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Saturday, January 31, 2009

The "Quasi" Prodigal Son, "V-Tek", Returneth

I know! It's been a Long Winter. It has been cold, after freezing my arse off, shooting farewell pictures at Shea Stadium, with over 200 People, doing the Same Thing:

But, this is Primarily a BOSTON RED SOX BLOG, and I aim to keep it as such. However, I am based somewhere in the Borough Of Queens, in NYC, hence the progress photos of a fading Shea Stadium, a place that was used as the Backdrop for a David Ortiz Vitamin Water Photo Ad. You'll see what I mean, when you stop into a Mens or Ladies Room at Fenway Park and see the ad(My response is that David is a Champion of '04 and '07, and why use the Backdrop of a Stadium, where the Home Team downgraded its' bullpen to get even with somebody over money. Got That JEFFY);

That being neither here nor there, there is GOOD News to report, in that Mr Jason Varitek has signed a 1 Year Contract, with an option for a 2nd Year, amounting to $5M this Season with performance incentives;

For awhile, this looked like a cat and mouse game with The Red Sox, but Jason came to his senses;

Here's to a great year;



SB XLIII Or "The Losers Bowl"

The NFL History shows that there was a Team called "Card-Pitt" in 1944, due to the Wartime Merger, in WWII of The Pittsburgh Steelers and Chicago Cardinals. Half of the Games were played in Chicago's Comiskey Park and the other half at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh:

This was due to teams losing players to The Armed Forces in WWII;

This Combined effort, UTTERLY SUCKED, with a Winless Season;

After The War ended, the Steelers and Cardinals, went their own ways;

The Steelers stayed in Pittsburgh and won some Super Bowls;

The Cardinals moved from Chicago to St Louis, and, eventually, to Arizona;

Tomorrow, The Winners get to drop the Losing 1944 Season;

The SB losers get to keep it;

NBC Sports will carry this show from Tampa, tomorrow;



The Fans Made A "Bee" Line To Say Goodbye To Shea Stadium-As Cold As A J-E-T-S Game In December

Let's Put it this way-it was if the NY Jets were playing there in December. In short, it was COLD:

On "Mets Blog"
, fans got the message to "Show Up At Shea" for one last hurrah, for the Mets Home Park for 45 Years. It was a time of stories, laughs and some tears;

Gate B is Gone. Remaining are The Power System Shed, Gate C, The "Will Call Windows", The Advanced Sale Windows, and Gate D;

Upper Level along The Right Field Line, well the concrete is being removed. After That, The Upper Level will be dismantled and ripdown will proceed, rather-swiftly;

Say Good Night, Mr Met!


As Shea Stadium Sets Into The Sunset

And with the weather warming a bit, more people will head out to the place to say farewell, as Shea Stadium should be there for about another week to 10 Days:

There will be a gathering of Mets Bloggers, by the newly-removed Gate A, by 12N;

Farewell, Old Friend!


And Shea Stadium Gets Even Smaller, Now

Shea Stadium gets smaller, every day. Finally, 1st Base-Right Field Upper Level Concrete, is being chopped up by the Wreckers Ball:

As is tradition near Flushing Bay, from where wind whips, Baby It's COLD, Outside. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr;



Thursday, January 29, 2009

More "Shea Goodbye"-In The Rain

Yesterday, because of the rain and snow, it was a Cleanup Day, as Infield and Outfield Areas were somewhat free of Stadium Debris. Blowtorches were used on the remaining 12 Sections by Gate C and Press/Player Entrance:



Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Mr B-Berg? Tear Down This Toilet, Puh-lease"

Harvey Araton of The NY Times, recently wrote an excellent article on Yankee Stadium II(Pictured Here) and why the City Of New York must tear it down, as Bronx Community Board 4, the Poorest Congressional District in the US, will still have 2 Yankee Stadiums up over the Summer of '09:

Click on The Title and read it. It's an excellent article;



The "Shea Goodbye For Good" Clock Is Winding Down, with 55% Demolished

The Roof and Upper Level Seating Bowl, from Left Field to near Home Plate, has been removed from Shea Stadium:

I figure that the Area by Gate C, by Home Plate, will be junk by this afternoon, and Gate B will be demolished;

Next would be Gate C and Press Gate being given the Heave-Ho;



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's Strange But Shea Stadium OUTLASTED The Following Stadia

Veterans Stadium In Philadelphia(1971-2003):
Three Rivers Stadium In Pittsburgh(1970-2000);
Riverfront Stadium-Cincinatti(1970-2002);
Fulton County Stadium-Atlanta(1966-1996);
Houston Astrodome(1965-1999);
Is Older than Yankee Stadium II(1976-2008);
Busch Stadium II(1966-2005);

This is in the case of MLB, after 45 Seasons. It was host to the AFL and NFL for 20 Seasons. Shea hosted The Mets, Yankees, Jets and Giants in 1975, and the American Soccer League NY United in 1980 and a North American Soccer League NY Cosmos Playoff Game in 1976;

Shea Stadium really took a beating over the Years;

Now it's almost gone;



As To WHY I've Been Posting Photos Of Shea Stadium In The Final Stages


Dad Took Me to my 1st Professional Sporting Event, in September, 1966. It involved the NY Mets, though The Mets were NOT The Most-Professional Of Teams, as they were awful in those days:

The Pope John Paul II Visit in 1979;

Joe Namath and The Then NY Jets;

Mom taking me to see the filming of "The Odd Couple" prior to Mets-Pirates, in June, 1967, in the waning days of Maury Wills;

On September 28th, 2000, when a Seminarian asked me to seek help for Some New Kid, who's now a Transitional Deacon, Ordained in Rome for The RC Diocese Of Brooklyn;

Memories, both CATHOLIC and Secular. Both of my folks are gone;

Soon, Shea Stadium, will be gone as well;

Pax Dominum Sit Semper Vobiscum!

