lansdowne126's videos on Dailymotion

Friday, November 30, 2007

A Reading From The Book Of The "Profitable" Isaiah

"I'm Not Going ANYWHERE. Neither is my team":

Last Night with an air of Certain "SUCKtitude", the Knicks showed up on the Parquet Floor in TD Banknorth Garden in Boston;

They left early in the 2nd Qtr, as far as play was concerned, losing 105 to 59 to the Revamped Celtics;

Oh & Yes, Both Dolans, with emphasis on Jim, are now on "The Riviera List";



3 More Guys Added To The Infamous "Riviera" List

This is where it gets wilder in addition to the Professor Thom's World Series Chant of "F--- Kazmercyk", chanted in Post Season in the 7th Inning:

The Mets Two Greatest Clubhouse Barristers, Alois Leiter & Johnny "Load 'Em Up" Franco, are here for the '08 Season. Leiter is a SHILL on the YES Network, for some team in The Bronx & was mentioned in the Plot to rid the Mets Of Scott Kazmir;

John Franco never did lower his Rock Music in his palatial estate in Todt Hill, Staten Island & that's why the Golf Club he wanted to join, told him to stuff it. Also was mentioned in the Plot To Get Rid Of Scott Kazmir;

Mets Pitching Coach Rick Peterson, also mentioned in that same infamous plot, & is DESPISED by Mets Pitchers who were Traded(Just Ask Heath Bell);

The Word "F---" will proceed your names, guys, during assorted chantings of "The List";

Like The Great Fitzy Would Say "GFY";



Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jon Lester Wins 2007 Tony Conigliaro Award

This M L B Award was established in 1990, to commemorate a player who came back from Adversity, to perform to great standards, in the Determined Spirit of Tony Conigliaro, a member of the 1967 "Impossible Dream Red Sox", who was hit in the face with a Rising Fast Ball, in a game @ Fenway Park-Boston, between the California Angels & The Red Sox, in August, 1967;

Tony C. came back in 1968 & retired in 1971, as a member of the '71 Angels;

Tony died in 1990;

Last Year, the Red Sox had a TERRIFIC Rookie Pitcher named Jon Lester, all the way through August, '06. Then, something was wrong. On September 1st, '06, Jon Lester was diagnosed with Lymphoma. He took his treatments;

On September 2nd, '06, it was supposed to be Jon's next start. I was @ Fenway, that day;

On October 28th, '07, Jon Pitched the Game of All Games. His Victory clinched the '07 World Series;

The Tony Conigliaro Award was Most-Deserved;



MCD-1400-Very Funny

From The Home Office in Watertown, MA, Top 10 Signs Your Knights Of Columbus Free Throw Basketball Championship Is On Television. Here we go:

#10:Girls Championship Starts @ 10:09PM-Eastern, with Contest in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn;

#9: Girls Contest is on a network, where their Motto is “Very Funny” & so is their start time;

#8: TBS Coverage Free Throw Commentators are Chip Caray, Dick Stockton, & Ron Darling, with Pre-Game Show Coverage from Cal Ripkin J R & Tony Gwynn;

#7: All those virtual “Frank TV” Promos;

#6: First 20 Minutes of Contest on FOX, shows Contestant, Foul Line, Crowd Shots, Contestant, Derek Jeter, Contestant making shot, Jeter, Contestant's Parents, Jeter, Jeter's Parents, Jeter;

#5:Boys Championship on FOX, starting @ 8:37PM-Eastern, from Forest Hills, Queens, with Pre-Game from the Gang at “FOX NFL Sunday”, live from Hollywood;

#4:Most Feared Words on FOX, spoken by THIS Guy;
“I'm Joe Buck & Will be joined in a moment by Tim Mc Carver & Troy Aikman”;

#3:With a lull in the action, Mc Carver talks about both the 1927 & 1961 Yankees, & compares contestants shooting to Derek Jeter's throwing;

#2: Thousands of calls from all over New England, flooding TBS & FOX Switchboards, begging both networks to tell Caray & Mc Carver to just STOP all that Yankees Worship, especially about Jeter & A-Rod;

#1: Derek Jeter breaks silence & remarked that “The Guy With The Dye's Gotta Go”.

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Oremus-For Whom We Prayed At Mass For-Last Night @ K of C #5103

5 Brother Knights who passed on in Later 2006 & so far into 2007, including Past Grand Knight George Aupperle, SK Walter Niewinski, Brother Robert Michel & Two Other Members, whose Names Escape me:

For Past Grand Knight John J Preiss, recovering from Heart Surgery;

For The Souls In Purgatory;

& For The Living of Msgr Sherman Council;


In Nomini Patris, Et Filli, Et In Spiritu Sancti, Amen


Monday, November 26, 2007

A Close Associate's Download This Evening

The two of us are friends & Associates, as well as K of C Past Grand Knights & 4th Degree Sir Knights. After all, in 1492, Columbus Sailed The Ocean Blue, hence the logo of a ship;

He, like I am, is of Irish Descent. He's taking Gaelic Lessons. He needed a program to practice his Gaelic Writing;

I helped him download Neolithic Office, called Neo Office for short, a program based on Open Office Code, which has Irish Gaelic Language Support. Neo Office is the Mac OS X Porting of Open Office, & runs natively on Mac OS X(10.3.9-Panther & Above into Tiger & Leopard);

I also have Neo Office. It renders text more-clearly than Microsoft Office '04-Mac. & it writes & translates into various file formats, including MS Word, MS Word '03-'04 & MS Word '07-'08, as well as Open Document Format & Star Office, among others;

It just may end up as the Official 4th Degree Communications Software, for Assembly & Private Communications, as Appleworks 6 is a bit dated, though good for business cards & miscellaneous things;

Neo Office, also saves as Portable Document Format or P D F, for easy export via e-mail;

The Price can't be beat-it's free. For Mac OS X users, the link is on the right side of this blog. Ditto, Open Office's icon is posted as Windows & LINUX users, have an alternative to Microsoft Office. It has similar functionality to Neo Office & is also free. Sure beats ponying up $399 to $499 to Microsoft for a suite of Applications, though MS Office '04-Mac is better than its' Windows Cousin;



Shea Goodbye(1964-2008)

It all started here:
The 1st M L B Game, on September 2nd, 1966, before 15,000+Fans & The Mets Lost 6-0 to The Phillies. My Yankees-Hating Days had begun & in earnest. Dad's words in regards to the $3.50 Box Seats, between 3rd & Home, were 'These Seats are expensive'. He wasn't thrilled about paying $.55 for a cup of Rheingold, either. I can say that I was in Shea, in the Pre-Seaver Era:

I was around for the Borden's Coupon Era, as well, when 15 of those things would get you into Shea Stadium, on certain days. I once saw a ballplayer, in 1967, honored by the C Y O, on an afternoon game. His 1st Name was Tom. The Year was 1967. His last name was NOT Glavine, for sure, but this Tom won over 300 Games, & dubbed "The Franchise". Yes, his name is Seaver;

For I remember watching Doubleheaders(Remember Them?) for the price of $1.30, in Upper Level. Now, prices are as high as $22, for the Interleague Series with those lost souls, who play in "The Toilet" in The Bronx, The Yankees, where such chants as "Gay Rod, Gay-Rod, Gay-Rod, Gay-Rod, Jeter's Boyfriend", are sung in Shea Stadium. Old Fenway Park Chants, such as "Jeter Swallows", are commonplace, if someone wears a Yankees Jersey with #2 on the back;

I witnessed the filming of The Triple Play Scene, for the movie, "The Odd Couple", starring Jack Lemmon & Walter Matthau. It was done in one take, as Current Baseball Hall Of Famer, Bill Mazerowski of the Pittsburgh Pirates, hit into the "Triple Play." This was in June, 1967 & the Mets won that game over The Pirates;

I remember $3 Standing Room for NY Jets Games. Shea Stadium was @ its' Windiest & Coldest for those Games & you could go into the Mets Bullpen & toss a football around during those games, as there's a men's bathroom, next to the bullpen. I even got my 1st In Person look @ the NY Giants, who waited for Giants Stadium in NJ, to open. It was 1975 & the Mets shared the ballpark with the Jets, Giants & Yankees. Yankee Stadium was being renovated & would reopen in 1976. The Shea Grass was ruined by overuse in 1975;

His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, visited Shea Stadium for a Prayer Rally, in October, 1979. I was in Upper Level for that occasion;

I was in Shea Stadium for a North American Soccer League Playoff Game, in 1976 & the Great Pele', scored. So many of my Sports 1sts were at Shea Stadium;

IF you're curious about that symbol on top of this blog, it's a patch to be worn by Mets Players in the Farewell Year of Shea Stadium, in '08;

The Sad Memories by Red Sox Nation of Game 6 of the 1986 World Series, still linger, but now, many Red Sox Fans, who're unable to get tickets @ Fenway Park, now make the 4 Hour trek to Mets Games @ Shea Stadium, The NYC Home of Red Sox Nation In Exile. Outside of NY Mets Caps, Boston Red Sox Caps, are visible in great #s @ Shea Stadium. I don my Red Sox Cap @ Mets Games, all the time;

& it'll be a bit teary-eyed as both Mum & Da, are gone, as they took me to that place, so I would understand that in life, you can't win everyday. That's an important lesson. Thanks to both for imparting that lesson;



Mr "Show Me The Money"-Rod

'Nuff Said!



