was 12-5, Red Sox;
Papi is a cause of concern, as he looks all broken down, being K'd so much;
& with the Huge Mets Crowd, Fenway Park started to sound like Citi Field. Citi Field On Lansdowne? Whoa!
One thing about S N Y Coverage, there were a lot of Old Red Sox Highlights shown on the Network. They covered angles only FOX Viewers could see. Then Again, Bill Webb directs both S N Y and FOX Telecasts;
It was expert coverage, though not a good weekend for Sox Enthusiasts, but the Red Sox are in 1st Place in the AL East, and take to the Road, today;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Mets
Sunday, May 24, 2009
As Part Of My "Boo-Hiss Mets" Weekend, Just Who TF Is Omir Santos?
It was a 2 Run Home Run. It was the 1st Ever Time that Instant Replay was used at Fenway Park. The Ball did clear the Green Monster;
A 3rd String Backup Catcher? This after calling Omar Minaya a string of names, none of them printable, I do ask this-can Omir Santos do this in Citi Field?
The Game was saved by a Putz-JJ to be exact. All balls were hit at fielders-this is a guy with bone spurs in his elbow. K-Rod was unavailable;
"Mets Suck" Weekend continues TODAY, as they Face Perfessor Wakey and His Magical Knuckleball;
Wakey? Don't Replicate what you did on Saturday, June 14th, 1997 At Shea Stadium, where Starting Pitcher, Mark Clark Homered. Whoops, I just remembered that the DH is in effect at Fenway Park;
For those viewing the Game-in New England, the Game will have Announcer Boy and "Eck", on N E S N. On WPIX 11, it'll be Gary and Keith, in various parts of the US and Puerto Rico. On tbs(Very Funny), it'll be Chip Caray and Ron Darling;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Mets
Saturday, May 23, 2009
MLB New York Mets
1) Baseball Today (AP)
2) Santana overcomes Mets errors, beats Red Sox 5-3 (AP)
3) Jerry Koosman pleads guilty to tax evasion
Lugo Is A Flat-Footed A--h-l-, Ramon Martinez Can't Field & S N Y Is Approved Viewing Behind "Enemy Lines"
Johann Santana gave up 3 Runs(1 Earned and it was V-Tek's Homer into the Parking Garage on Lansdowne Street, Somewhere over The Green Monster, or The Rainbow, Whatever). Johan K'd 8, K'ing Big Papi 3X and Youk, 3X, and did clip Youk on his right elbow. Youkilis, noted for his temper, wanted to charge the mound. Umpires kept him away. Take the free pass, Youk-no need for Histrionics;
Ramon Martinez is, perhaps, worse than Julio Lugo, commiting 2 Errors, but he did drive in a run, unlike Lugo. David Wright singled in a Run. He also botched a ground ball, for his 7th Error This Season;
Gary Sheffield homered into the 1st Row of The Green Monster, off a rather "Dicey" Daisuke Matsuzaka, who was back from "DL-Rehab Land". Dice K was getting shaky by the 3rd Inning;
11 errors have been commited whenever Santana pitched for the Mets. His ERA is 1.50;
We viewed this game on S N Y;
Gary Cohen(CBS-Westwood One), who once called Pawsox Games, and comes from Queens, supplied the Play-By-Play. Ron Darling, who grew up in Worcester, who went to St John's H S, and was a rival of Rich Gedman(St Paul's H S), gave pitching commentary. Keith Hernandez(I don't understand the nickname of Mex, as his mum, Jacqueline, was of Irish Descent), gave hitting commentary. They were OBJECTIVE & THOUGHTFUL, even wishing Our Beloved Mr Gerald Peter Remy, a Speedy Recovery(During a shot of "Eck" on N E S N);
Bill Webb directed last night's telecast, produced by Curt Gowdy Jr;
S N Y is NOT Y E S(Thank Goodness, as we despise a YES Telecast and all of Michael Kay's Histrionics);
For those of you outside of N E S N and S N Y Regions, tonight's game at 7:10PM, will be carried on MLB Network. Mike Pelfrey will pitch vs Josh Beckett;
tbs(Very Funny) will carry the game, except in N E S N and S N Y Markets, tomorrow at 1:35PM-ET. In The NY Market, WPIX-11, will carry the S N Y Produced Telecast and has a satellite feed;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Mets
Friday, May 22, 2009
On Acupuncture-It Works, Nicely
I enjoyed a treatment of Acupuncture, today, @ 191-193 Canal Street in Chinatown. It's offered for free by St. Vincent's Catholic Medical Center, at the American Legion Hall, on the 2nd Floor, amidst photos of Chinese American Veterans of various wars;
Several folding chairs are on the floor. You sign in & receive an alcohol swab, and dab it on your ears. The acupuncturist then places 5 needles in each ear. You are offered what is called ''Sleep Tea'', a calming herbal tea, with no sweetening, with hints of chamomille, and mint. I know the tea is made by Celestial Seasons, & it's called ''Sleepytime Herb Tea'', available in markets around the the country;
The points which are needled, cover points on the ear, corresponding to the liver, spleen, heart, & sympathetic nervous system. One sits comfortably and controls their breathing, and go into a state of relaxation. I found it so relaxing, that I went into a refreshing nap. My eyes were sore & red. When I was finished, my sore, red eyes, were gone. I was rested. At the conclusion, seeds, attached to surgical tape, are affixed to both ears, on the outside, to help one to relax;
In 1972, when President Richard Nixon visited China, James ''Scotty'' Reston of the NY Times, needed an appendectomy. Chinese surgeons operated on Scotty & then cured his pain w/Acupuncture;
I was 17 @ the time & thought, in the time of Chairman Mao, it was Communist Propaganda. Today, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Acupuncture to anyone;
The Pez Report
Labels: Health
From Ascension Thursday Where The Christ Went Home-Skyward-Masses At St. Agnes-NY