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25 Years Of Mac

For The 1st 5 Years of Home Computing in the Mac-Windows Wars, I used both a Windows Machine, namely a Compaq with 200Mhz Processor and then a Compaq Laptop, with 475Mhz. The 1st System used Windows 95(Eye Candy Junk), then Windows 98SE(Eye Candy Super Junk):

Between the 20th and 25th Anniversary Macintosh Era, I have used Mac Operating Systems 9.1.1 and 9.2.2(Classic), OS X(10.1.5, 10.2.8, 10.3.9{My All Time Favorite}, 10.4.12 and 10.5.6);

I have used Microsoft Office in Windows 98SE and Mac 10.3.9, but find that I preferred Good Old Apple Works in Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, and now the Open Source Neolithic Office, from 10.3 until 10.5. The Price of Neolithic Office is FREE. Currently, I also use "iWork" and it's rather good. It beats laying out a s---load for MS Office;

Mac, I find, is great for graphics and music, as well as not having to worry about viruses, which abound in the Windows Platform, a ripped off version of the Mac Platform;

At work, Windows XP is what I use(Somewhat against my will but that's life-you don't always get what you want);

It was in Mac OS 9.1 and 9.2, where I discovered working differently from Windows. I can work comfortably in either platform, but Mac OS doesn't give me a mother lode of headaches. I just love working in Mac OS X, especially from Panther into Leopard;

I can handle Mac Classic, OS X and Windows. It took buying an Old Mac G3 All In One to convince me that Mac is superior;

Happy 25th Anniversary, Mac-You got me to "Think Different";



More "Shea Goodbye"

WHAT THIS PLACE will be in another week, I figure it to be mostly rubble:

Later, as Shea Stadium disappears before your eyes, as Left Field becomes a memory!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Important Phone Call Given

The Word is "FORTHWITH". I Pray That This Is The END Of My Horrific Ordeal:

Pray For Me Folks;

Pax Dominum Sit Semper Vobiscum!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hey! Who Says You Can Receive In Your Hands?

In reality, Ecumenical Council of 1962 Through 1965, known as Vatican II, did not have a proviso for receiving Communion In The Hand. In Fact, People kneeled at a Communion Rail, in 1968:

It was only in The 1980s, when I saw the Reception Of The Eucharist, occur by receiving in The Hand, though within the last 5 Years, I went back to receiving on the tongue;

My Hands are NOT consecrated-I believe in receiving the Eucharist on my tongue, for I'm NOT a Deacon, Priest, Nor Bishop, the 3 Stages Of The Sacrament Of Holy Orders;

Pax Dominum Sit Semper Vobiscum!


The National Hockey League's All Star Game Is NOT A Real Hockey Game(C'est Ne Pas Une Partie En Actuellement)

I could be wrong, as an actual penalty has been called at 2:15 in Overtime. Est Et Ouest sont 11(11-11 NHL East and NHL West):

Game is now in a Shoot-Out at The Bell Centre in Montreal;

NHL East Wins it 12-11, with Mr Kovalev from Les Habitants(Montreal Canadiens);

Mr Alex Kovalev is NHL All Star MVP, his award is being presented by NHL Commissioner, Mr Gary "From Forest Hills, Queens, You're Next On WFAN" Bettemann;

Hey, the fans and players had fun;

A Plus Tarde(Later)!


The Place(Shea) Was Reduced Even Further, Yesterday

By The End Of This Week, even THIS will be gone, with only the the Steel and Broken Concrete, on the ground:

Shea Stadium will ONLY be memories;



Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Shea Goodbye" To The Site Of Games 6 And 7 Of The 1986 World Series

In a Matter of just 24 Hours, even more of Shea Stadium, has been demolished. Gate E is Gone, Gate D is Next, Gate B will be gone by Monday, as will the Players Entrance and Advance Ticket And Will Call Windows, and Press Gate. Gate F(Center Field) is long gone. Gate A is completely demolished. By Wednesday, it'll be Gate C, and by Next Saturday, it'll be a Cleanup Job of all the Steel And Concrete From Shea Stadium:

Farewell Old Friend;



Friday, January 23, 2009

Shea Stadium=50% "Gone, Goodbye"

50% of Shea is gone, From Halfway up the 3rd Base Line, to the LF Corner, is demolished. The RF Corner is demolished. Gates D and E have been crashed into:

Shea Stadium's Dismantling is proceeding from Left and Right Field, to the Center by Old Gate C. By The Home Plate Area, most Upper Level Seating has been removed;

Figure that it'll be 80% by next week;


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The City Of New York Has Awarded A Contract To Rip This Place Down