An Online Award For Evangelisation-MCCCXCV

My Friend over @ "V For Victory", the Idaho Barrister & Third Order Dominican, Anita Moore, formerly from the Apostolic See Of Los Angeles, CA(Home Of Mahony Baloney & a mother lode of Lawsuits), has passed on this Icon, which I must use to nominate outstanding Catholic Blogs in their specialty. I'm Honoured & Quite Moved;

Considering that this is mostly a Sports Blog, I was nominated for promoting Gregorian Chant, which plays every time someone logs into this site. Then again, as one who's experiencing the Great Revival of The Traditional Latin Mass, it's only Right & Just(Dignum Et Justum Est), that Gregorian Chant, be the Official Music Of This Blog. Imagine reading an article about The Boston Red Sox Triumph in the '07 World Series & being hit with "Gloria In Excelcis Deo." That Prayer was sung in Latin, to commemorate the great victory, as well as to remind readers that there's MORE to life than mere Sport. "Pange Domine" is the selection, currently-playing here;

Over to your right side is "Salve Regina" out of British Columbia, Canada, Managed by a Paramedic named Georgia Lee, under the pseudonym, Paramedicgoldengirl. She's been selected for her outstanding efforts & writings, as the 1st of 5 nominations. More to come, later, as work awaits me, here in NYC, this early, showery morning;

Pax Vobiscum;



The Altar Server Awards of 11-25-07

It was nice of my Home Knights Of Columbus Council, Msgr Sherman #5103 in East Glendale, Queens, to sponsor a Nice Catholic Event, which is a program of the K of C Home Office in New Haven:

It was a nice get-together with the families of the Sacred Heart Parish Altar Servers with presentations & a party, afterwards;

In two years, a total of 68 Altar Servers from Sacred Heart-East Glendale, by Msgr Sherman #5103, have been honored, in both '06 & '07;

The 1st Time Altar Servers were honored by this Council, was on Sunday, 02/22/1998, when after the 10:00AM Mass @ Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs-Forest Hills, when 64 Altar Servers were honored. I was Grand Knight @ the time & Council & 5103 Building Corporation Officers, were @ the Mass. One of those Building Corporation Officers of that time, is the Current Grand Knight. The Ceremony ran from 10:50AM to 11:25AM in that Church. Also, a total of 7 other people were honored, including 3 Servers, who served @ Masses in The Council. One of the 3 Servers, was our Memorial Mass Cantor. She has since graduated from University, as I write this;

A 2nd, abeit abridged Ceremony, was held after the 9:30AM Mass, on Sunday, 03/01/1998, on the 1st Hospitality Sunday, in the Basement of Sacred Heart Church. 7 Servers were honored. The Deacon in Charge of The Servers, claimed to have been visited by Representatives Of The Supreme Council Department Of Fraternal Services, who swore him to secrecy, never to reveal who they are, if I was to ask any questions. According to that Deacon, who's now a Priest, the Award Certificates are Invalid & he was ordered to destroy them;

I eventually, over 8 Years Time, found Out who the 3 "Reps" were. All 3 are Past Grand Knights. Let's just say that 2 of them belong to an Organization, whose HQ is @ 71 West 23rd Street, by 6th Avenue in Manhattan, noted for keeping people in the dark, wearing rings, with the letter "G" on them. The Knights Of Columbus SWEARS NO ONE To Secrecy;

Michael-Past Grand Knight-Queens


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Supposedly In Europe, This Is A Catholic Church

Really? It looks more like the NBA or NHL could play there. Maybe, even the NFL could have a Regular Season Game there(Televised on FOX). That guy, above or to the side, may even provide commentary;

I can imagine Mass, there. How Sterile Looking is it, inside? Will there be ANYTHING to remind People there, of The Catholic Faith? Or will it look like some museum of Abstract Art;

In other words, this is another "Taj Rogggah", as in Mahony. In Oakland, CA, they're erecting a Cathedral, which could be mistaken for a new arena for the Golden State Warriors of The NBA. Trouble is, Catholic Churches today, look SO-PROTESTANT;

Whatever happened to the CATHOLIC Identity? Only one totally-rebuilt Catholic Church, it being in Manhattan on East 43rd Street, between Lexington & 3rd Avenues, by Grand Central Station, called St. Agnes', has its' tabernacle in the Centre, has an Altar Rail, is a Traditional Mass Facility, & in Novus Ordo Masses, has Gregorian Chant, as well as Traditional Hymns of Praise To God, not self-affirmation songs. BTW, most people KNEEL for The Holy Communion, instead of standing in line;

We Catholics must pray for & demand that kind of Church, especially like that one on East 43rd Street in Manhattan;

Otherwise, all is for naught;

In Nomini Patris, Et Filli, Et In Spiritu Sancti, Amen;



The Feast Of Christ The King-Last Sunday Of The Liturgical Year

As Thanksgiving in the United States came early this year, strangely on the 44th Anniversary of a Presidential Assassination, Advent does not come until next Sunday. The Gloria is not sung until the 8th Of December, on The Feast Of The Immaculate Conception & @ no other time in Advent:

We Honor The Lord on this Sunday, but His Words were spoken during His Passion & Suffering, on the Way To The Cross;

But, he is being Celebrated for the End of This Year;

He should be celebrated EVERY DAY & Worshipped Accordingly;

Let's NOT Forget To Receive Him In The Most-Blessed Sacrament of The Altar;

In Nomini Patris, Et Filli, Et In Spiritu Sancti, Amen;



Saturday, November 24, 2007

Dem Guys & Their "Fans" I Don't Like

'Nuff Ced


(Note-JPEG Created With Appleworks 6)


MCCCXC-Remember The Overkill-I'll Soon Have An Entourage

I hated Microsoft Office. Windows Versions are clunky & Uninspiring. Then, I downloaded Microsoft Office '04 – Mac and have been playing with it, over the last 24 Hours.
To my surprise, it's actually a good program. What's really selling me on it, is the e-mail program, called Entourage, which was set up in only 2 clicks. I hate Outlook & Outlook Express, but I'm impressed with Entourage & its' ease of set up and use.
I was a Windows User @ Home & Work for over 14 Years, but a Mac user, from home for less than 4 Years. These 24 Hours have been the most fun, I've had using Microsoft Office in 10 of those years. I now believe that MS Office has a future on my Mac. Creative Professionals use MS Office on the Mac. Microsoft Office has a future here on the Mac(At Least Mine, anyway).
It's The Windows Version which pees me off. So does MS Windows, a pile of steaming goat custard.
Entourage is so good, it runs rings around Outlook & Outlook Express. MS Word can be fun & creative. PowerPoint Is Fine. Excel has 3D Columns which jump at you while entering #s.

I have a Creative Future;


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Masters Of Overkill

Some people might think it's a new game for the Mac. Actually, it's called Microsoft Office '04-Mac. It's a wild suite & has too much of everything, both too-robust & too-complex @ the same time. But, it's a 30 day trial & it's the supposed "Platinum Standard" of Office Application Suites. You name it, Microsoft has it in their program. They even have both the Kitchen Sink and Bathroom, which means you can play with it. Even MS Office '03-Windows, pales by comparison. But, like anything Microsoft makes, the "Crashing" is there. But, then again, this is the Mac Uersion, is what the Windows Version will be like, say in Microsoft Vienna, in 2012. I'll get back to you in a few weeks about how the 800 Pound Gorilla, did on my eMac. It'll be a fun look. Mike-RSN-NYC-QUEENS.


Friday, November 23, 2007

After Thinking About It-I Will Run Another Operating System On My eMac

As my machine came into existence in '04(The Year Of The Idiots, as in Red Sox), running a CD Burner & DVD Player, hence a Combo Drive, I have decided to run a 2nd Operating System on my eMac:

It will NOT be Windows XP or Vista(Reports that like the NY Yankees, especially A-Rod In Post=Season, both systems BLOW). It will not be LINUX-I'm not a Geek;

I found out that my eMac can still boot into Mac OS 9.2.2(Limelight U1). It's the system that taught me just how much different Mac was from Windows. It will be faster running my favorite Application Suite, Good Old Appleworks 6.2. I can either directly boot from Classic or boot from Classic Mode in OS X. I still like the feel of Classic Mac OS 9.2.2;

One is UNIX(OS X) & one is plain old Apple Engineering & I do like both-A LOT & know that I still feel disdain for Microsoft & can survive without Ballmer & Gates;

It'll be fun;



I Hope That I Didn't Shock You All In My Latest "Ease Of Use" Experiment

I was, as you guessed, torqued off @ A-Rod, for his announcement in the 8th Inning of Game 4 of the '07 World Series, that he & Scott Boras, were breaking off Salary Talks with the NY Yankees:

I think that my drawing of a phallic symbol was a dumb idea, as this is a family oriented Baseball Site. Hence, I'm sorry that I did that & it's no longer on this site. I'm sorry that I have offended anybody by that rendition of mine;

It did point out that Appleworks, that legendary Application Suite by Apple, is very-useful & easy to use. The Painting Application is the best Free-Form Drawing Tool, I've ever used in my life. I don't understand why Apple, got rid of something that easy to use;

I'm trying out "iWork '08" on my Mac for 30 Days. It's the logical successor to Appleworks & more-spectacular. It would need a drawing & Painting Function to be even more complete. Currently, the closest thing to Appleworks is the Neolithic Office Suite for Mac OS X(Panther & Above), though it isn't as intuitive, hence the download of iWork '08. Microsoft Office For Mac '04, should be as intuitive as Appleworks. Appleworks, sadly, was discontinued in August, '07 & I recently installed it, not realizing how useful it still is & is my link with Mac OS 9.2.2(Classic), which is said to be pure Macintosh, hence why I keep Applworks going on my G4 eMac, on Tiger(10.4.11);

Mercifully, the offending object is gone;



Thursday, November 22, 2007

New Mac Browser

It's called Flock 1.0:

Fastest Setup In History with 1 Click Configuration;

Will be operating with 3 Browsers, just like on the Old System;



As We Give Thanks-A Reflection

I'm Doing It, Quietly & will have Evening Dinner, Later @ a Place in Rego Park. Why Have The Holiday on Thursday, instead of a Friday?

