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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thirty Six Years Later In The Brooklyn Diocese

Okay, but when I was 10 Years Old(1965), I wanted to become an Altar Boy(It tells You How Old I Am, still to use that terminology). Mom said NO. In 1971, I volunteeered to become a Lector in St Sylvester Parish, in the City Line-Cypress Hills Neighborhood of Brooklyn & was stopped by Ma, AGAIN:

She uttered that "There's Something Going on in THAT Church that I don't Like 7 I want you to stay away from it. Someone there can hurt you";

Now, @ 16, I thought that Ma had lost it upstairs & was Paranoid. She told me that one day, when I'm Older, I would come to understand her actions;

Reality BITES & bit me in the Arse, pretty hard, this morning, as I was on the BMT Jamaica-Nassau Loop Line, in my commute to Downtown Manhattan. I was reading the News Section of The NY Post, when this news report, hit me between the eyes, on Page 19, on the bottom of the page;

The Caption read "Perv' Cleric, 83, Loses Priestly Powers";

& then came the "Coup De Gracie", as I knew him as a Parish Priest in St Sylvester, from 1963 until 1972;

Fr John Abrams, who turns 83 next month, he who used to wear a Bobby Kennedy Style Haircut & was a bit of a Political Liberal & a hit with the Young People in St Sylvester Parish, was the Priest suspended by Bishop Nicholas Di Marzio, quite-recently, from acting in the Capacity of a Priest, after it was found that he sexually-abused several boys in Sacred Heart Parish-Bayside, while as Pastor, from 1979 until 1982;

Ma was trying to tell me something, although in the 1970s, people didn't come out & say that Fr So & So was into Buggery. The '60s & '70s were really a different era, unlike today, where things tend to be more-open. She said to me that one day, I would understand what's going on;

Ma? Now I Know. I understand. & I'm Sorry;




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