To those Parishes in the RC Diocese of Brooklyn, my advice to a number of them, is to update your websites, as your Holy Days of Obligation information is out of date:
So I called St. Agnes RC Church on E. 43rd Street, between 3rd & Lexington Aves, near Grand Central Station, & went to the 1:35PM Mass. 12 Masses were scheduled from 5:00PM, last evening, until 6:00PM,this evening, which was a High Novus Ordo Mass, complete with Schola and Gregorian Chant, offered by New, New York Archbishop, Timothy Michael Dolan;
Now, THAT is convenient. Now, from the era of Vatican II, as it was being misinterpreted, vocations took a vacation & people skipped Mass. As a result, Masses went down in #, as Priests often left the Priesthood. Sin was not really mentioned in the Pulpit. The Tabernacle was moved from the Centre of the Altar, to the side, or even back of the Altar, in a Meditation Room. The Centre, where the Tabernacle was, was replaced by a so-called ''Presider's Chair''. This was due to a change in the way The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, was offered;
The 6 Lutheran & Anglican Clergy, along with Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, came up with what's called The Novus Ordo Mass. It resembles both the Lutheran & Anglican Services. However, in Lutheran and Anglican Practice, The Eucharist is considered by both not to be where bread & wine is totally-changed into The Body & Blood of Christ(Transubstantiation), but rather that the Body & Blood of Christ is contained with the bread & wine(Consubstantiation). The Traditional Latin Mass really embodies Catholicism;
Now, the ''Presider's Chair'', is in the same position of the ''Worshipful Master'', in a Masonic Lodge. Archbishop Annibale Bugnini was exposed as a Freemason in the 1970s. One wonders just how many of those Lutheran & Anglican Clergy, involved in the design and implementation of the Novus Ordo Mass, were Freemasons;
The Novus Ordo Mass, when offered in this Parish, on a Sunday, contains Gregorian Chant & Traditional English Language Hymns, none of which are from the Haugen-Haas Vintage. Novus Ordo is offered so well at St. Agnes-East 43 Street;
When I was @ the 1:35PM Mass, at St. Agnes(Ascension Thursday), the Tabernacle was ot the Centre, as it should be. There was , in fact, no music;
Many elected to receive Holy Communion, at the Traditional Communion Rail, which I did. Even in a Novus Ordo Mass, one could appreciate the tradition of kneeling to receive Communion. Dignum et Justun Est(It is Meet and Right to So Do);
St. Agnes, on the East Side of Manhattan, does it right. The Traditional Latin Mass is offered EVERY Sunday @ 11:00AM;
Special Edition of The Pez Report-Pax Vobiscum
Et Cum Spiritu Tuo
In Nomini Patris, Et Filli, Et Spiritu Sancti, Amen
Labels: Catholic Church, Catholic Faith, Catholic Faith; Catholic Mass
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ya Hoid Me-The Pez Report

WBZ Alert: Mets OF Dan Murphy didn't drop a fly ball. The game didn't start, yet. LOL From The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
S--tting The Bed-The Pez Report
3 Balks by Mike Pelfrey on Sunday Evening;
Ryan Church not touching 3rd Base;
Angel Pagan f--cking up fly ball;
That was LAST Night;
Now for this evening on S N Y
It's More of The Same Old S--t;
Dan Murphy dropped a line drive;
Sure, John Maine drove in 2 Runs with a Single with the bags full;
He gave up a 3 Run Homer to Casey Blake;
Maine F---s up as if he was Oliver Perez;
F--- Omar & F--- Jeffy;
The Pez Report Says To Omar and Jeffy, in the words of Fitzy;
"You 2 need to G F Y" & I don't mean "Good For You"!
See! That was easy;
Good Night & G F Y!
Labels: A Fitzy Momement, MLB;NY Mets
Children & Autism
Too many toxins at a young age;
The Pez Report
Labels: Health
Big Papi-I'm Going Out On A Limb
YOU heard me correctly-Big Papi, known as David Ortiz, will break his homer-less slump;
Who knows who Jerry Manuel will have pitching at Fenway Park, on this weekend, though he may have Johann Santana on the mound. The rest of Mets Pitching, is a rather-huge question mark;
The question marks may fuel Papi's drive;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Mets
MTA "Green"
The only time that, until the past few years that was ''Green'' about them, was when they ran streetcars on Brooklyn routes, until 1956 & then, trolley buses until 1960, @ least as surface transit. For a long time, there has been the Subway and Elevated lines;
Now, thanks to hybrid electric buses & low-sulphur deisel buses, at least they can lay claim to being ''Green'', unlike earlier years. The smoke-belchers are gone;
The former franchise bus lines are under MTA Control, running a mix of Natural Gas vehicles, though they are being phased out, in favor of the hybrids;
Ahhh, Progress;
They ought to take more of a cue from NJ Transit in Newark & run some light rail. Boston does it so well with the MBTA;
The Pez Report
Labels: MTA
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Is It Freelancing Or Greenlancing
It may be a good thing for employers to allow employees to telecommute from home. It saves on gas and commutation costs, and is a Green thing;
Freelancers are big on telecommuting. Freelancers were ''Green'', before it was fashionable;
It's a different style & way of life;
The Pez Report
Labels: Fresh Start
Palm-For The Mobile Freelancer
a notebook, w/o all the weight. Outside of my eMac, this is the best device I can think of, to carry and work with, making notes, & editing documents. W/a wi-fi connection, it's a dream machine. W/a bluetooth phone, it's great as well. It's a good thing for a freelancer to have.