It's to open the Christmas Season by a huge shopper spree, that's why. Ca-Ching!

I have to go to work, tomorrow. It's Going to be a long day-I need my rest;

What is it with Thanksgiving, Christmas, Channukah & New Years that brings out every College Kid to places of Revelry;

All they do is drink, puke up the streets & start fights;

I'm thankful for a # of things in my life;

I hope you are, too;



Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Mets Made A Move-Mota Is GONE

Mets get Catcher Johnny Estrada from The Brewers, in exchange for Bullpen Pariah & former Roid Boy, Guillermo Mota:

Mota was as useful as Armando Benitez, which wasn't saying much, so the Mets get a starting Catcher in a deal, about 2 hours ago;



A-Rod's Name According To Al-Qaeda

Bin-Adikh Al-Hizlaif! Bwahahahahaha! Mike-RSN-NYC-Queens


A-Rod Shows Derek Something & Derek Doubly Puts A-Rod In His Place

A-Rod was showing off his 3 MVP Awards, like a 6th Grade Girl would(In His Case), with Derek in the room:

Then Derek decided to show "Hooray For Me-Rod", something "Hey It's Me-Rod", doesn't have, namely 4 WS Rings, from 1996 to 2000. A-Rod was perturbed by this;

Then, Derek, full of Bravado, drops his pants & shows his "jewel" & says "Despite 3 MVP Awards & a mother lode of money, you'll ALWAYS BE One of these";



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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Steve? I'm Getting Some Bad Reports About Leopard...Just Tell Everybody That Your Engineers Are Fixing Them. Is OS X 10.6 Going To Be Hello Kitty

Now that I've gotten used to Tiger, @ 10.4.11, after nearly 2 Years of 10.3.9(Panther), why turn 10.5(Leopard) into a Road Hog?

I entered the Mac World through that Classic & Free Form OS called "Limelight U1", when Apple had this thing for Gershwin & Company. Funny how Microsoft comes up with a System, which looks like Tiger, but isn't quite up to Limelight, if you know what I mean. Vista, when finished will be all the way up to OS 9.2.2 after Service Pack 4, by around 2012, like when Fenway Park is 100 Years Old & up to 41,000 capacity & MS SEPTA finally catches up to 10.0.4(Cheetah)Functionality;

But, upon hearing that Leopard isn't all that Secure, it's almost like downgrading to a Beta Version of Windows XP;

That's like Jeffy Wilpon having control over Omar Minaya. It's Like Larry Lucchino having control over Theo Epstein. It's like having "KOJAK", wearing a Rug. A Bad Leopard doesn't work & it needs work, before I even THINK of loading that on my eMac;

Trust me, I loved 10.3.9(Panther), which I used for nearly 2 Years, which in my mind is the best OS I've ever used, on either Windows or Mac. Give us FUNCTIONALITY, not Eye Candy;

Maybe, that's why 10.6-OS X(Hello Kitty), will be about what Apple's all about & why it's better than Windows;

Fix Leopard, then we'll talk upgrade;



"Alas, Poor Yourick, I Think He's Mets GM"

Ahhhh, as Omar is forced by Jeffy's rule of "Couponing" or 3 stiffs for the price of One or two, methinks:

He was so-busy after the '04 Season. He was great after '05. Yet,we heard nary a word after '06;

WHY dost I believeth that Jeffy Wilpon, neither a favorite of mine, nor of Steve From Bay Ridge-Domiciled In Staten Island, is in Omar's Way;

Is Jeffy the Brat In The Candy Store? Is he Leo Bloom or Max Bialystock, looking to make money off a flop. Like Max, he made money off a Flop @ The End;

Jeffy? Do You Know what It's Like, singing "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" @ "Professor Thom's", a known BOSTON RED SOX THEMED BAR in Manhattan, a Special Edition, which brought the Singer to tears, because the singer knew earlier in the week that all was lost? That Same Guy, lost his composure after the '06 NLCS, only to find Jeffy pulling off the Same Ol' S---, which TOTALLY-INFURIATES Mets Fans, WORLD-WIDE;

Jeffy? Let OMAR do his job. Go back to Keyspan Park & worry about the Cyclones. Let your Old Man, worry about Citi Field. Your Time has not yet come;



"Welcome Back Mike Lowell"

He wasn't '07 World Series MVP for nothing. Infinitely more-valuable than "Jeter Sleepover-Rod", I don't ever remember Mike slapping a ball out of anyone's glove, in regular or postseason. I guess that regular season MVP, means "Charismatic Pepsi Salesman", which means that Mets Fans should demand RC Cola. What real Mets Fan would drink Pepsi, with "Kiss My Arse-Rod", as spokesman? With the infinitely-better 3rd Baseman with his 2nd WS Ring in 5 years & good fielding & power stats, who needs a sheer "Glory Boy Stats Padder"? Mike Lowell will be just fine.


Monday, November 19, 2007

A Mission Which Will Be Interesting

Let's just say that it's Red Sox Nation meets the K of C 4th Degree, for fun & business. We think NOT of "The Riviera", a pink-capped dive. Our unofficial place of libation is quite-"Professor"ial, if you ask me, or Jerry Thomas.


WHY Do I Get The Feeling That Omar Minaya's NOT In Charge Of The Mets

Would Omar have obtained Aaron Sele? Only when you get involved, hence my theory that you're actually running things at Shea Stadium & NOT Keyspan Park, like Mets Fans 1st Thought;
Might you be the reason why Omar's Hands were tied, so you & the family could get The Citi Field Executive Offices ready by Mid-Summer;
My Generation(G1), had M.Donald Grant to throw darts at;
G2 & G3 Fans have NO CLUE. There are still a # of us G1 Types, though more of Red Sox Nation now, who'd like to see you hung from a Shea Upper Level Ramp, as a warning to do just this;



Now That "Hey, I'm Great"-Rod Is MVP, Does it mean that I'll buy more Pepsi?

Hey, I like Pepsi, even if "Hi, It's May-Rod" is commercial spokesman. I'm not going to let that Stats Padder, dictate my cola taste. Besides, are the "NY" Yankees any better because of him? Do I care?

What's so valuable about a guy, who tries to upstage a World Series;

WHO TF Cares;



My Tiger Can Run Roughshod Over Your Vistas, Though, I'll Admit, I Liked The Limelight

As Mac Users Can Tell by the title, well for almost 3.7 Years, I've been a Mac User:

Started in Classic, by using OS 9(Limelight Upgrade 1 or 9.2.2). Trust me in this is that it was so different from Windows. If an app collapsed, I didn't have to do a restart of my OS. I was introduced to that Wonder Suite, Appleworks, which is now on my new machine, running Tiger;

OS 9 runs faster than Windows XP, which is nothing more than a poor copycat of OS 9. While XP has been around, so have a # of Incarnations of OS X. Now Vista tries to copy the look of OS X, but leaves out the ability to turn a Word or other Text Document, into a .pdf file. Microsoft missed the boat on features we Mac Users take for granted;

Microsoft will make something one day which doesn't suck. Unfortunately, it'll be a Vacuum Cleaner;

Mike-RSN-NYC Queens


For What Began As Sorrow, Turned To Joy, Later

For I was at my Usher Station in St Thomas Apostle-Woodhaven, Queens, listening to Mournful News from The Pulpit:

A Parishioner named Patrick Brady had died. His Mass Of The Resurrection is Today @ 9:45AM;

His Daughter, a Power Cantor called Dorothea, left by the front door by the Sacristy. I greeted her with Condolences. We BOTH burst into tears, as both of us had lost both of our parents(Mom, in '94, after the NY Rangers Won The Stanley Cup & 2 Days after Baseball Players went on Strike & Dad, in Y2K, just before the NY Mets opened in Japan, in the Year Of The Subway Series & assorted Phantom Calls by Umpires), as she said that we're of the age where we only have our Parents for a Short Time. Sad But TRUE;

So I went on my Journey to Professor Thom's in Manhattan;
Jets Fans, Ye are such people of LITTLE HOPE, as you gave your tickets to Steelers Fans;
Wait! Aren't you the same people who tend to populate a Giant "Toilet" in The Bronx? I do know that a # of you are the Bleacher Creatures. Oh, Well!
For the 1st Time since I was 24 Years Old, the Jets defeated the Best Defensive Team in all of The NFL, 19-16, in OT. It was a Grand Ol' Upset;

Then, The NE Pats DESTROYED Buffalo, 56-10, with another Brady, a Yankees Fan named Tom, who lives Offseason in the West Village called Greenwich, with his Modeling GF, methodically picking apart the Bills Defense;

For Sorrow Turned To Joy;



Saturday, November 17, 2007

For I'm Sipping Some Guinness @ "The Hairy Monk", To Give Me Courage To Face "Professor Thom"

& it's a perfect pint of Guinness Stout, I will say. This place is a Red Sox-Mets place. I've come here after Red Sox & Mets losses. I had to pay tribute to my favorite neighborhood bar in Manhattan. To The '07 Sox, the Mets-it's been an interesting year.


