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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Some All Saints Day Thoughts

I have not always seen eye to eye with the Performer, George Carlin, in a lot of things he says, but in last night's All Saints Day Homily @ Mass, things said by George Carlin, do say a lot about the society we live in, today:

Bigger houses but fewer children, 2 incomes & divorces, more conveniences but less time for each other;

I know that George is angry, but he's right. Last night's Vigil Mass used to be packed in prior years. In fact, I remember when there used to be the Sunday Schdule on Holy Days of Obligation, instead of what is occuring today. You wonder if many Catholics, especially those who've gone to Catholic Schools in the last 25 years are even aware of these Holy Days;

Imagine yourself in this scenario-you're the head of a Catholic organisation & you're @ a Catholic Elementary School Graduation. & you decide to ask one or more of the new graduates about some point of Catholic Doctrine, & no one knew that bit of doctrine. What is very-telling is that the Doctrine of The Eucharist, is not being emphasized, & one can tell this by the answers the 8th Grade Graduates are giving. I speak from experience, as a Past Grand Knight of a Knights of Columbus Council from 1996 until 1998. To say the least, the current trend is not an encouraging one;

Do enough Catholic Parents ask or care about whether or not their children are being instructed in the Faith of The Saints, or do all of the conveniences take up too much of their time?

Pax Vobiscum;


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