The Pez Report
Labels: Palm T/X
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Mets Ending in SF-Thw Pez Report
*Get Messenger now!
In the 1st inning in SF, Giants RHP Matt Cain, gave up a leadoff double to Mets SS Alex Cora, SH by 2nd Baseman Luis Castillo. CF Carlos Beltran out to 1st, unassisted, & LF Gary Sheffield was K'd. Mets-0, Giants coming to bat & Mike Pelfrey on Mets mound:
2-0, SF, the final score, w/Mets leaving on runners all over the place. Mets took 3 out of 4 @ AT&T Park , his weekend-on to LA, W/O Manny;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB: NY Mets
Sunday Loss
*Player stats! Reply SLAMDUNK
Nick Green is no shortstop. His fielding cost us, by giving the Mariners a 3-2 victory over the Red Sox, @ Safeco Field in Seattle:
Hitting took a Pacific Northwest Holiday, today;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
More From Toilet III
*Get Messenger now!
Just how tf did ''The HouseThat Jeter Built On An Indian Burial Ground'', get to be such a homer haven. It may be time to bring in the scientists from M I T in Cambridge, for answers, as 58 balls, which would never make the fences in Citi Field, in most cases, fly all over The Oversized Bunker:
It's across the street from ''The House That Lindsay & Beame Renovated'', yet, as I suspect, due to the circulation of air, which was not a problem in the old dump, and the same distances as the old dump, balls are flying out of there;
You know that David Ortiz is in trouble, power-wise, when he can't reach the seats in the new stadium, a grey new dump, with little personality;
The Twins have no bullpen;
Yankees 3-2 over Minnesota in ''The Oversized Grey Monument'';
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Yankees
For Those Of You Red Sox & Mets Aficionados Travelling To The 05/22-24/09 Series At Fenway Park From The NY Metropolitan Area
The Rapid Transit Network in and around Boston is operated by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority(M B T A), and is referred to by the locals as "The T", as stations have a T marking the stations. The Subway Lines are the Green Line, Red Line, Blue Line, Orange Line and Silver Line;
Now, for those Natives of Boston, rooting for the Red Sox, you know the way to Fenway Park, once inside of Boston, but this is a travel instruction for Red Sox Nation and NY Mets Fans, coming into Boston, from the Greater NY Area. I do know my way to Fenway Park, as easily as I know the way to Citi Field and That Concrete Toilet in The Bronx, or "The House That Jeter Built On The Site Of An Old Indian Burial Ground, which used to be a NYC Park";
From Northern NJ, you can catch Amtrak at Newark-Penn Station, for a straight through run to either South Station or Back Bay. I prefer Back Bay because you can walk to Copley Station and get the B, C or D Green Line to Kenmore. At Kenmore, you walk to Brookline Avenue, over the MassPike and you'll be deposited at Lansdowne Street and Brookline Avenue, right by the Cask N Flagon, and not far from the Boston Beer Works, or Game On Cafe' or the Bleacher Bar(Sort of The Inspiration For The Modell's Field Club in Citi Field). Again for Northern and Central NJ, you can get a NJ Transit Bus to Port Authority Bus Terminal and get a Peter Pan Bus to South Station, where you would take the Red Line towards Ashmont, or Quincy to Park Street, where there's a free transfer to the B, C, or D Green Line Trolley to Kenmore. If you want to have a speedier trip from South Station or Back Bay, take the T Commuter Rail to Yawkey. It's only $1.70 and may save you $.30, and leaves you right at Fenway Park on Yawkey Way, by Brookline Avenue. Also at Back Bay, you can take the Orange Line to Ruggles, and change for the 8 Bus, which leaves you off at Fenway Park, on Brookline Avenue;
From Brooklyn, one can get the B Line(6th Avenue) to Grand Street, and then walk over to 139 Canal Street, by the Manhattan Bridge, to get a $15 Bus to Boston's South Station. Then, Red Line to Park Street, for transfer to B, C, and D Green Line to Kenmore, or T Commuter Rail to Yawkey;
From North Brooklyn, take the J Train to Canal Street, for Fung Wah Bus. Walk is about 5 Blocks from Canal Street Station. Or take J to Fulton Street and Change to 2,3, A or C to 34th Street-Penn Station for Amtrak, or 42nd Street-8th Avenue for Peter Pan Bus to South Station. From South Station, Red Line to Park and change for Green Lines B, C, or D, or take Commuter Rail to Yawkey;
North Brooklyn-L Train to 14th Street-8th Avenue with change to 1, 2, or 3, or A Trains to either 34th Street(Penn Station) or 42nd Street(PA Bus Terminal). See above transit connections;
Queens-E Train to either Penn Station or PA Bus Terminal for connections. Fastest way is LIRR to Penn Station;
Bronx-I know of some of the Most Rabid Fans of both teams in The World, live in The Borough of "The House That Jeter Built On An Old Indian Burial Ground"(At least One of my friends in "The Family" told me that fact). You have options of connecting above and in NYC. Take Metro North To New Haven and get Amtrak to South Station or Back Bay, and follow the In Boston Travel Directions of T Commuter Rail to Yawkey from South Station or Back Bay, or South Station-Red Line To Park Street, and change for B, C, or D Trolley to Kenmore;
Staten Island-Express Bus to PA Bus Terminal for Bus Connections to South Station. T Commuter Rail to Yawkey or The Red Line to Park then Green Line to Kenmore(B, C, Or D);
CT-Amtrak out of New Haven, New London, or Old Saybrook;