In My Experiments On Mac-NOTHING Beats AppleWorks

NOTHING Beats AppleWorks, though I haven't bought "iWork" yet. I can play with art, create a business card & write the encrypted document. Ease Of Use is important. Just for fun, I even drew a Cherry:

I think that "iWork '08" is next, as MS Office is no fun, unless it's on a Mac. My business cards will be Mac-Generated, especially from AppleWorks;

And from "iWork '08" which is the Next Generation of "Ease Of Use";

It'll be Fun;



"Derek? How Much Do You Owe NY State?"

Estimate that he only lives in NY State for only 30% of the Year(Season & Post-Season @ Home+Endorsements) & NY City is NOT A Domicile Make:

His Mansion is in FL, in Tampa, which is the TRUE Corporate Home of The NY Yankees. Figure that over 55% of the time is in FL;

FL, you see, has no State Income Tax & Derek Votes there;

So, where you vote, makes all the Difference;

I think that NY State just lost this round;

The Mets are owned by Sterling Mets, LP, a NY State Limited Partnership, fully subject to NY State Tax Laws;

The NY Yankees, like their "Fans" are a bunch of Out of Towners;



Friday, November 16, 2007

10 Years Ago @ This Time Of Month, I Found A New Way To Communicate

No, I did not begin smoke signal transmissions from Forest Park to Sacred Heart Rec tory, nor did I learn Signing for the Deaf:

I bought my 1st Cell Phone, which was unlike other Cell Companies on the Market. It could receive & Forward Faxes through Voice Mail & communicate with other Subscribers, through Short Message Services from phone to phone;

That Company's Commercial Spokesperson was a Parrot named Fred. The Company was called OMNIPOINT;

My Associate & I, were the ONLY People in Woodhaven & Glendale, who could do all of this with a Cell Phone. No one on Sprint PCS, AT & T, Nextel, or Bell Atlantic, could do any of this;

AT & T Subscribers had voicemail & Voice Service, though one could receive Text Service, but not send a text, phone to phone. OMNIPOINT Subscribers could send Text & short Internet e-mail;

OMNIPOINT, today, is a part of Deutche Telecom's T-Mobile. SMS was cheaper than a voice call & the preferred option;

SMS & Full Web are part of my Phone Regimen on AT & T Mobility, today. Sometimes, I wondered how I did things, without the Technology. Now, all the Carriers have Web & Messaging. Text Messaging now goes between Carriers' handsets. It's a whole new world we live in & can carry an Office in a Shirt Pocket;

No need to carry around slips of Paper. I just hook my Palm T/X to my MotoRAZR V3, via Bluetooth & I'm in business. If a report is needed, I just write it on the Palm & beam it to the Colleague, or Send by e-mail, from anywhere;

It's a Wireless World. The 1998 K of C Free Throw, was the start of the digitalization of the contest;



PS-Even Fenway Park & Shea Stadium Events were covered Wirelessly, as I didn't have to wait until I got home to do anything;



Thursday, November 15, 2007

You Heard That "Hooray For Me-Rod", Stopped Taking Steroids?

He stopped using his estrogen. Bwahahahahaha!


Barry Bonds Got A Huge Bite On His Arse About 45 Minutes Ago

Barry Bonds thought he could change water into wine & walk on water. He must've told that to a lot of people, because he was just indicted by the Feds on 4 Counts of Perjury & 1 Count of Obstruction of Justice, which means that Barry won't be in anyone's lineup, except for a Police one. Barry's muscles were liquid ones in the eye of a syringe, brought to him by BALCO. That was his downfall. Mike-RSN-NYC-QUEENS


The Latest From The "Hooray For Me-Rod" Front

There will be an option for an 11th Season:

Next Yankees trip to World Series, about 2019 & they'll lose it;




A $275M Question Has Been Asked In Regards To Hooray-Rod; When Is Next Yankees World Series?

2018, as the contract runs from '08 until '17. Ho-Hum! Mike-RSN-NYC-Queens


The Mike Lowell Race-Yorvit Torealba & Other Things

What could the FO @ Fenway Park be thinking? Much of The Nation cannot stand "Hooray-Rod". We do NOT like "Slappy Mc Bluelips", as his attitude BLOWS:

Yorvit Torealba, while with a bum shoulder, threw out 17.5% of Runners with a bad shoulder, this year for the Rockies. Imagine him with a good shoulder, so for the FO @ Shea Stadium, it's a good move;

Theo(Or is it you, Larry)? Get cookin'. Omar's @ least warming up the stove;



Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thirty Six Years Later In The Brooklyn Diocese

Okay, but when I was 10 Years Old(1965), I wanted to become an Altar Boy(It tells You How Old I Am, still to use that terminology). Mom said NO. In 1971, I volunteeered to become a Lector in St Sylvester Parish, in the City Line-Cypress Hills Neighborhood of Brooklyn & was stopped by Ma, AGAIN:

She uttered that "There's Something Going on in THAT Church that I don't Like 7 I want you to stay away from it. Someone there can hurt you";

Now, @ 16, I thought that Ma had lost it upstairs & was Paranoid. She told me that one day, when I'm Older, I would come to understand her actions;

Reality BITES & bit me in the Arse, pretty hard, this morning, as I was on the BMT Jamaica-Nassau Loop Line, in my commute to Downtown Manhattan. I was reading the News Section of The NY Post, when this news report, hit me between the eyes, on Page 19, on the bottom of the page;

The Caption read "Perv' Cleric, 83, Loses Priestly Powers";

& then came the "Coup De Gracie", as I knew him as a Parish Priest in St Sylvester, from 1963 until 1972;

Fr John Abrams, who turns 83 next month, he who used to wear a Bobby Kennedy Style Haircut & was a bit of a Political Liberal & a hit with the Young People in St Sylvester Parish, was the Priest suspended by Bishop Nicholas Di Marzio, quite-recently, from acting in the Capacity of a Priest, after it was found that he sexually-abused several boys in Sacred Heart Parish-Bayside, while as Pastor, from 1979 until 1982;

Ma was trying to tell me something, although in the 1970s, people didn't come out & say that Fr So & So was into Buggery. The '60s & '70s were really a different era, unlike today, where things tend to be more-open. She said to me that one day, I would understand what's going on;

Ma? Now I Know. I understand. & I'm Sorry;



Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Bartolo Colon Wannabe Has Won The AL Cy Young Award

Translation-C.C. Sabathia was normally-clobbered by BOTH the World Champion Boston Red Sox & those Also-Rans of The Netherworld, the NY Yankees(Just Ask Me-Rod). Other than these two Power-Laden Nemises, Sabathia was Very Good across The AL:

Why he reminds me of Bartolo Colon-I think it was the Power-Laden Yankees, who were known to have Colon for a Entree', or as The Main Course;

& Like Colon, he got the AL Cy Young Award. Go Figure! Sorry, Mr Beckett;



Monday, November 12, 2007

"The Envelope, Please-The Winner of AL Rookie Of The Year-Dustin Pedrollsbury- Brooklyn Red Sox"

OK, That's just how Tim Mc Carver would have read the fact that Red Sox 2nd Baseman, Dustin Pedroia, was named American League Rookie Of The Year:

I haven't been this excited about a Rookie since Nomar Garciaparra in 1997;

Dustin? Just don't get hurt like Nomar's been known to do;

& there's an added bonus-you have a World Series Ring to your credit. In Fact, you've 1 more ring, lifetime, than does "Hooray-Rod";

Congratulations, Dude;



I Had One Of Those Unusual "Cross Platform" Dreams, Overnight

I am both a Baseball Fan & a Past Grand Knight of a Knights Of Columbus Council, located in East Glendale, Queens. Two Two Worlds Melded together in this dream:

It’s Free Throw Time in the Knights Of Columbus. It’s also “Hot Stove” time, in Baseball, hence yearning for our National Past-Time, as it was the Dead Of Winter;

Curt Schilling appeared in this dream, as did Mike Lowell. The 2007 World Series Champion Boston Red Sox, were part of the theme of this dream. I was part of that season, in person, having gone to 2 Games at Fenway Park in Boston;