Yankee Stadium II(Pictured Here), is going to be getting ripped down, soon, according to a Construction Man, who worked on the Yankee Stadium III Project:

To make the project complete, have them take it down, along with "The Bleacher Creatures";



From The Home Office In Forest Hills, NY, It's Time For The K of C Free Throw Top 10 List

Top 10 Signs You're At A Bad K of C Free Throw Contest:

#10:Scheduled for Friday Evening at The Local Yeshiva;

#9:It's bankrolled by Bernard Madoff;

#8:NY Mets have table at contest to con parents into buying Season Tickets at Citi Field;

#7:Parents can't bring video cameras in, but Highlights can be bought on Apple's Website from "iTunes", for $3.99;

#6:All those NY Knicks Scouts;

#5:Most-Terrifying Words spoken are "I'm Joe Buck-Tim Mc Carver will be here in a moment";

#4:Soloist, Singing "God Bless America", sounds like an Alley Cat In Heat, causing Windows to break and lights to flicker;

#3:Contestant named Arroyo, gets ball slapped out of his hands by "A-Rod";

#2:FOX Promotion from AT And T Mobility, with text to 36197 and 88555(Canada), asking folks to guess how many times Mc Carver mentions Derek Jeter;

#1:A-Rod Calls Press Conference To Call Attention To Himself and Madonna, while interrupting Award Ceremony;



K of C Free Throw Memories Come In Contests With A #3

It was FT III, on Saturday, December 22nd, 1979, and Saturday, February 5th, 1980. This was St Sylvester Council #6194, running the show, with the Council Contest, being run at Blessed Sacrament-Cypress Hills, Brooklyn. It was a Contest laced with Controversy, as it was moved away from the base, at St Sylvester School at 396 Grant Avenue, in City Line-Brooklyn, infuriating that base. That Base was not cooperative, so the Contest was moved. It also marked the end of Sylvestrian Exclusivity, as they were NOT the ONLY GAME in town:

Three Kings County Champions and One Western LI Champions were crowned. It infuriated The Council, unto the point of not giving recognition to these Champs. The Western LI Winner, became Downstate Champion, in March, 1980. There was a problem-they were NOT from St Sylvester Parish, as that Council was too-localized and Crassly-Parochial;

Council 5103 gave recognition to these Winners, in 1994, in commemoration of the 15th Anniversary Year. In 1994, was also FT III, held at St.Pancras, from which 3 Queens County Champions were crowned. One of those Winners from 1994, Jamie Jones, is the Blood Niece of 1980 Downstate Champion, Karen Fleming. Jamie's Mom is Karen's Older Sister;

For Msgr Sherman #5103, a joint venture with Long Island Council #197, in LI 197's FT XVIII and 5103's FT XIII, saw Keandra Leong eventually win the NY State Championship. The Council Contest, like 6194's FT III, took place at Blessed Sacrament Hall, on Pine Street-Cypress Hills. Keandra Leong came from Our Lady Of Mercy Recreation and Our Lady Of Mercy School, in Forest Hills, a parish serviced by 5103;

For Sherman 5103, like St Sylvester 6194, their Greatest Contests, both took place on Pine Street in Brooklyn, in a Gym, now named for a Mr Anthony Iadanza, known around the globe as Tony Danza;

Good Things often come in Threes;



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Any News On THIS GUY?



The Best Young Reliever In The Game Is Back

Get Your Dancing Shoes On-Jonathan Papelbon has signed for 1 Year:

A Little over $5M this Year;

He's Worth Every Penny Paid;

Click on the Title;



And Now, Right Field At Shea Stadium Is Saying Good Bye

Shea Stadium is starting to get ripped down from the Old RF Corner, where the mural of the 1969 World Champions, was seen. The Mural, a Wind Panel, is no more:

Click on either Shea Stadium, or the Title;



A Mets Classic Telecast The Other Night

It was Mets-Yankees from 05/21/05. It looked like a Classic Pitchers Duel, with Kris Benson for The Mets and Randy Johnson for the Yankees:

Usually, SportsNet NY(SNY) would have their commentators, Gary Cohen, Ron Darling and Keith Hernandez. But, this was a different duo doing the game. They tended to talk more. Blah, Blah, Blah, was the order of the day;

It was the Bottom of the 7th Inning with the Mets leading 2-0. Up comes Korean Reliever, Dae Sung Koo. One of the Commentators made this observation in regards to Koo "In my mind in this early part of the Season, this is the Biggest Give Up At Bat";

Koo swings and the Lead Commentator exclaims "Ohhh and rips one into right center field. Take your words back. Up against the wall and Koo who's thinking about a triple, holds with a double". The Other Guy, often referred to as a Baboon, exclaims "You led me into it, I didn't say a thing";

My Goodness, SNY was repeating a FOX Telecast, replete with whooshes and chimes;

One thing about THIS Telecast-THIS Duo never lets a good game get in the way of their braying on and on. How many times could the Lead Baseball Analyst say "You Led Me Into It"+this Classic Line, "They Needed a Derek To Get Jeter Out";

Mets won it 8-1. The Duo on SNY, looked like THESE TWO. No Wonder The Duo caught fire from The Professor Thom's Red Sox Regulars during The 2007 World Series-they don't let the Game speak for itself;

"MLB ON FOX" Season Premiere is Saturday, April 11th, '09 at 3:30PM, EDT(1930 GMT);

WHERE is Vincent Scully, WHEN you need him?