It's bad form to wear a "Buckner E3" Shirt, or shout "Buckner", for you may even be thought of as a Yankee Fan, an a--hole, or both. My suspicion is these ARE Yankee Fans, who forgot to wear their Dent, A-Rod, Jeter or Texiera Shirts. Do NOT Try The "1918" Chant(That Died in '04, BTW), as you may hear chants of "1986", "Strawberry Is A Crackhead", or "Keith Snorts The 1st Base Line", as well as the standard anti-Riviera Chant, where the "F" Word precedes those named on the list;
Doing a "Salute To Roger Clemens" is grounds for a beating;
"Mets Fan" razzes Ol' Manny. Razz him with "Bernie Madoff" or "What Team Would Dare To Employ Tim Mc Carver";
Riding a Trolley called the Green Line, gives one a picture of what life in Boston IS and what life in BROOKLYN, WAS, as NO Trolley runs by that Ebbets Field Quasi-Clone, Citi Field;
Ohhh, there are Party Places by Fenway Park. Citi Field can't compare. I should know-I live in Queens;
Remember The Common Enemy-Yankees and Yankee Fans. Take it out on them. Don't take it out on each other;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Mets
Palm Or iPhone
The more-portable, the better it is;
& Mac remains my favorite operating system, for every imagineable function. Look-no viruses;
The Pez Report
Labels: Palm T/X
Bay, Varitek & Bailey Homered-The Pez Report
Josh Beckett SURVIVED and WON;
Red Sox 5-3 over Mariners in Seattle;
Finally NOT s--ting the bed in Seattle;
They Win;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Unusual-The Pez Report
We were listening to the game on the Long Island Expressway, on the way to Patchogue, Long Island, in Suffolk County. The NY Mets, btw, won 9-6 as Randy Johnson(3-4) was done in, by the 5th Inning, a game on FOX, BTW, W/Kenny Albert & Eric Karros. The SF Giants Radio Network Game Call, was handled by Jon Miller & Duane Kuyper;
I KNOW you're asking this;
YOU'RE ON THE L.I.E. & YOU'RE LISTENING TO THE SF GIANTS FEED & NOT Howie Rose with Wayne Hagan on WFAN 660-NY.You're also asking about what kind of weed we're smoking;
I Know-The Jon Miller in question, is the same guy, who will call the Mets-Giants Game, tomorrow night on ESPN TV, W/HOF & All Around Blowhard, Joe Morgan, but is so much better without HOF Joe Morgan. Miller with Duane Kuyper, is so much-better;
Put Joe Morgan w/Tim Mc Carver & Certain hotlines will ring off the hook. Drinking to excess will occur;
I was at a Moose Dinner in Patchogue. Food was fine-company is good as well;
BTW, KNBR 680 was heard via XM Satellite Radio, which is why David Wright's hits sounded unusual;
9-6 Mets-Put that in the books, LIKE HOWIE ROSE WOULD SAY. NY METS SHIRTS & CAPS ARE IN VOGUE, AGAIN, AS JOHANN SANTANA IS 4-1 & HAD GREAT RUN SUPPORT. BTW, JJ PUTZ GOT HIS 1st Save in the NL, after being in that role for Seattle for a # of years;
Red Sox on XM VIA Dave Niehaus, next, via the Mariners Radio Feed. Looks like I'll be listening to MLB Gameday Audio &WRKO 680 on the Red Sox Radio feed, instead, with Joe Castiglione & Dave O'Brien;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Who Cares, A-Roid?
*Get Email on ur phone!
Did The Twins Reliever have a groin pull?
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; From Toilet III
I Don't Think That Big Papi Can Be Counted On For Awhile-"The Pez Report" Opinion
*LeBron is MVP and more
And David Ortiz has been benched. The Other Day, he went 0-7 as DH, in the 12 Inning Game in Anaheim:
I heard of fizzling out, but this is out like a light;
Seattle isn't all that hot but better than last year;
For The Sox, it seems that all of Jon Lester's Appearances look like where he had left off with Tampa Bay in Game 7 of the '08 ALCS-in short, Jon looks like he is struggling;
10:05PM in Seattle, tonight;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Shea Is Totally Gone
Mets lost to Braves, 8-7 in 12 Innings at Citi Field;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Farewell Shea Stadium, MLB; Hello Citi Field, MLB;NY Mets
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My Palm T/X-The Pez Report
I'm glad that I got this Palm, about 4 years ago. Outside of my Mac, this has been the most-useful device I have owned;
Palm is basically into PDA-Phones now, but Palm has made some fine products;
The Pez Report
Labels: Palm T/X
Reiki-The Pez Report
Though healing & curing are thought of in the same context, they're not the same thing. Curing is physical, whereas Healing is of body and of mind and Spirit;
Curing is the ridding of the ailment & that's it, but you might still feel miserable. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that. You are the one who knows how you feel;
Curing and healing do go hand in hand, but are not the same thing;
The Pez Report
Labels: A Natural Health Revolution
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
More Green "T" From The Pez Report
FRM:T-Alerts Notification
MSG:Green LIne service service is on or near schedule. 5/10/2009 7:44 AM
Sent: 5/10/2009 7:44 AM
(Con't) 2 of 2
Do not reply to this email, this is an outgoing message only. To unsubscribe,
go to:
Labels: MBTA
It's STILL The Steroid Era
I know that Yankee Fans are having a field day over Manny Ramirez;
Hey, you had Roger, GiamBALCO, and A-Roid. In fact you still have A-Roid;
HGH can't be traced w/o a Blood Test. Is that WHY, in June of '05 that Giambi looked so sickly, then in July, he looked like Superman;
Manny took Gonadotrphine to get it up? Sure, and I have a Bridge in Brooklyn, I'd like to sell you;