The #7 Times Square-Flushing Line of MTA-NYC Subway, was also in this picture. That line travels to Main Street, with a station at the most-famous landmark on that line, Shea Stadium, Home of the NY Mets, who, through their owners, found ways to cut corners, resulting in a product, which failed on the field like a house of cards, in 2007;

Curt Schilling was looking to link his blog to the Blog, carrying coverage of the Monsignor Sherman Council, Knights Of Columbus Free Throw Basketball Championship. Permission was granted to Curt Schilling(, became a virtual “;

I was chronicling the Contest on It even got to the point where FOX Sports had Ken Rosenthal(MLB On FOX), writing about the contest. The Contest generates a lot of passion in NYC & now, the rest of the Country. The Contest in Sherman, was brought forth by a member of Red Sox Nation, assisted in print, by a Yankees Fan, in 1992, before the Age of Derek Jeter;

I was on the #7 Flushing Line, writing a Free Throw Article, being asked for assistance, in the project, which I had chaired for many seasons, before going into another Council, to refresh my spirits, which were drooping from Unnerving Harassment, by a small, but influential courterie of Past Grand Knights, who’re indispensible in Council Affairs, and are to The Council, what A-Rod thinks he is, to the NY Yankees. The Courterie and A-Rod, fit like a glove. Just ask OJ;

I was in discussion with my Once and Now-Current Financial Secretary, who now chairs that Contest, on the #7 Line. It was a Cloudy Day and the Council had a Contest Triumph. I was filled with enthusiasm, unto the point, where I asked if I could take over running the Free Throw Project. As he was responding in the affirmative, I was awakened from this dream, by the sound of my cell phone;

It was a call from my Current Grand Knight, asking me to work a 1st Degree, Tomorrow evening @ Sherman 5103 in East Glendale. I responde that I was ready for tomorrow night & will be there;

The Knights Of Columbus & Fenway Park have a connection, because on Saturday, June 28th, 1997, I was @ the 5:05PM Game, Detroit Tigers @ Boston Red Sox, with the Sawx being shut out, 6-0, as part of a Game Venture between Ridgewood Council 1814 & Arlington Council. I was a Visiting Grand Knight in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts & enjoyed that game, rooting as an underdog, in a pond of Yankees Fans, asides the Red Sox Fans. That game cemented my desire as a member of Red Sox Nation;

I came back to Boston for more, in Sorrow & Joy;

And I return to my Council In East Glendale, refreshed with the Passion of my youth;



You KNOW It's Not Baseball Season On This Blog WHEN

I get into Nuts & Bolts Discussions of Catholic Faith:

I do get a bit emotional, at times, listening to Prayers Of The Church, sung in Gregorian Chant, in Latin;

I no longer have weekly bouts of Indigestion from the Latest Telecast of “ MLB On FOX”;

I rip the crap out of Bad Liturgical Music;

I blast the latest piece of Microsoft software to Smitherines, for being as useful as wet toilet paper;

I change from one Gregorian Chant to another Gregorian Chant(Wait, I also do that according to the way, the Red Sox are playing at that moment in time);

I’m not singing “Take Me Out To The Ball Game”, in the 7th Inning @ Professor Thom’s;

I’m raging against the wind, or about Mets Ownership, every 9 days;

I’m writing the Annual Satirical Sendup of “MLB On FOX”;

I write about some amazing hardware by the Gang at Apple;

I write about that venerable piece of amazing software, called AppleWorks 6.2.9, being used right now, to write this essay;

I rage against Catholics, who join The Masons;

I rage about the lack of Catachetical Training, which Catholic School Students, experience or don’t experience;

I write about Neolithic Office, as far superior in technical excellence, to that $399 to $499 Pile Of Goat Custard, made for the Macintosh, called Microsoft Office, which is far more-fun on a Mac, By The Way;

I wonder if Bill Gates can sleep, restfully, after realizing that XP & Vista, are over-hyped pieces of junk, needing to be patched every week;

I draw blanks in my writing;
I wonder why people keep buying the latest hype from Microsoft, by buying a PC, when all they ever do is moan and whine about how crappy the Operating System is, but keep on buying the hype;

I write about people who believe themselves to be indispensible, but are pains in my arse(I AM Talking about you, Alex Rodriguez);

I wonder why the people who criticize Mac Users, are people who’ve never owned one;

I now know why Monks are peaceable. They’re at Prayer and are enjoying the Fermented Liquid Bread of Their Labors;

I believe that I’ll have a couple of those Fermented Liquid Bread Containers, before I retire for this evening. Let’s just say that the fine liquid, fermented bread, is made in Boston, by Harpoon Ale;

Good Night-Pleasure talking to you;

Pax Vobiscum;



Sunday, November 11, 2007

For Father Joseph F Wilson Can Hold One's Attention In A Homily

When I want to hear a Real Homily & Not a "Soft Soap" one, I head over to the St. John's Cemetery Chapel, for the Celebration Of The Traditional Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass. The Latin Mass is where one truly experiences The Sacrificial Character Of The Mass, during Offertory & Consecration, as we congregants face East with The Priest, towards God & Jerusalem:

The Reverand Father Joseph F Wilson, is one who does NOT "Soft Soap" his congregation. He has blasted the Alleged "Reformers" of Vatican II. He has shed light on the Religious "Education" Crisis, which he once wrote about in the monthly "Reporter" in St Thomas Apostle-Woodhaven, stating that the Crisis is so bad, that SEMINARIANS could NOT ANSWER a simple Baltimore Catechism question. In short, he dares to ask the questions, few others would ask;

Keep Up The Good Work, Father;



The 11th Day Of The 11th Month @ The 11th Hour-Was WWI The War To End All Wars & Was It Really Necessary

In The English-Speaking World, This is called Remembrance Day, for Those Killed In "The Great War". It was, for the longest of time in the United States, called Armistice Day. It's now called Veterans Day, to honor the Veterans of All Wars, in this Country:

"The War To End All Wars" didn't end hostilities in Europe, for, in fact, they led to an even greater war & nastier ideology, in "The Big One", called World War II. Settling a War, through so-called "War Reparations", led to an incredible inflation in Germany, after WWI, leading to a Fanatical Movement of Restoration, called National Socialism or The Nazis. Nazi-ism was a movement of False Hope & Hatred, led by people who despised Heavenly Authority, by following Occultism. Much of the Nazi Movement, was filled with Homosexuals, who despised all Religious Authority, especially Judaism & Christianity & called for the Extinction Of Both Religions, which condemned the Depravity of those who engaged in Buggery & Sodomy. Hitler & his henchmen, were said to be engaged in these practices, which is why they left no progeny;

The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, by "Patriots": from Serbia, who wanted Ethnic Serbians in Austria, under Serbian Control, were members of Masonic Associations. Masonry takes an occult view of the world, claiming to rid the world of fanaticism & superstition & replacing those thoughts with their own system, without God in the picture;

NEVER trust a group of people, who're ruled by the signs of "The Zodiac" & seek to impose it on others. They have themselves as God, but NONE of them can change Water into Wine, nor can they walk on water;

Europeans were always an argumentative bunch, with their petty conflicts & ethnic feuds. What sent the Americans into the Great Conflict, was the Abhorrence of the new German War Technology, namely the use of Mustard Gas, which was used to destroy the enemy by destroying one's nervous system. The "Yanks" Came to make that part of the world "Safe For Democracy";

In light of WWI & WWII, could it be said that "Armageddon" has already taken place, in the "Battle With The Anti-Christ"? Well, a few more wars have taken place, including one in the Middle East, as we speak. It's a Battle of Good vs Evil, until The End Of Time;

& Soldiers of those wars, we remember today, in Prayer & Remembrance. Never Forget that Freedom does come @ a Bloody Cost;

In Nomini Patris Et Filli Et In Spiritu Sancti, Amen. In Memorium Et In Paradisium;



News Of Great Joy For Those Who Assist @ The Traditional Mass In The Borough Of Queens In The R C Diocese Of Brooklyn-Deo Gratias

According to a Well-Placed Source in the Brooklyn Diocese, the Queens Location of The Traditional Latin Mass @ St John's Cemetery, @ 80th Street & Metropolitan Avenue, may, as early as the 1st Sunday Of Advent(December 2nd), become a weekly Celebration, as this Mass is rather Well-Attended, in the small St John's Cemetery Chapel:

Deo Gratias! I like choices of Sundays where I can assist at Mass, whether it be Traditional or Normative Order(Novus Ordo) & I don't have to run into Midtown Manhattan to do this, nor all the way to Park Slope, Brooklyn;

This is being done, in Accordance with The Motu Proprio of 07/07/07, promulgated on 09/14/07;

Oh, & Fr Joseph F. Wilson does give a Marvelous Homily, @ this Mass, BTW, just as he's always done for over 21 years, Starting @ St. Thomas Apostle-Woodhaven in 1986;

Pax Vobiscum;


PS-There was a little "High 5" Activity, in honor of our beloved Red Sox;



Imagine THESE Two Calling A K of C Free Throw Contest

Everything But The Contest, would be covered. Derek Jeter might get 17+ Mentions


Saturday, November 10, 2007

@ The Rate I've Been Writing This Blog

I'm 45 away from 1400 Articles, so to make it simple, I'll announce the Milestones @ 1500, 2000 & by World Series Years of the Red Sox & NY Mets, here in the Modern Era, as well as the 2 Teams 1st Seasons, so from 1901 Onward, will be those odd Landmark Articles:

2000, 2004 & 2007, will be BIG #s on This blog, a Labor Of Love, since June, 2005;


Pax Vobiscum


For Your Listening Pleasure & Prayerful Contemplation

"Pange Domine" is now playing:

It was edited in on the Safari Browser on my Mac & hearable through my Firefox Browser;

I have trouble doing this on a Windows Machine, but thanks to QuickTime, which Plays through a Browser, like Firefox, I could get the URL & Transpose it in the Template;

Now that Red Sox Celebrations are over, why not listen to Soothing, Meditative, Prayerful Music;

Chill To "The Chant";




Reminds Me Of A Smarmy Chief Squire While I Was Grand Knight

My Chief Squire In The Columbian Squires looked like this guy. He was a smart aleck-his idea of a good time was to defy all authority-he came up with wisearse answers to inquiries:

The Guy in The Picture, loves being Sarcastic as well as enabler of Dumb Comments from some guy from Memphis;

& one wonders why when he popped up on the screen, someone
would shout "Shut Up, Arsehole" @ his TV Image;

& Cats Freak You Out?




