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Saturday, May 09, 2009

When NOT To Text-A Pez Special Report

As Sully would say, "Really Cutting Edge, Wicked Pissah F--king Brilliant" and as Fitzy would proclaim "You Need To G F Y", a Green Line Trolley was stuck between Park Street and Government Center in Boston, Last Night, in Rush Hour. There was a nasty accident on The "T", when another Green Line Train, plowed into the rear of the Stuck Train, and 49 People were hurt:

The Conductor or Operator of the 2nd Train, perhaps texting the words "Manny Needs His Head Examined By A Proctologist", or "Hooray Rod Uses Estrogen", saw a Red Signal, but was driving the train at an unsafe speed, and, Bang, there was a collision, sending some folks, including "The Mad Texting Train Operator", to nearby Hospitals;

7:10PM, The Red Sox were paying Tribute to The Life of Dom Di Maggio, as well as going on to crush Shields and His Rays, 7-3. The Green Line gets huge crowds for the journey to Kenmore;

The Mad Texter screwed up this evening with the crash, shutting down the Green Line;

Wicked F--king Pissah F--king Brilliant, A--hole;

Click on The The Title;

The Pez Report



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