Remember Roger? I remember him falling on the mound TWICE, in person. Perhaps that was 'roid withdrawl;
And GiamBALCO looked sick in '04 from all that withdrawl from 'roids;
Now, you STILL have A-Roid;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;Manny Being An A--hole, MLB;NY Yankees
Ode To Manny Ramirez-A "The Pez Report" Sendup
Manny, You Betrayed The Nation, from New England, far and wide:
Gave us great joy in '04 & again 2 years ago;
Then you faked us by your slackoff, plotting in the left field wall;
Then you took Gonadotrophin, & that ended it all;
BTW-Manny Ramirez is now on ''The Riviera List'', where the ''F Word'', precedes all those on that list;
Music & Comedy from ''The Pez Report''
Labels: MLB;Manny Being An A--hole
Blowouts From "The Pez Report"
Labels: MLB;NY Mets, MLB;NY Yankees
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Lester Scares Me-A "The Pez Report" Brief Essay
*Request Free Navy DVD: Call 8008609983
Jon Lester is having problems w/his pitch count. He never seems to go past the 5th inning of a game. Giving up 8 runs and 8 hits over 4 1/3 innings, is not a good sign that things are fine and dandy:
W/The final score of 14-5, Rays over Red Sox, it wouldn't be a pleasant ride on the ''T'', for many people, especially if a Green Line Operator feels like going into a text message frenzy, outside of Government Center;
Perhaps Jon could get tuned up by a Reiki treatment, some acupuncture, and perhaps, Quantum Touch, which may make Jon, Jon Again;
It surely beats Manny's Solution;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Yesterday's Crash Advisory From The "T"-Pez Report Special
FRM:T-Alerts Notification
MSG:Due to the ongoing accident investigation,A¿Government Center station will be closed.A¿ Customers
(Con't) 2 of 7
requiringA¿service to Government Center should us Haymarket, State Street and Park Street stations.A¿A¿
FromA¿Park Street
(Con't) 3 of 7
Station make use of the Winter Street concourse to Downtown Crossing for the Orange Line connection to North Station.A¿
(Con't) 4 of 7
either North Station orA¿Haymarket StationA¿take the Orange Line to Downtown then use the Winter Street Concourse to reconnect to the
(Con't) 5 of 7
Green line.
For an alternative to and from the Blue Line at Government Center, please take the Orange Line to State Street Station
Orange Line To Ruggles and Change to 8 Bus to Kenmore for Fenway Park;
Got that Red Sox Fans?
The Pez Report
Labels: MBTA
A Digital Scorecard-The Pez Report-Plus It Was Too Cold To Continue
15 Pedroia4
34 Papi-10
7 Drew-9
44 ~Bay-7
1st MLB Pitch by Livan Hernandez at 6:14pm, ELLSBURY FLIED TO BELTRAN IN CENTER
PEDROIA 1st hit in Citi
Drew k2.
Geena Fazzio threw ceremonial 1st ball-on a wfan contest on ''boomer and carton''.
28-MURPHY OUT 2-6 cs by vtek
5-wright-5 bb
31 -lester-1-25 pitches in 1st inning
walking 3
44-bay-7 flew to murphy
54 carter flew to murphy
12 lowrie6 -8
17 tatis doubled to left
62-10-kielty 5-3
11-2-CASTRO 6-3
1-4castillo 4-3
1st mlb rbi by boston's chris carter, driving in drew;
The MDC screwed up my evening;
Buckner Shirt Wearers NEED TO G F Y;
The Pez Report Digital Scorecard From Citi Field in Corona, Queens
Labels: MLB; Hello Citi Field
When NOT To Text-A Pez Special Report
The Conductor or Operator of the 2nd Train, perhaps texting the words "Manny Needs His Head Examined By A Proctologist", or "Hooray Rod Uses Estrogen", saw a Red Signal, but was driving the train at an unsafe speed, and, Bang, there was a collision, sending some folks, including "The Mad Texting Train Operator", to nearby Hospitals;
7:10PM, The Red Sox were paying Tribute to The Life of Dom Di Maggio, as well as going on to crush Shields and His Rays, 7-3. The Green Line gets huge crowds for the journey to Kenmore;
The Mad Texter screwed up this evening with the crash, shutting down the Green Line;
Wicked F--king Pissah F--king Brilliant, A--hole;
Click on The The Title;
The Pez Report
Labels: MBTA
The Reason WHY Essays Are Called "The Pez Report"
One fair Saturday, after going with a Red Sox Meetup Group, to the land of Canned Chili and Manhattan Clam Chowder, to that dive at West 4th Street and 7th Avenue South, the evening before, from whence I had a touch of Food Poisoning from the Canned Chili, I caught some heat from The Gang at Professor Thom's. For you see, I had gone to the place where the "F" Word precedes the name of the place, & the Owners of The Place, especially Kazmerzcyk(Pronounced Kazmarek). Let's just say that this place is named after a region of Southern France and Northern Italy, as well as Monaco, noted for incredibly beautiful beaches and Soft, Beautiful Women. This place calls itself a Red Sox Bar, but WHAT TF kind of Red Sox Bar would still have a picture of that Reprobate, William R. Clemens, in a Red Sox Jersey, as well as a choice of only 3 Tap Beers, and whose General Manager is a Yankees Fan? OK, it's called "The Riviera Bar And Sports Cafe'" and is NOT on Jim Mc Guire's Recommended List of Red Sox-Friendly Locations, probably because Alex Rodriguez would feel at home, there;
As I was enjoying Freshly-Made Chili at Professor Thom's, a place where Alex Rodriguez would NOT feel at home in, The Esteemed Mr Wertz, noticing that my head was as shorn as Kevin Youkilis, or Telly Savalas, had a Charlie Brown Pez Dispenser on the bar. The Dispenser was known as Giant Pez, as Charlie Brown has never been seen with hair, so hence my nickname of Pez, was born;
"The Pez Report", It Shall Be!