The Reason We Booed Anyone During The World Series @ Professor Thom's

These 2-'Nuff Ced-Next;



I've Been Offered An Upgrade To Leopard By One Who Ordered Leopard

Nice Offer-I'll Take It:

Going The Distance On Mac;

This is NOT Microsoft Junk-this is a real, working OS;

I realize that MS has a release candidate like Vista, which had to be patched from the 1st day it came out;

The Security Updates For OS X, are intended to prevent problems from Troublesome Software, usually in the form of MS Word & Excel file formats;

It took Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer & Company @ Microsoft, to come up with the "Look & Feel" of Mac OS X & all the Functionality of Mac OS 9.2.2. Call me when you sign A-Rod To an Endorsement Deal. That'll really drive down sales of Vista & MS Office;



Computers & Systems I've Used Over The Years & nThey Keep Getting Better

On The Windows Side @ work, I've Used NT 3.1, DOS, NT 4.0, & XP-SP2:

@ Home, it was Windows 95, 98SE & tried Win2000 & WinME;

I've also used the Brother GeoBook NB80C, utilizing the Graphical Environment Operating System, which actually prepared me for working in the Macintosh Environment & the Palm OS, which is derived from GE OS;

No matter how hard Bill Gates tries to make people think that Windows is "Just Like A Mac", it doesn't fly with me. Ease of Use is a problem with Windows & always will be a problem;

I tried Mac in '04 & still like it-A LOT, if you ask me. It started with the G3 All In One, which like the eMac, was an Education-Only Machine. Mac OS 9.2.2(Limelight Upgrade 1), was my starting Point in the Mac World, & is a stable system. Then, I played in the earlier versions of Mac OS X(Puma @ 10.1.5, Jaguar @ 10.2.8, which introduced the use of Bluetooth, Panther @ 10.3.9, which I used on a G3 iMac, which a friend now has & Tiger, @ 10.4.10, which I now use on my eMac-2nd Revision;

I used the GeoBook, which is 10 Years Old & it still works, for certain situations, such as writing a Document, for FAX Transmission. It was the Brother GeoBook, which introduced me to a certain Internet Service Provider called Earthlink, when it was only 171K Subscribers, then only on 33.6Mbps. Earthlink has since become the Big One in regards to the Web, while AOL is a Free Content Provider, which is no longer in being as a primary ISP. Earthlink is my ISP via Time Warner Cable & is reliable, as well as Mac-Friendly;

I remember Windows 95 with all its' Bells & Whistles, but it was a bear to set up, on my Compaq 4508, now the Property of The Same Friend, who used Windows 98SE on it, until a Virus hit that system & it went Off Line. He, BTW, is a Mac User, who also got the G3 All In One & bought a Clamshell iBook. Setting up a printer on Win 95 was no fun, whatsoever. It was a little bit easier on Win98SE, on my old Compaq Laptop, which is probably in some Landfill right now, as that burned out in 3 Years of use;

I had a an iBook Clamshell, which could do Jaguar, comfortably, but it was replaced by the G3 iMac, running @ 400Mhz, for almost 2 Years, running Panther. I figured that when the price was right, it would be time to upgrade to an eMac, running at 1Ghz & 1/2 GB of RAM & a 60 GB HD, which as it turns out, can run 10.5(Leopard), though I will wait on Leopard, until it has matured a bit, as Tiger has matured. Tiger is awaiting one more Decimal Point Upgrade to 10.4.11;

Of all the Operating Systems I've used, Panther has been the best, so far. The Worst One is WinXP SP2 in that it consumes huge resources & is slower than a constipated person on a toilet seat, even with 2 Gigs of Memory. 2 Gigs of memory, causes Tiger to go Full Jarring Force. So far, I like Tiger. OS 9 is much-more stable than any Windows OS I've used. Hence, I'm a confirmed Mac Head. It's The Mac Line where everything is far better. All Windows can do is copy functionality of Mac. The Functionality of Win XP & Win Vista, is taken from Mac OS 9. Trying to sport an OS X look in Vista, is fraudulent without the functionality. Mac users since the beginning of OS X, in 2000, have been able to save documents in pdf format. Even as nice as the Aero Look of Vista is, this Functionality does NOT exist in Win Vista;

I guess that when Win Septa comes out in '10 or '11, that functionality will have been around some 10 or 11 Years on Mac;

My advice to Microsoft is to call me when you make something that doesn't suck. With our luck & theirs, it'll be a Vacuum Cleaner, made by the Hoover Division of MS;

Maybe Microsoft will own the NY Yankees-that way, they'll have something that REALLY-Sucks;



Backdoor World Series Ring Winners-You Guys Are On NOTICE

These are Guys who Happened to be on World Series Rosters, & had Performances that stick out because of a Certain Amount Of "Suck-Cess". Such performances, which pissed off fans to NO END, are LISTED Here:

#1: Braden Looper(2006 St. Louis Cardinals);
Just HOW MANY Times did you manage to BLOW a potential PEDRO Martinez Mets Victory in '05, knocking the '05 Mets out of Contention in the last few days of the '05 Season? Shall I say 7 or 8 Times. You may have cost Pedro a Cy Young Award, for your Stupidity. You had an injury & hid it, in '05? Are You as Dumb & Dumb-Looking as Gomer Pyle, or is THAT my imagination? You couldn't Pitch when It counted. You were a mediocre Mid-Reliever For A Mediocre St Louis Cardinals Team, that looked good, while the Team with the Best Record in Baseball, had 8 Guys who should've been on The DL & you mocked Jose' Reyes, you Steaming Pile Of Goat Custard. You are NEVER Coming off that "List Of Infamy" called "The M. Donald Grant List". & I mean NEVER;

#2: Bobby Bonilla(1997 Florida Marlins);
Just A Blohole Fat F---, a--hole from The Bronx, who landed on the Marlins in Time for the World Series, whose attitude plain ol' SUCKED. His 2 Tours with The NY Mets, were no fun to watch, culminating in a Card Game with Rickey Henderson, during Game 6 of the 1999 NLCS. Still collecting Deferred Salary from the Mets to this day;

#3: Eric Gagne'(2007 Boston Red Sox);
Boy, was this guy lucky. He had a noodle of an arm & it showed, as I suspect that this guy had a sore arm, shoulder & back. This was a Nearly-FATAL FO Blunder & it showed in Baltimore, whenever Eric came out of the 'Pen & tossed Meatball Pitches to be launched onto Eutaw Street in Baltimore. There was one redeeming feature, though, in that he looked comfortable & was effective in Game 1 of The World Series, in his 1 inning, not allowing any hits, runners, or Runs, but still causes Red Sox Faithful to groan, whenever he appeared in any game in relief this year;

That's My List-Gagne' was spared venom, mainly because of recovery issues, while Looper & Bonilla are just plain ol' A--holes;



This Just In

A-Rod Has No Comment:

Just Keep it that way;



"There's No Getting Away From This Guy-In Or Out Of Season"

My main season is Baseball, especially Red Sox Baseball on N E S N, wherever I can get that channel. Most of the time, I get it @ Professor Thom's, sometimes @ The Hairy Monk & occasionally @ Woodhaven House in Middle Village, Queens, with the 1st 2 bars in Manhattan:

The Play By Play Man is Don Orsillo, often called "Necktie Boy" or "Announcer Boy";

On N E S N, his Analyst is Gerald Peter Remy(RemDawg);

Then, in the N L Division Series between The CO Rockies & Phillies, he worked with Joe Simpson on TBS & got kudos;

It was ALCS & the World Series & DO was working Pre & Post-Game Shows on N E S N;

Tonight, Rutgers was beating the Crap out of Army in College Football, on ESPN & I heard a familiar voice in the booth;

Yes, you heard & saw Don Orsillo- he's fine-tuned both in & out of season;



Friday, November 09, 2007

"Never Mind The PC World"