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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Light Stanchions Are Down At Shea Stadium

And now, full demolition is underway. The stadium is being demolished from LF to RF. The Light Banks are gone. All of the LF Corner and LF is gone. This Ball Park will be gone by the end of next week and Parking Lot for $iti Field should be underway:



Tuesday, January 20, 2009

George Bush Can Go Home

Bush 43 is finished as of 12:05PM, EST, when Barack Hussein Obama, took the Presidential Oath. Chief Justice John Roberts gave the oath of office to Senator Obama:

Take a picture of President Obama-He will age like no tomorrow;

Good Luck and Godspeed Mr President Obama;



Sunday, January 18, 2009

Shea Stadium, Structurally, Will Be Half Gone By The End Of This Week

Yes, The Site of Game 6 of The 1986 World Series, will be almost totally trashed. The Left Field Area up to the 3rd Base Line has been demolished, around the area of Gate A, up to The Gate B Entrance. Meanwhile, the Upper Level has been dismantled from RF to near Home Plate, covering Gate E and Gate D:

I predict that by the end of Next Week, Shea Stadium will be totally demolished, then the debris will be removed, and the Citi Field Parking Lot and Greenery will begin;


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Friday, January 16, 2009

Knights Of Columbus Free Throw Retrospective-FT IV And FT V

This Annual Event has taken place since 1992, for Msgr Sherman Council #5103, tomorrow being the 17th Contest:

There was an interruption in 2002, being shut down by some Past Grand Knight, who has since transferred to a Council in Eastern Queens, and was caught in a lie, over the contest;

Two Contests are being commemorated here, both with interesting histories;

FT IV took place on Saturday, January 7th, 1995, at Resurrection-Ascension, in Middle Village, Queens. It was an interesting night and the last of the "Come One-Come All" Contests.Over 60 Contestants showed up;

A 10 Year Old Girl, Tess Mc Cloud, was Long Island Champion in The Contest that year. There was also the cry of "Why are the Champs from Other Regions? They should ONLY Come From Glendale". She went to West Point for The NY State Championship;

James Lynch, 13 Year Old Boys, was the Queens County Champion;

But, in that Contest, a 12 Year Old Boy named Danny Champoli, shot at the Foul Line. Five and a Half Years Later at Shea Stadium, a Seminarian from Douglaston, Queens, sat next to me in Shea Stadium Loge. That Seminarian mentioned Danny Champoli's Name, as a Good Kid in Need of Financial Help;

Danny is now The Reverend Deacon Daniel Champoli, studying at the North American College In Rome, recently ordained a Transitional Deacon, for The RC Diocese Of Brooklyn. His next step is to be ordained as a Priest, which should occur in May or June, 2009;

That's a Great Little Side Story, from FT IV;

The Original Plans for FT V, were announced at the 1/7/95 Contest, with Our Lady Of Hope, on Eliot Avenue, as Host Parish.In April, 1995, the Deputy Grand Knight approached me with this story, that he was approached by Sacred Heart Parish Officials, requesting that the Free Throw be moved to Sacred Heart East Glendale.The Then Deputy Grand Knight was under the assumption that he was going to become Grand Knight. He, then, gave me a whole host of restrictions as per these Parish Officials, that ONLY Sacred Heart Contestants could participate, and NO ONE ELSE;

I told him "Then go run it yourself. You DON'T need me";

He ran to the then Grand Knight. That GK spoke to me and told me to move it to Sacred Heart AND INCLUDE as many Parish Organizations as I'd want in this Contest;

As for that Deputy Grand Knight, he was NOT elected Grand Knight. BTW, NO Parish Officials ever talked to him at all. He stated that it was a Secret as to who he talked to;

The Contest was expanded and followed the Rockaway Council #2672 Contest System. My Co-Chairman, Ed, who saw the Rockaway System in action, helped coordinate this contest. The Forest Hills Region came in under the new system. Sacred Heart, Resurrection-Ascension, St Pancras, Cathedral Preparatory Seminary, and Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs and
Our Lady Of Mercy, were part of The New System of the Contest, which took less time to run;

The Two Queens County Champions were Mark Baranovich from Our Lady Of Mercy Recreation, who was also a Parishioner of Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs. Gloria Kim, from Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs Teen Center. Both were 14 Years Old;

At Holy Cross HS, Mark put on a 23/25 Shot "Clinic". Gloria Kim went to a 5 Shot Shootout before winning the title. When she won, a "New York, NY" Kick Line, often done to the song when "Ol' Blue Eyes", Francis Albert Sinatra, was singing it, was done to celebrate Gloria's Victory;

Gloria Kim is of Historical Significance, in that she was the 1st Non-White Queens County Champion, in 5103 History, and the 1st Contestant of Asian Bloodlines(Korean-American);

This did NOT sit well with those who felt that ONLY Glendale Contestants, especially Sacred Heart Parish-Based Contestants, should be the only ones to compete. My answer was that if they're not good enough, they can't win it;

FT V, signalled expansion of The Council beyond Greater Glendale;

Pax Vobis!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

OF Mark Kotsay-1 Year Deal

These WBZ-TV Alerts are Fun and Fast:

OF Mark Kotsay has been signed to a One Year Deal by The Boston Red Sox;



Breaking News From CBS-Plane Crash In Hudson River

Click on Title!