Labels: The Pez Report
The Pez Report Presents "Parking At Citi Field"
The Pez Report;
ONLY a small amount of rubble is left from Shea Stadium. It's being paved over for the Citi Field Parking Lot;
There's a new restaurant-pub, beyond the Bullpen Entrance to Citi Field, by 34th Avenue & 126th Street, called The Dugout Lounge. Give 'em your business;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Hello Citi Field
Drug Commercials On TV Sports-A "The Pez Report" Special
Valdrex was the drug of the night on ESPN NBA Coverage. Supposedly, it prevents genital herpes;
BTW, so does ABSTINENCE, which BTW, has no side effets, and is not a drug;
''Hi, I'm the town hoowah, & have herpes+advanced syphillus, while my partner, the Health Commissioner has nothing, & we took Valdrex & he caught nothing'';
Yeah, sure;
Imagine a drug called ''Manny's Passion'', with this warning of banned by Major League Baseball. Well, Manny is banned for 49 more games;
Comedy & Commentary from ''The Pez Report''
Friday, May 08, 2009
38,646 Saw This At Citi Field-The Pez Report
*Rihanna news
8th inning at Citi Field-Mets scored 5X with 11 batters, it's
7-2 Mets over Pirates in the top of the 9th . J.J. Putz facing the Pirates in the 9th inning:
Jon Niese pitched well for the Mets, w/no decision. Bobby Parnell stands to get the win. Putz allowed a walk to PH Eric Hinske, then another walk, then a single to Freddy Sanchez, and it's 7-3 Mets in the top of the 9th inning. Mc Louth flew to Beltran & it's over;
Sr Carlos Delgado clocked a 3 run bomb in the bottom of the 8th inning;
38,646 @ Citi Field, tonight. A funny name in tribute to Oriole Park @ Camden Yards, could be Citi Field At Iron Triangle Junk Yards(LOL);
Mets win their 5th in a row;
The Pez Report for 05/08/09
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
Slappy Mc Bluelips On The 1st Pitch From Guthrie-Like tbs, Very Funny
Mr Slappy Mc Bluelips has returned. With 2 runners on board, the quasi-screwup, One Jeremy Guthrie, gave up a 3 run homer to Mc Bluelips, by hanging up a fastball to the centre of the plate:
I am not pleased, as the Yankees lead the Orioles, 3-0;
Slappy Mc Bluelips is Alex Rodriguez;
CC Sabathia is pitching. He's pitching quite-well. He had his cheeseburgers;
Complete Game for Consumate Cheeseburger Sabathia-4-0 Yankees over Orioles at Camden Yards;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Yankees
MMDCC=2700-A Special "The Pez Report"
Married for 61 years, he leaves a wife, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
He wasn't flashy. He was good. Like his Legendary Brother Joe, he was a Centerfielder He did star in the 1946 World Series, which the Red Sox lost in 7 games to the St. Louis Cardinals. He retired in 1953. Dom stayed in MA, for the next 56 years, where he ran an upholstery business and car seat business. He served his country for 3 years, during WWII;
On this evening at Fenway Park, Dom will be remembered & in style, as the Red Soox clocked Tampa Bay, 7-3, with J D Drew clocking a 2 run bomb into the rcf bleachers. Jason Bay, the Manny Replacement, clobbered a 3 run shot(Just like old times);
On YES, Tribute was paid-even I got a bit moist-eyed;
Where Have You Gone, Dom Di Maggio;
Kyrie Elaison;
Requiscant In Pacem;
The Pez Report For 5/08/09
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
MMDCXCIX-Gonadotropin-"The Pez Report For 05/08/09"
I know that players like to seek an edge;
Gonadotropin, a 'roid, aids in the increase in Testosterone. This drug treats both Males and Females;
Now, I can see WHY James Timothy Mc Carver, went Postal over Manny RAMIREZ, in Post-Season last year. Manny, beloved by Red Sox Nation, often put up with "Manny Being Manny" for a number of years. In short, Manny was being an a--hole, for periods of time, going through, possibly, Male Menopause. Then, again, Manny was looking for attention;
BUT, going to some Doctor, other than the Team Doctor, shouldda sent up red flags. Why NOT your club's Doctor;
HOW will Joe Torre manage the Dodgers? Frankly, I'm of The Opinion that the World Champion Yankees of 1996, 1998, 1999 and Y2K were Co-Managed by Don Zimmer. When George Steinbrenner forced Zimmer out, Torre deteriorated as Yankees Manager, from '03, onward;
I have never seen so many players play into their 40s. When I was a kid in Brooklyn, NY, 35 was Senior Citizen Status. 45 is the new 35;
Manny was seeking "The Fountain Of Yout" as we'd say in Brooklyn;
I can see WHY Mc Carver, referred to Manny's Antics as "Despicable, Despicable";
Manny isn't being Manny-He is NOW an A--hole. Youth cannot be found at the end of a Syringe. WHY NOT try Acupuncture, which is both safe and NATURAL;
The End Of "The Pez Report"
Labels: MLB;Manny Being An A--hole
The Pez Report For 05/07/09
Jose' Reyes homered to the left field seats. It's 5-1 Mets in the top of the 3rd inning, with the Phillies at Bat;
Ramon Castro clocked a two run double, 7-1 Mets in the 3rd inning, knocking out Phillies Starter, Jamie Moyer, who lasted 2 1/3 innings;
Solo shot by the Phillies Ryan Howard beyond the 415 sign in right center field, the deepest part of Citi Field, w/ Mets leading 7-3 in the 6th inning;
OK, The Cleveland Indians were leading the Red Sox, 2-1, in the bottom of the 6th inning, when the Olde Towne Team, doing it for Jerry Remy, scored 9 runs and are still batting, so far leading 10-2;
Pelfrey has completed 7 innings for the Mets, who lead the Phillies, 7-3. Mike threw 105 pitches;
