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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Changes In Printed Word Media-The NY Times

The Era of The Broadsheet Newspaper is fading away. I received news that the NY Times is about to stop printing:

You read me correctly-''All The News That's Fit To Print'', soon will not be printing. The newspaper business in NYC, is getting smaller;

I was a child of 7 in Brooklyn, & remember the following newspapers;
The NY Daily News, The NY Mirror, The NY World Telegram & Sun, the LI Press, the NY Journal-American, The NY Herald-Tribune, The NY Post, and the NY Times. This was a great newspaper town before the big newspaper strike, in 1962;

The Mirror folded in 1964. The Journal-American, World Telegram & Sun & Herald Tribune merged to become the NY World Journal Tribune. It folded in 1966. The Long Island Press folded around 1976;

One hardy survivor of the print wars, has published continuously since 1801. The NY Post, a tabloid, used to be an evening paper. It used to be Liberal, until K. Rupert Murdoch became Publisher, under News Corporation;

The NY Daily News soldiers onward, every morning, as does the NY Post, as both are tabloids;

With the reported passing of the NY Times, NYC will be a tabloid town, with Newsday-NYC, in the mix;

I feel for the printers and drivers, who'll be hurt in this change. I find it kind of strange that the NY Times built a huge printing plant in College Point-Queens, as soon there will be no use for it;

The Red Sox Ownership, includes a 17% Ownership by The NY Times Company, Owners of Boston.Com & The Boston Globe. The Boston Globe is a broadsheet;

The NY Times still has the Fine, Classical Music Radio Station, W Q X R-FM, 96.3. It so-compliments the NY Times;

The Web is killing the fine art of the printed word;

The Pez Report

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