"Youk" Signs 4 Years At $10M Per

Kevin Youkilis has been signed for "4 More Years", by The Boston Red Sox, playing 1st Base and some 3rd Base:

"Youk" is needed and wanted;

Just got the text message a moment ago;



The St Patrick's Day Parade In NY-Older Than The Republic Of The USA

Since 1762 in Manhattan, 1st in the area of what is Chinatown, until 5th Avenue, from W and E 44th Streets until East 86th Street, there have been 247 Consecutive St Patrick's Day Parades:

From the Time of The 13 Colonies, until the Present, there has been a Self-Sustaining Parade. In 1938, it was a 1 Hour Parade, due to the Great Depression. There were plans to cancel the 1945 Parade, until President Truman intervened and requested to keep it going for The Morale Of The Troops, in WWII;

Michael J Gibbons is the Grand Marshall for the 2009 Parade(#248). He was installed as Grand Marshall, last evening. Last season, Football(Soccer) Commentator TOMMY SMYTH(Y Not The I) was Grand Marshall;

The Parade Chairman, John Dunleavy, who, for 25 Years was a Bus Driver and Superintendent for MaBSTOA, follows in the Tradition of The Late Francis Beirne, who started with 5th Avenue Coach Lines and retired from MaBSTOA. It was often known that when the Irish landed in NY, they often became Bus Drivers for 5th Avenue Coach and Surface Transit Corporation, and even in the early days of MaBSTOA, or Manhattan And Bronx Surface Transit Operating Authority;

There are people who often call for all Ethnic Parades to be replaced by an America Day Parade, but this Parade is not only a celebration of Irish Culture in America and Of The Catholic Faith, it's very much a celebration of America, Herself, as The Parade has been marching since before the Republic of The United States Of America;

NBC4 and The Travel Channel will carry the parade on March 17th at 11:00AM. It will be seen around the World, via the World Wide Web, streaming live. It is seen live online in Eire;



The Shea Stadium Skeleton Is Showing Down The LF Line

From Stadium Page, the LF area is a skeleton, as all of Upper Level to Field, shows that stands don't exist at all, even the Standing Room Area is Gone:

Click On Title for a January 14th Update;



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Now Understand WHY Doris Kearns-Goodwin Couldn't Root For The Expansion NY NL Team

Doris Kearns is a Native of The Borough Of Brooklyn, like a number of people, like Mr JB Quinn and myself. She used to go with her dad to Ebbets Field, a small, cozy ballpark at Sullivan Place and Bedford Avenue, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn:

The Polo Grounds, in Upper Manhattan's Vinegar Hill, a One Time Irish Enclave, was a large, cavernous stadium, and home to the Brooklyn Dodgers Chief Rival, The NY Giants. To Brooklyn Dodgers Fans, The Polo Grounds was enemy territory;

Ebbets Field met the Wrecking Ball in February, 1960. The Polo Grounds remained standing, property of The San Francisco Giants. For 1962 and 1963, the Polo Grounds served as Home of The NY Mets. The Polo Grounds met the same wrecking ball as used on Ebbets Field, on April 10th, 1964;

Doris Kearns Goodwin could not go into enemy territory, to root for the Expansion NL Team, even if it was Anti-Yankees;

She was in school in Boston and in 1965, she watched a Red Sox Game at Fenway Park, which was built the year before Ebbets Field. At Fenway, she felt like she was at Ebbets Field all over again. In short, she felt at home, with the team, and fans who were practically the same as who she remembered in Ebbets Field;

The Red Sox were a throwback to her Beloved Brooklyn Dodgers. I think that there was this closeness, which one could not experience, either at the Polo Grounds, or at the Brand Spanking New Shea Stadium, which is currently being dismantled;

At Times, I think of Fenway Park, as The Brooklyn, I never knew. Whenever I'm on The Green Line "T", I feel as if I'm riding to The Ebbets Field, I never got to know, on a Trolley Car, I never got to ride on, anywhere in NYC, especially in Brooklyn;

Boston? You're my "Brooklyn";


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"Cora, Cora, Cora"

No-This is NOT a WWII Movie about The Attack On Pearl Harbor:

Alex Cora, from the 2007 WS Champion Red Sox, will be the Back Up Infielder for the NY Mets;

$2M to sign him for this year;

Click on The Title;



At 1957:30 Hours, I Turn 54

All I Await is the Order to return to work:

I am recovered from what ails me, so it's a waiting game, which I hope and pray is a brief wait;

"The Q" recently turned 47 on January 4th, making it 2 Red Sox Bloggers with January Birthdays;



Whilst Derek Goes On The "Down" Lowe-It's "Cora, Cora, Cora"?