Bottom of the 7th inning and David Wright is on via a walk. Nothing across;
Top of 8th-strange call by 1st Base Umpire, Tim Welke, on a strange interference call. It allowed the Phillies 2 more runs, so Mets lead 7-5, in bottom of 8th inning;
Final of 13-3 RED SOX, TYING A MLB RECORD, SET BY THE BROOKLYN DODGERS IN 1952, by scoring 12 runs in one inning, all with no out;
Top of 9th Inning, K-ROD IN RELIEF FOR THE METS, 2 out in the top of the 9th . Mets WIN IT, 7-5;
About home runs in the New Yankee Stadium-with the short porches, none of those homers were homers in Shea Stadium, nor Citi Field. In Citi Field, it's truly a challenging, asymetrical experience, paying tribute to both the Polo Grounds and Ebbets Field, as well, in part, to Shea Stadium. The current Yankee Stadium's dimensions are the same as the recently-shuttered stadium. In short, all that the Yankees did was build a quasi-clone of the prior stadiums. It's a pop fly homer haven. After Johnny Damon homered into the rf seats, it was 6-6;
Mariano Rivera is NOT A SURE THING, for he gave up consecutive solo homers,one to Carl Crawford(Same spot as Damon's), followed by Evan Longoria(Left Field). Yankees lost to Tampa Bay, 8-6. NONE OF THOSE HOMERS WOULD'VE LEFT THE FIELD IN CITI FIELD;
& Manny-you're an a--hole;
Good Night;
From ''The Pez Report''
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Mets, MLB;NY Yankees
Thursday, May 07, 2009
MLB New York Mets
1) Baseball Today (AP)
2) Mets place Oliver Perez on DL with sore knee (Yahoo! Sports)
3) Mets put struggling LHP Oliver Perez
It May Have Been A Medical Treatment
I'll find out later;
Labels: MLB
Manny Ramirez Got Caught
He's out 50 Games;
He tested Positive for Performance-Enhancing Drugs, according to MLB;
What it was, no one knows;
Labels: MLB
There Are Two MLB Broadcasters I've Known With Lung Cancer
For 6 Seasons in Boston, 2 In Baltimore and 42 Seasons with The Mets, Robert Allen(Bob)Murphy, gave many a Happy Recap, in New England, in Maryland and all over NY-NJ-CT. His call on WHN 1050 in 1986(Game 6 in the 1986 World Series in The 10th Inning), was the Highlight of his Broadcasting Career. Murph was "The Voice Of Summer In NY". Murphy, as it turned out, was a Heavy Smoker. Bob retired after the '03 Season. Bob died from Lung Cancer in August, '04, at 80;
Late in '08, Jerry Remy had Lung Cancer Surgery. He was recovering, when he caught an Infection and has suffered from Pneumonia. He's at Home and in The Battle Of His Life, here in '09. And Remy is ONLY 56 Years Young;
I miss Ol' Murphy. I already miss Remy;
Murphy Never Made it To Citi Field. Remy, at least, got to see Citi Field, during the 2 Game Exhibition Openers;
It's a rough Season;
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Mets, NESN, SNY, W F A N
Bombshell Information-The RemDawg-It's Serious
I was wondering what was going on. We People of Good Will, will keep him in our prayers;
I, 1st watched Jerry on FOX Saturday Baseball, in 2000. He was a Joy, then and NOW;
Get Well Gerald, Please;
Labels: FOX Sports; MLB, MLB; Boston Red Sox, NESN
Jonathan Van Every is no Covelli Loyce(Coco)Crisp;
Yankees Suck;
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Thahhhhh Yankees Suck
NY Yankees are now losing vs the AL East;
Labels: MLB;NY Yankees
Phils Vs Mets
I'm amazed that Chan Ho Park can still pitch, but when one pitches in Texas, one tends to suck;
1-0 Mets is the final score;
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Free(As In Air)Acupuncture
You heard me-FREE AS IN AIR;
Sponsored by the Asian Services Division of St. Vincent's Hospital, to treat stress & depression, it will leave you relaxed. Herbal Tea is served before & after treatment;
Get well-it's a bargain;
A Suggestion For Big Papi
Perhaps, your qi is blocked. Qi is prounounced as chi, as in cheese or Cleese(John, that is). It has been awhile since you've put one either in the seats or out of the park;
Perhaps, a few acupuncture treatments might be up your alley, followed by a Reiki Treatment. You'll feel better, more-relaxed, and may be able to concentrate & be able to poke some pitches into the hinterlands;
It's just a suggestion, as these therapies work;
Or You can wait until Oliver Perez pitches again;
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
1) Livan Hernandez, Mets sweep Braves, 4-3 (AP)
2) Umpire Foster misses Mets-Braves game (AP)
*Rihanna news
Red Sox Take The 2nd Game In The New Launching Pad
Joba Chamberlain k'd 12, after doing his ''Oliver Perez'' imitation in the 1st Inning, as the Yankees Starter;
Tampa Bay plays the Yankees at the launching pad, on Wednesday Evening @ 7:05PM;
& Michael Kay is STILL Annoying;
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Yankees
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Labels: Cinco de Mayo
CBS News Breaking
Labels: CBS News
On My Future
I believe that it can help people heal themselves, and de-stress them;
I worked in Law Enforcement. I have met real professionals in the business. Unfortunately, I have met my share of a--holes, who cause needless suffering, often for their own personal benefit;
If it is my calling, so be it. I'm investigating the study of Massage Therapy. It beats being a desk jockey;
Labels: Me
Palm Comment
W/a wi-fi & bluetooth connection, you can't beat the Palm E2 & Palm T/X. One can e-mail a report or fax it, while sitting anywhere. One need not be tied to a desk to be productive;
Screw the desk-get into fresh air-much better for you.