Thank Goodness for the Comedy of a Mr Mel Kaminsky of Brooklyn. He has elevated Bad Taste to an art form. For Mel Kaminsky of Williamsburgh, Brooklyn, had a movie on AMC TV, which is not known for sensitivity. Thank Goodness for a movie like this, for it shows a great deal of humanity, in all of its' silliness. "Blazing Saddles" is that movie:

Mel Brooks is NOT PC, which is "Politically Correct", even though that's interpreted to mean Pure Crapola. When he put together "The Producers", a real slap at the world of the theatre business, it was no holds barred humor, especially with a play called "Springtime For Hitler", as a musical comedy, designed to close after one night, for the purpose of swindling investors;

Thanks, Mel & keep 'em laughing;



A Nice Retreat Last Evening

I gathered with my Brother Knights of Columbus @ The Bishop Molloy Retreat House, @ 86-45 Edgerton Blvd, in Jamaica Estates, beginning with The Sacrament Of Penance, followed by Dinner(Turkey), then by a Recollective Talk, & concluding with Mass, in a Chapel, where the Tabernacle was @ the Center:

I transferred into the Council, where I was Grand Knight from 1996 until 1998, back on October 13th, '07. Things have Thankfully-Changed as that Council has taken a Decidedly More-Catholic Orientation, especially with this Retreat. The Council's also growing again, in regards to membership;

I was seated @ a table with Catholic Public School Teachers. I then recognized the Assistant Principal, under his goatee. He remembered a certain 1st K of C Free Throw, held in 1992. You see, he's a Priest On Leave Of Absense;

Also met another teacher, who I recognized as a One-Time Member of The Council's Softball Team, from the Mid-'90s. It was also a Night Of Thanksgiving, in my return to a Now-Dynamic Council, no longer dominated by certain people, who've sworn allegiance to an organization, proscribed by The Church, since 1738;

Thanks Be To God, Alleluia;

Pax Vobiscum;

Mike-RSN-NYC-Queens-Past Grand Knight


Thursday, November 08, 2007

"On Pedroia & Lowell & Clemens"

It looks like Mikey Lowell will be back. It looks good for Dustin Pedroia to be AL Rookie Of The Year:

I do remember 1 Very-Exciting Rookie, who captivated America, for The Red Sox, about 10 Years Ago @ this Time. Unfortunately, he currently has a history of Injuries. He got traded the Year of the 1st Series Title in 86 Years. Nomar Garciaparra was that overwhelming choice for Rookie Of The Year;

Looks to me that Pedroia will have that Award. May he not have Nomar's History Of Injuries;

As one remembers Mike Lowell, he was the 3rd Baseman on the '03 WS Champion Florida Marlins, along with Josh Beckett. Both have their 2nd Ring in 5 Years. In that span, name the time where Alex Rodriguez got even 1 Ring;

Both Pedroia & Lowell fielded & hit well. Both Deserve Their Rings. & Mikey deserves to be signed. After all, The Yankees can't own everybody, try as they might;

& NOW, Roger Clemens is now an Advisor to The Houston Astros. It looks like he will not be pitching in '08. Frankly, he stunk out "The Toilet" in The Bronx, this Season, with all his Pulled Groins. We won't be hearing from Suzyn, about this , anytime soon;
"Oh, my goodness gracious, Roger Clemens is in George's Bawx";

Let's face it-no more blisters when the going gets tough-no more groin pulls in the 3rd Inning-no way he can throw @ Mike Piazza's Head. In short, Fitzy sends Roger one gigantic "GFY", with a big Beer Belch;

So Far, So Good, So Good, So Good, So Good;



Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Why A-Rod's Hitting Is Like A "Seinfeld" Episode

It's all about NOTHING.


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Omar? Please Say You're Only Kidding. Thanks!

Mets Fans Will Start Chanting "Gay-Rod...Jeter's Lover"(@ least the 1G Fans Will);

(Credits-NY Post)


A Message To A-Rod From L S P N


We Have Curt Schilling ONE MORE TIME

Curt Returns For A Year:

Mr Schilling will pitch for the '07 World Series Champion Boston Red Sox, in '08;

I'm Gladdened to see Curt Back;

Ditto, may you be, too;

Mike-R S N-N Y C-Queens


"The iJerk Sweepstakes Is In Full Force On The FAN"

The "iJerk" Sweepstakes, is now underway. You heard me-iJerk:

He shouts "Mine" in the infield, while running around the bases;

iJerk decides, along with his Agent, Bore-Arse, to upstage the Red Sox World Series Imminent Triumph, by announcing that iJerk will not go along with the latest NY Yankees Offer on the Table;

Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports, smiled like a Laughing Hyena, when he got this call from Bore-Arse, in regards to iJerk;

With apologies to Apple & Mac users, of which I'm a Mac User, I will say that iJerk is worth loads of sales of iPhones & iPods, as well as iMacs;

Now, The NY Mets want to talk to Bore-Arse & iJerk. Perhaps, Jeffy Wilpon is looking to fill his Sling Box, called S N Y TV, with programming;

Will "The Old Guard" 1st Generation Mets Fans, be embracing any of this? I Know that "The '86ers" & The 3rd Gens Will, as the "3Gs'" & "86ers", have a lot in common;

The "1Gs", more-often than not, are Embracers of Red Sox Nation;

& Fitzy in Billerica, has these words for iJerk;

"G F Y";

Mike-R S N-N Y C-Queens


Andy Refused His Yankees Option

No "Roger":


(Credits-NY Post)


Monday, November 05, 2007


Through the facilities of Bluetooth, I am able to send my MP3 music files from my Mac to my Palm T/X:

Why attach cables, when wireless can do it all;



The Post-Postseason @ Professor Thom's-Red Sox HQ In NYC

So be it-College Football on Saturdays & The NFL on Sundays & Monday Nights:

If The Patriots are involved, The Playing of "Dirty Water", "Sweet Caroline", "Tessie" & "Send Up To Boston", are mandatory victory songs. After all, The Patriots have won every Game played, while Bellichick plots his moves in a Brownstone in Park Slope, Brooklyn;

During the week, the NBA & NHL, are on, with The Bruins on NESN, The Rangers, Devils & Islanders on MSG; The Celtics on FSN-NE & The Knicks on MSG, while the Nets are on YES & Michael Kay is NOT on it. The, the NBA is on ESPN & TNT;

TBS is running movies. Mercifully, NO ONE has to hear Chip Caray;
On FOX, we have to hear Joe Buck, only he's with Troy Aikman, NOT Tim Mc Carver;

Then there's the Comedically-Mandatory Recitation of "The Riviera List", where every name is preceded by the expletive "F---";

It ends when Ennis, chants "F--- F---ing Kazmarek-F--- him";

To those members of Red Sox Nation, visiting NYC, AVOID "The Rivera Cafe' & Sports Bar" & come to "Professor Thom's", The HQ of Red Sox Nation-NYC;

Even Go to "The Hairy Monk", which is "Red Sox Romance Land"(@ Least For Me, It Is);

But, by all means, Absof---inglutely, avoid "The Riviera"-It's a Pink Hat Dive-I had food poisoning from eating the Chili, there. There's no "Big Giant PEZ", there. No REAL Red Sox Bar would EVER have a Portrait of Roger Clemens, wearing a Red Sox Jersey, but these dudes do, hence "The Riv's Permanent S--- Listing";

I can't wait until the 1st Spring-Training Game, in Fort Meyers, FL;



Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Latest From ESPN

Derek Jeter has announced that he has broken off Diplomatic Relations With The Protectorate of "A Boras", a Self(ish)Contained Organization, dedicated to Grandiose Earnings & Self(Ish)Empowerment:

In short, Jeter is no longer talking to A-Rod;

More, later, on "SportsCenter";



In Regards To Real K of C Free Throw Operations For January, '08

I prefer .rtf, as fewer bytes are used. If I can help it, I'd prefer Open Document, since Microsoft Office in Word & Excel, are easily hacked formats:

During K of C Free Throw operations, the use of ".doc" is forbidden, as the ".doc" format, is known to carry computer viruses & is not secure;



We Interrupt This Program To Bring You This Report

A-Rod & Boras will call a press conference, for sometime in the future, to announce that some Oil Sheik, has agreed to kiss A-Rod's Arse in Macy's Window, as part of a Worldwide Pay Per View Special:

HBO will produce the special;

It'll be rerun on Comedy Central;



It's 8:41AM Eastern Standard Time

It feels good to know that it'll be light in the morning, instead of being pitch black out there:

6:15AM won't look like 3:15AM;

All systems are back to normal;


PS-I MISS Baseball


Saturday, November 03, 2007

This Just In From ESPN

Scott Boras & his client, Alex Rodriguez, have announced that it'll cost a team $350M, for the right to kiss A-Rod's arse, in Macy's Window. More, later on Sportscenter.