Mr Omar Minaya, Puppet On Jeffy's String, since Jeffy is running the Mets show, is close to signing former Red Sox 2B-SS, Alex Cora:

Close IS NO CIGAR, Omar. Then again, Jeffy likes to dangle, and since Jeffy is waiting to open his playpen and rumpus room called $iti Field, suspense continues;

Click on title to read the report from WEEI's Rob Bradford;



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More on Baseball HOF Jim Rice

Came up in August 1974. Runner Up For AL Rookie Of Year in 1975-Was on The DL during The 1975 World Series-Batted .333 in the 1986 World Series:

A Side Note-The Reliever who Got The Save in Game 7 of The 1986 World Series, Jesse Orosco, is in his 1st Year of Eligibility;

Dave Henderson was in CF in the 1986 Series, while Jim Rice was in LF, just for the record;



Monday, January 12, 2009

They Don't Cover The Super Bowl Like This Anymore

It has been 40 Years to the Moment, when NBC Sports carried Super Bowl III, with a ONE Hour Pre-Game Show and a Game which started at 2:00PM EST:

The NY Jets defeated the Baltimore Colts, 16-7. Currently, The Colts are in Indianapolis and The NY Jets are based in Florham Park, NJ, in Morris County;

People in those days, were finished by 5:45PM with the Game;

Now it's 6 Hours of Pre-Game and more nonsense during the Coverage. For awhile, I even lost interest in Football, itself;



At 2:02PM, EST, The Baseball Hall Of Fame Made This Joyous Announcement To Those Of Us In Red Sox Nation

Jim Rice, LF, from 1974 to 1989, has been elected to The Big Baseball Shrine in Cooperstown, NY, by The Writers. We of Red Sox Nation, from wherever we are, are overjoyed at this moment:

This announcement was made on the MLB Network at 2:02PM-ET, by Jeff Adelson of The National Baseball Hall Of Fame, from Studio 3 of The MLB Network;

Jim Rice was in the World Series in 1986, hitting with power;

It was Jim's Last Time on The Ballot;

His last WS Game was Game 7 of the 1986 World Series. The Site of that Game 7, is being demolished to make room for the $iti Field Parking Lot, as we speak;

Also, congrats are in order for a Guy, who I razzed from both the Fenway Centerfield Bleachers and from Mezzanine of Shea Stadium, by the name of Rickey Henderson, who was the One of The Best Leadoff Hitters and Base Stealers in The Game;

Joe Gordon, elected by the Oltimers Committee, Played from 1941 into the '50s, starting with the Yankees in 1941 and ending with the Cleveland Indians. For a 2nd Baseman, he had the A L Record for Homers;

Tony Kubek, A L rookie Of The Year in 1957, was elected to receive the Ford C Frick Award, sending him into the Broadcasters' Wing of The Hall of Fame. He really deserved it;

In the Case of Rice, a Tear came out of my eye;



Jim Rice And Card Game Henderson Await The Call To The Hall

Jim Rice? I think it's your time. With Power and two World Series Appearances for the Red Sox, I say "Why Not":

Now for Rickey Henderson? "Nice Card Game In Atlanta/Bonilla says Hello", was shouted by me in Y2k, from The Lower Bleachers at Fenway Park;

To The Oldtimers Committee-Don't treat Rice like you treated Gil Hodges. There have been questionable player choices for Baseball's Hall Of Fame;

Coverage on MLB Network is at 1330 Hours(1:30PM-EST);



Rust In The "Citi"

There's a Rusty Beam by the Entrance to Citi Field, emitting Brown Water, which is not a good thing:

Click on The Title and be taken to the NY Post Article;

Thanks to Kranepool for this one;



Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Internet Over These 11 Years

Remember The Alleged Power of AOL?

Then again, you must also remember nights where signing on to AOL was sheer, unadulterated BS;

I remember when I got my first computer, a Personal Digital Notebook from Brother. It was the NB80C, operating on the Graphical Environment Operating System(GEOS). It was simple and somewhat Mac Like. The Computer was pre-configured to work with a small, but very good network called Earthlink, where getting dropped out of the clear blue sky was unheard of. Earthlink only had 171K users in 1998;

Then, I got my 1st PC, from HP-Compaq, and began using AOL, on Windows 95;

Fast Forward to right now, using Time Warner Cable, Earthlink is my Prime Provider. I've been operating on Mac Systems since '04, and Earthlink is Mac Friendly;

Meanwhile, AOL is a free service, with Bring Your Own Access. It's valuable in its' own way, but with the real web, who needs it. Nevertheless, I still use AOL, but it was never worth paying for;

One Dude once Told me that "AOL Is The Yankees, while Earthlink is The Red Sox";

Earthlink is still in operation as a Pay Service, with Dial-Up, Wireless, Cable and DSL connections. Meanwhile, AOL has pay service via Cable, only, as there's no Dial Up service, as its' Dial Up Service was the Most-Hideous Thing Imagineable. 26 2 Number Dial Up Attempts, is not what one calls service;

If AOL is The Yankees, They Must Suck. If Earthlink is The Red Sox, they must be putting a Great Product out there;

Later(I Don't Want Training Wheels For My Internet)!


The "Writing" Of Gospels

The Other Night on The History Channel, I viewed the purported "Gospel Of Judas" and the purported "Gospel Of Thomas". Both supposedly support a Gnostic View, where Christ's Story of His Death and Resurrection, is not presented:

In one sequence, it showed Judas and Christ talking about conspiring to hand Christ over and that all was forgiven, even ordained by Christ;

This in short, reminded me of a Cult called "The Processions", whose catch phrase was "There's Unity Between God And The Devil". Their Ministers were even dressed as Priests(Roman Collar And All). I saw that group of "New Age" Doofi in 1973, in Manhattan, when I was an 18 Year Old Lad;

I can imagine a "Gospel Of George", written where he rises from the dead, in order to lead the Yankees to the Promised Land. Then again, I'd sooner let the Seinfeld Writers come up with this one;

Then again, there was the "Gospel Of Frank Costanza", where there is a Holiday called "Festivus", a Holiday for The Rest Of Us. That silly thing is actually celebrated near Christmas;

Just Give Me, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as the rest sound so phony and contrived;

Would You go up to your worst enemy and beg him to hand you over for torture and punishment?

