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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MMDCCLXXXVII-Mets Fans In A Dilema

THIS was a perplexing time for Mets Fans. There are, currently, 2 factions in ''Orange & Blue Land'':

''The Nouveau Faction'' will root for the Yankees, whenever a NL East team is involved. The Traditioalits, known as ''Shea's Old Guard'', will root for the Yankees, when pigs fly, meaning NEVER;

I can imagine how it would sound in a Catholic Confessional Booth. The booth would sound rather unusual;

''Bless Me Father, for I have Sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession.''

If the priest is a Yankees Fan, he will mete out almost no Penance. If the priest is a Mets Fan:

10 Our Fathers, 10 Hail Marys, 10 Glory BeS', & Make a Good Act of Contrition;

If you're a Mets fan, here's hoping your confessors weren't either Bishop Thomas V. Daily or Bishop W'm Murphy, as both were ordained for the RC Archdiocese of Boston. That penance would be a whopper;

The Pez Report



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