Top 10 Signs, You're Watching A Strange Version Of The Free Throw

#10:Contest crew made up entirely of regulars from "Professor Thom's" & "The Hairy Monk";

#9:Tim Mc Carver's history of the K OF C Free Throw, called "Shooting Foul Shots For Brain Surgeons & Astronomers", contains 50 references to Derek Jeter & 25 references to Alex Rodriguez;

#8:Contestants having hard time understanding Chairman's Boston accent, since contest is in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn;

#7:Remy's explanation to Mc Carver that "The Cask 'n Flagon" is not in The Bronx;

#6:Area residents idea of a "Wicked Pissah Time", consists of taking a leak behind an el pillar on Fulton Street;

#5:O'Brien & Sutcliffe, on ESPN, spend the evening trying to explain just what a "Peggy Lee" Shot is;

#4: Wally The Green Monster is, repeatedly, referred to as Youppi;

#3:A Winner with the name of Kazmerczyk, hears chant of "F--- F---ing Kazmarek; F--- him";

#2:"Take Me Out To The Free Throw", sung by someone called "Giant Pez";

#1: FOX spends night promoting All Lesbian Police Comedy, called "Fort Martina", while ESPN promotes a Special about Martina Navratilova


Friday, November 02, 2007

On Mobile & Desktop Computing-Mac Style With Good Words To Windows, LINUX & UNIX Users

Funny thing about the Palm T/X, in working in Mac environment, is that PowerPoint is, supposedly, read-only, & that PowerPoint only works with Windows for the editing & transfer of documents:

If one goes according to Palm & one uses a Hot Sync, files like music and application installment will work fine. If one buys "Documents To Go", files can be moved between the Palm & Desktop or Laptop. There's extra cost in that, so for the price of a Bluetooth dongle, plus Hot Sync cable, I don't need all the added expense and can do PowerPoint Presentation & Editing at any time, as if I am a Windows user. Bluetooth is a great work-around to get a document done. I have Neo Office on my eMac & can do every imagineable format & @ far-lower cost.

Why spend a lot, when you can do your work, by following a few simple steps, and get the task done, nicely, on time and under-budget. Bluetooth and the right apps, make it easy in Mac OS X, in Panther and Tiger. Windows, LINUX and UNIX users, would be wise to get Open Office, on which Neo Office is based.

Time to cut the cables & costs;



The Annual FOX Sports Satire

Now that the Baseball Season has ended, particularly "The World Series On FOX", it's time for a little bit of fun at the expense of the crew at FOX Sports:

I know that you're saying "Mike, we do this every year since the '04 World Series", but as one always notices for the past few years, that Tim Mc Carver thinks he's the star of the show. Joe Buck also acts as Tim's enabler, so things get screwy in the FOX Booth;

Now, in regards to The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Basketball Championship, as a backdrop to this annual send up-well, in my almost 30 years in the Order, I've been personally associated with The Contest, I've met every character imaginable, while running this live show. It'll get more-interesting when the Gang from NESN, will handle the pre and post contest analysis, as well as a visit from 2 Stars from the FX Hit show, "Rescue Me";

This year's "Coverage" will also handle subjects, Mel Brooks-Style, if you know what I mean(Anyone for "The Producers"). Mel and bad taste, go together, quite-well("Springtime For Hitler" comes to mind). Remember, just like always, the Contest is only a backdrop, as it's the sideline, the booth & the production truck, are where the action is;

& as is the case, the FOX video and audio feeds, are for the US, ONLY, as the FOX Video will be supplemented by audio from ESPN, in this send-up. Dave O'Brien and Rick Sutcliffe will give their satirical view. In fact, they'll

be describing the gaffes in the FOX Booth;

A Crazy Send-up, Indeed;



Thursday, November 01, 2007

Now That Joe Torre Will Manage The L A Dodgers

WHO Will Sr Marguerite Torre, OP, be rooting for?

Look for a lot of sales orders from Nativity & St Stanislaus Schools In Ozone Park, for Mets Dodgers @ Shea Stadium;

Wait-she's not running the show, anymore;

Maybe just a lot of Nuns, though!



"Hi, It's Larry-I Want My Damn Winning World Series Ball"

Somebody's got the Winning World Series Ball:

Watch Larry Lucchino make a big jerk out of himself;




This Came From Jere & Kim From HQ In Boston

This is NOT Scary for it has a certain Warmth To It;

Thanks, O Dynamic Duo;



New Address For This Blog

As of November 1st, 2007, @ 2:00PM-ET, You'll be able to access this blog @ the following URL(Web Address):

There's a lot less typing to do, & EASIER to remember;

Begin to bookmark it starting as of now;


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"Dandy Andy"

Andy Petitte says that he'll either remain with the NY Yankees or retire:

Great news to know-why if he retires, we won't have to see that juiced pantload, "The Rocket", again;



Scott Boras Is A Jack-Arse

Scott Boras is a classless bozo. He blamed Mariano Rivera for A-Rod's not going to the '04 Fall Classic;

Jackarse-The rest of Yankees Starting Pitching, basically, had nothing in the tank;

& "Cap'n Slappy's" Ball Slap in Game 6, didn't help matters, either;

& "The Idiots" did GET IT DONE;


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The "Where's Curt Schilling Going" Question

This is the big question as to where Curt Schilling will pitch next year, while finishing up as a Winner for the '07 World Series Champion Boston Red Sox:

THAT QUESTION is being popped on WEEI & "THE ZONE-1510", in Boston & by the various "Rocket Scientists" on ESPN 1050 & on WFAN 660-NY;

Stay tuned;



Some All Saints Day Thoughts

I have not always seen eye to eye with the Performer, George Carlin, in a lot of things he says, but in last night's All Saints Day Homily @ Mass, things said by George Carlin, do say a lot about the society we live in, today:

Bigger houses but fewer children, 2 incomes & divorces, more conveniences but less time for each other;

I know that George is angry, but he's right. Last night's Vigil Mass used to be packed in prior years. In fact, I remember when there used to be the Sunday Schdule on Holy Days of Obligation, instead of what is occuring today. You wonder if many Catholics, especially those who've gone to Catholic Schools in the last 25 years are even aware of these Holy Days;

Imagine yourself in this scenario-you're the head of a Catholic organisation & you're @ a Catholic Elementary School Graduation. & you decide to ask one or more of the new graduates about some point of Catholic Doctrine, & no one knew that bit of doctrine. What is very-telling is that the Doctrine of The Eucharist, is not being emphasized, & one can tell this by the answers the 8th Grade Graduates are giving. I speak from experience, as a Past Grand Knight of a Knights of Columbus Council from 1996 until 1998. To say the least, the current trend is not an encouraging one;

Do enough Catholic Parents ask or care about whether or not their children are being instructed in the Faith of The Saints, or do all of the conveniences take up too much of their time?

Pax Vobiscum;


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With Bluetooth, I can Finally Send My Documents Between My Mac & Palm T/X-An Example Is A 5/21/06 Digital Scorecard-Yankees @ Mets

1st Inning Top
Damon -ey single SB
Jeter 6-3
Giambi Ks2
A-Fraud BB
Cano 4-3

Bottom 1st
Reyes Kc2
LoDuca 6-3
Delgado 6-3

Top 2nd Inning
Williams doubled
Cabrera 4-3
Small Ks2

Bottom 2nd
Delgado Ks2
Wright L3
Floyd Tripled
Nady 4-3

Top 3rd
Damon-ey 5-3
Jeter Singled
Giambi Singled
A-Fake Pop 7
Cano FC 4-6

Bottom 3rd
Matsui F5
Glavine 1-3
Reyes 6-3

Top 4th Inning
Willliams doubled
Cabrera 1-3
Stinnett BB
Small SH 5-3
Damon-ey HP
Jeter single 2bi
Giambi BB
A-Fake L7

Bottom 4th Inning
LoDuca single
Beltran single
Delgado 3run homer
Wright homer
Floyd fly8
Nady single
Matsui 4-3 DP

Top 5th Inning
Cano 4-3
Williams BB
Cabrera 4-6-3 DP

Bottom 5th
Glavine 4-3
Reyes singled SB
LoDuca BB
Beltran FC4-6 SB
pitching change DFyankees LHP Mike Meyers
Delgado Ks2

Top 6th Inning
Stinnett Ks2
Reese ph HP
Damon-ey single
Jeter 6-3 DP

Bottom 6th Inning
Wright Ks2
Floyd Fly 7
Nady HP SB
Matsui 6-3

Top 7th Inning
Heillman in relief of Glavine
Giambi Fly 8
A-Fraud 1-3
Cano Single
Williams BB
Cabrera BB
Stinnett 6-4

Bottom 7th Inning
Jose Valentin PH BB SB
Reyes Ks2
yankee reliever#58 replaced by 47 Ron Villone
LoDuca Pop 6
Beltran L6

Giambi had a Sac Fly
Final score was Mets 4 Yankees 3

WP Tom Glavine 7-2
LP Aaron Small at 0-2
Time of Game 3:08
Attendance a complete sellout at 56,205.
Save: Billy Wagner.

By Hot Sync Cable on the Palm T/X, I couldn't move my Memos Over to The Mac. By doing it via the Bluetooth Utility on The Mac, operating in OS X(10.4.10) & with the Kensington Bluetooth Device in my USB port, the Memo made it as a Text Document, then copied & pasted from Text Edit or Mariner Write. The Same can be done with MS Excel & Powerpoint;

The scorecard sent, was a Game where the Bleacher Creatures, on a 3 Day Pass from Yankee Stadium, were at their most-obnoxious. It may not be reflected in the scorecard, but now that data can be transferred wirelessly, one will see more scorecards & Game Stories on this blog;

My pleasure bringing it to you;


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