Are You out of your frigging head?

That's WHY The Church, Founded By Christ, is an Unerring Guide to Truth;

As none of those "Gospels" added up to a hill of beans, so it must be said about certain "Theologians", who have a lot of time on their hands and, really nothing to say;

Pax Vobiscum!


MMCD-Requiscant In Pacem, Patri Richard Johannes Neuhaus

Traditionally,a Milestone, this being the 2400th Post, since this body of Ramblings about the Boston Red Sox, NY Mets and Catholicism, began in June of 2005, is usually dedicated to prior sports rantings and self-congratulations. Today, however, is different:

A Canadian-Born Former Lutheran Pastor, and now a Prominent Catholic Theologian, Reverend Father Richard John Neuhaus, ordained in 1991 by the Late John Cardinal O'Connor, here in NYC, has passed on, for his life has not ended, just changed;

Fr Richard John Neuhaus died about 09:30AM, EST, on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 of Cancer, at age 72, joining his Conservative Mentor, William F. Buckley Jr, in The Heavenly Dialogue, which I pray, is the case;

"Politics Is The Function of Culture, Morality is The Heart of Culture and The Heart Of Morality Is Religion", is a thought of Fr Neuhaus;

In the Coverage of The Papal Election of Pope Benedict XVI(Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger), it was announced that The Pope would meet with The American Bishops in The Crypt of The Basilica Of The Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, and Fr Neuhaus, on EWTN, quipped "A Fitting Repository For The American Episcopacy";

He headed The Institute Of Religion And Life in NYC, and was a frequent contributor to The National Review;

Requiscant In Pacem! In Paradisium, We Hope and Pray;

In Nomini Patris, Et Filli, Et Spiritu Sancti, Amen.

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Mr Baldelli Will Be Close To Home

He does come from Rhode Island, a T Commuter Run from Boston:

He and a Mr John Smoltz will be part of The Red Sox;

Both will experience real fans;

One couldn't say that about Tampa Bay. Neither could one say that about Atlanta;



"Baptism Of Our Lord" On January 11th(Novus Ordo)

Liturgically, according to The Catholic Church, Christmas comes to an end, at least in the Current Calendar:

St. John The Baptist baptizes Jesus. He realizes that John is "Not Worthy To Loosen The Sandals" from the feet of The Christ;

It is from here, The Christ began his Public Ministry;

Ordinary Time begins after This Time(According To The Current Ordo Calendar);

Now, according to the Traditional Calendar, Tomorrow is "Feast Of The Holy Family". In The Traditional Calendar, January 6th is Epiphany;

There's something to say about The Traditional Calendar-it was more-structured and truly exuded Catholicism;

Latin is STILL The Official Language Of The Church. Let's NEVER forget that;

Pax Vobiscum;



& Now The Actual Upper Level Of Shea Stadium, Has Been Completely Removed

Where Tommie Agee actually hit that Upper Level Home Run, that Section has been totally ripped down, as you'll see in photos from a Mets Blogger:

I think that by the end of Next Week, all of Upper Level will be gone;

Click On The Title and See The Photos;




I feel like I'm Watching a repeat of Post Y2K. SOSP means "Shades Of Steve Phillips", as Omar Minaya is having everything controlled by 3rd World Wilpon, as to whom he signs:

Wasn't Tim Redding once a Failed Reliever for The NY Highlanders?

ROST(Reincarnation Of Steve Trachsel, a Flop by '06);




To Patty's 20th Birthday:

I'm writing this in Orange because she's not someone who mindlessly rooted for some guy named Derek Jeter;

She took the Road Less-Traveled and rooted for Jose' Reyes and Rey Ordonez and suffered from a Team with the Collapsable Bullpen;

Happy Birthday!

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Smoltz Changing Places

A report from ESPN, via The Remy Report, has it that John Smoltz, Longtime Atlanta Braves Pitcher, is on his way to signing a Red Sox Contract:

He's recovering from surgery to his shoulder;

Click on Title to read;



The Latest From The Mets-Surely They Jest

The Signing of Tim Redding looks so Post-Y2K World Series. It's as if Minaya is being turned into Steve Phillips all over again. That was a time when Fred Wilpon vetoed so many deals, so he could plot to buy out Nellie Doubleday. Shades of Steve Trachsel, Anyone?