Labels: Palm T/X
Monday, May 04, 2009
Jon Lester Vs Phil Hughes At 7:05P(NESN, YES And ESPN)
Now, in the case of Jon Lester, he's forcing the Bullpen to work harder, instead of eating up innings, because of having thrown 100+ pitches by the 5th Inning. This needs to change and soon. The Two Game Set is at Yankee Stadium III, a place where David Ortiz may break out of his Homer-less Slump, as The New Stadium has seen 27 Homers clobbered, in April;
We shall see how Mr Hughes does against the traditionally power-laden Red Sox Lineup;
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Brad Penny-The Latest Candidate To Be Labled An "Oliver Perez"
He's my 1st Nominee in The "Ollie Perez" Sweepstakes;
He doesn't get there by being paid $36M for 3 Years. He has pitching problems;
David Wells was huge, as well, but, at least, David could pitch;
Perhaps, Omar The Clueless could have him;
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
An Announcement
One can only sit at a desk for so long, handling loads of stress, especially when there's no physical outlet. I 'll even head back to school;
It will be of a healing nature. During this medical leave, I have learned quite a bit about alternative medicine and healing. I'd rather facilitate healing, rather than act aggressively against people, a has been done in law enforcement, through the years, as it leads to bad burnout;
Pray for me, folks;
Labels: Me
In 1986, The Bruins were the only Boston team w/o the karma. The Red Sox had the karma, except in Games 6 &7 of the 1986 World Series. The Celtics had the karma, as did the Patriots;
2-0 Carolina, was the final score;
Labels: NHL
Sunday, May 03, 2009
More Bruins Comment
Labels: NHL
Bruins Comment
Labels: NHL
Final Score In Tampa
*Swine Flu news
Another Day Late & Another "Penny" Short
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Breaking News
Labels: CBS News
Last Night's Final Score
*Stay connected on the go!
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
347.742.3834(The Number To Call For WorkSong Community Acupuncture)
Sliding Scale, between $15 and $40-Pay what you can afford. She has 5 0 Gravity Chairs and 3 Tables;
Peaceful way to become well;
Give her a call;
Labels: Acupuncture Place
Buck Was Mc Carver-less, Yesterday
A Mc Carverless Buck is better than Buck with Ol' Tim;
Mets lose it 6-5. Oliver Perez STILL SUCKS;
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
TWO Days In A Wind Tunnel In The Bronx
The ball carries really-well in YS III(Just ask Jeter);
"Jimmy Fund" Fundraiser at Professor Thom's;
For 2 More Nights, we're stuck with that Professional Putz, he who spoke of "No Hitters and The Holocost", Michael Kay and the YES Crew;
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
Final Score
*Stay connected on the go!
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
2-0 Red Sox In The 1st Inning
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
NESN Looks Strange-Sorta Like tbs
Labels: NESN
6-2 was the final. It was as if Justin Masterson was Oliver Perez;
Watch out for DFYankees-they're warming up;
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Friday, May 01, 2009
From February 17th, '09-Is THIS A Harbringer For The '09 Mets Season?
I burst into tears a couple of minutes later;
Cassie of Bensonhurst and George of Woodside, I thank both of you for standing next to me when it all really ended;
@ 11:00AM, ET, Today, The remaining ramp & utility shed, will come down. But, it was the seating areas and concourses removal, which said ''SHEA IS GONE'';
Shea Goodbye-Farewell Shea Stadium*
Labels: MLB; Farewell Shea Stadium, MLB;NY Mets
My Palm T/X
It, like the Palm T/X, was simple to use, when writing documents, and was adapted for web use, with the unit being linked to the web with a mobile phone, using infrared:
Currently, my Palm T/X, links to my eMac, via Bluetooth, as to exchange documents, without wires. It can operate on the web with either a bluetooth or infrared phone, or on Wi-Fi. I think of the Palm T/X, as if it was a laptop computer, only w/o the weight;
The current unit is now 4 years old, and is still useful, and old by handheld standards;
It's a keeper, as it keeps working;
Labels: Palm T/X
REAL Reiki
In real Reiki, it is a light, gentle touch type of therapy, NOT one, where my muscles feel tight, or where one is quite-sore after a treatment. Reiki is not about painful treatment;
There is speaking by the therapist, of a gentle nature. Somehow, my therapist tended to know my area of pain, slightly in my right leg. This is Energy Therapy;
The Great Reiki Master Teacher, Sheryl Glick, handled the treatment. It was a free treatment. I enjoyed every minute of the session. It was offered by ''The Center For Alternative Medicine'', a nice place at 84-16 Jamaica Avenue, in Woodhaven, here in Queens;
Labels: Alternative Medicine