Click on the title & read;




Wednesday, January 07, 2009

About 60% Of Shea's Upper Level Is Gone

From 01/05/09, Tom Kaminski's Chopper 880 Photos of Shea Stadium's Demolition:

Click On The Title to see new photos;




A Big Day For Me

I meet with my Shrink to Get Back from an Extended Sick Leave:

I'm hoping and praying that my ordeal will end, so I can deliver the Papers to The City Of NY, Tomorrow, then wait for the call back to work;

Keep Me In Your Prayers, Folks;

Thank You;



Sunday, January 04, 2009

Today, According To The Current Church Calendar, Is The Epiphany Of The Lord

The Magi, or 3 Astrologers, or 3 Wise Men, followed a Star, to find The Child, Jesus:

Their Discovery for themselves was not to go back to King Herod, after paying homage to the Christ Child, by presenting Him with Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh;

Herod was jealous of The Christ, thus The Magi went back to their country by another route, in order to avoid giving Herod, directions where The Christ Child might be. The Magi were given their sign to avoid Herod, in a dream;

In The Traditional Calendar, January 6th is Feast Of The Epiphany. It is heavily celebrated in the Latino Community, as 3 Kings Day and when gifts are exchanged;

Feliz Navidad, y Feliz Nuevo Ano;



More Shea Ripdown Videos

All Of This Shea Farewell and Citi Field Hello, was shot at Twilight:

Then again, most M L B is at night, anyway;


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40% Of Shea Stadium's Upper Level Is "Gone, Goodbye"

All of Mezzanine, Press/Skybox, Loge and Field Level are gone. I figure that Shea Stadium will be a shell by week's end. Only the Escalators remain, as the concourses are stripped. The Old Right Centerfield Light Tower Stanchion, is partially ripped appart. The Top Roof Crown is being ripped out, concurrent with each Upper Level Section:

Meanwhile, Citi Field is gleaming and ready to go, save for a few more touch-ups;

The Citi Field Parking Lot has cast iron fences, with Mets Logo, giving the feeling that The Mets now control The Property. Think of this as a proverbial "Fred's Ravine";

90% of Shea Stadium Stands are gone. Just look at the Twilight Photo;


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Saturday, January 03, 2009

As Shea Stadium Is Coming Down, It Should Be Noted That

The NY Mets are paying the full cost of the demolition of Shea Stadium, as the Mets are responsible for the property that Citi Field sits on:

Meanwhile, the Yankees still continue to use Yankee Stadium II for all their operations, until March, when they will transition to Yankee Stadium III;

The City Of New York will be responsible for ripping down "Toilet II". Travel in the area of the New Stadium, will be severely-chaotic, over the next year;

The Old Stadium Field will be a part of a new City Park, sometime in '10;

As that neighborhood was robbed of parkland, that will be restored;


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Friday, January 02, 2009

According To A Red Sox Fan From Boston Who Lives In NYC

That Fan mentioned, in Barstool Sports, a Boston Based Blog, that Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline", was even played at Shea Stadium, in 1986, long before it got so popular at Fenway Park, under the Henry Ownership Group:

Now, with the MLB TV Package, fans who may get the SNY Feed out of Shea Stadium and now Citi Field, are accusing the Mets of stealing the song, when it was actually played at Mets Games over the years, especially in the '80s and '90s;

It's the Formal Fenway 8th Inning Rendition which makes the Fenway Faithful, think it's their own anthem;

But, Neil, a Yankee Fan from Coney Island, Brooklyn, wrote the song, and it is sung elsewhere;

No Need to get emotional!


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Baseball Premieres 24/7-A Review

One thing to remember is an old time telecast. The Don Larsen Perfect Game was a classic. No Clutter, no Viagra commercials and a straight TV call by Mr Mel Allen and Mr Vin Scully, was a treat:

The Original Yankee Stadium and NOT that Farce called Stadium II, was a cavernous place. 457 to L C F is a long way. The New Stadium III will pay tribute, on the exterior to Stadium I, but will be a corporate multplex with touches of Stadium II, sponsored by Bank Of America on the Inside;

All of those spectators at Stadium I, wore business suits. I didn't see a single woman in the place. Thank goodness for a straight call of the game;

MLB Network premiered yesterday. The 1st Owners of MLB Teams were on the Premiere. They are NY Mets COO Jeffy Wilpon and Chicago White Sox Owner, Jerry Reinsdorf. In Jerry's case, he grew up in the Shadow of Ebbets Field, in Brooklyn's Crown Heights Neighborhood. Reinsdorf could walk to Ebbets Field. He actually saw Jackie Robinson's 1st MLB Game;

Recently voted into the Baseball Hall Of Fame, as a Broadcaster, was Tony Kubek. He was seen in a kinescope, with NBC Microphone in hand, interviewing the 1967 St Louis Cardinals Catcher;

That Catcher, in later years, would inspire websites, calling for his utter annihilation, being a Lead Baseball Analyst on ABC, CBS and now FOX. I will not mention Tim Mc Carver by name(Wait-I just did that);

Studio 3, where Pre and Post Game and Hot Stove Reports, is in honor of Babe Ruth. Studio 42 is in honor of Jackie Robinson. The Telecast of Don Larsen's Perfect Game, came out of Studio 42, with Guests, Don Larsen and Yogi Berra, who caught Larsen's Game, on October 8th, 1956. Bob Costas was interviewer and host;

Promising Start to a New Network;

Play Ball, 24/7;



Thursday, January 01, 2009


It's Here. After a Horrible 2008, I look forward to this year. My worst years end in 4 and 8:

In '08, the Red Sox finished behind the Rays, who gave the Phillies no headaches;

Shea Stadium should be all gone by February;

Soon, I'll be back to work;

