Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
The BEANO Murders By A New Author
Ross has a powerful story to tell. When the Novel Comes out, I'll let everybody know;
The Pez Report
Labels: Murder Mystery In Two States
From 126th Street & Roosevelt Avenue-There Is NO Intelligent Life There
Destroying both the Farm System and the Bullpen to get even with someone for a Contract Extension/Consulting with a washed up couple of Stiffs, to rid yourself of your Top Prospect to obtain another STIFF;
You're trying NOT to be competitive. Who cares about The Shake Shack or The Ebbets Club. Fans want a Team, NOT excuses;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
Sunday, June 28, 2009
JEFFY? You Need to GFY
F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--K Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy. F--k Jeffy & so on;
Tim Redding? On what kind of drugs are you on, Jeffy! People are realizing that Omar Mif--kingimaya isn't the GM except in name only, because your running the latest attempt to set up Jerry Manuel, in the attempt to name Manny Acta as Mgr of this version of the Latin Kings. You had Willie Randolph set up because he supposedly beat you out of $.55(Price of Rheingold at Shea Stadium in 1969);
You're running a 5th World Franchise. You encourage Farting in a $iti Field Elevator. You're a F--king a--h-l-. Fans call you an a--h-l- and f--king retard. ONLY YOU can turn Mets Fans into Yankee Fans;
The Metspos-I remember that you were a draft choice of the Montreal Expos, who you've patterned the Mets after. Sell, Jeffy, Sell, both You & your Old Man;
You need to GFY, just like Fitzy says;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Citi Gives A Nod To Fenway Park
Promenade Box 401, Follows the Fenway Park System. Like Grandstand 1, it's out by the Outfield. Sections in Citi follow the Fenway System;
It's definitely NOT Shea Stadium in any way, shape or form;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;Hello Citi Field
WHY It's So Much Fun Being A Boston Red Sox Fan Here In The 5 Boroughs
Our Pubs may be open until 4:00AM(Boston's Latest Closing time is 2:00AM);
Our Subways run 24/7, though the service does suck, shortly after 12:00M;
You're the Guy or Gal, people go to for Subway Directions to Brooklyn;
We call Yankee Stadium by its informal name, "The Toilet";
We call Fenway Park Home and Citi Field, a great place;
Our Fans have some understanding that Mets Ownership/Management are a bunch of Clueless Putzes(Got that, JEFFY? They'll NEVER Win w/you around);
Lovely, University Educated Ladies want to associate with you;
Tim Mc Carver is NOT an Intellectual;
Joe Buck is a self-centered Twit;
The YES Network is called either "Yankees Entertainment Sucks" or North Korean Television;
It's your style;
Besides, many people wearing NY Yankees Caps are tourists, anyway & not REAL Baseball Fans;
The Pez Report
Saturday, June 20, 2009
From Two Of My Spies At $iti Field
Unfortunately, Jeffy Wilpon(That Putz), despised Willie with a Passion because of a Contract Extension, so Jeffy The Putz wanted Willie out in the Worst Way. Minaya's Talent Evaluator was turned into Jeffy's Clubhouse Disrupter. The Bullpen was ordered downgraded by Jeffy The Putz, so he could get even with Randolph. The Plot worked so well that the team blew it on the last day of the Season;
It was a page out of Freddie Wilpon's Book of Sabotage;
The Problem is that Minaya never stands up to Jeffy The Putz, making Minaya look like a Putz;
Freddie(Bernie From Far Rockaway)Wilpon did this a lot to Steve Phillips, now a Clueless Putz on E S P N. Phillips was about to consumate a Blockbuster Trade which was approved by Doubleday. Freddie disapproved of it to get even with Doubleday;
When Is Putz Day Scheduled at $iti Field?
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
KK Was Sharp-Dice K Was As Sharp As Omar Minaya, Which Is NOT Saying Much
Dice K was as sharp as Steve Trachsel(& as Slow), in giving up 6 runs in 4 1/3 Innings. Dice-K was as sharp as that trade Minaya made for Luis Castillo. His 2nd pitch to Nate Mc Louth, landed in the Bullpen. It was a Night Of Intense Sucktitude, with Scott Boras laughing all the way to the Bank, as "Agent To The Stars";
Is it my imagination or is that Japanese Baseball Stars aren't all that hot after 3 Years, especially Pitchers:
Pap? Please S T F U,& cut all that Yankees Talk- You're making us Nuts;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB Interleague; Boston Red Sox
Friday, June 19, 2009
From "Sophocles Of The Diamond"
"The last time the Giants had a runner on was in the 4th Inning with Youkilis";
" I think Youkilis would make a good #8 Hitter with the pitcher's spot due up";
"I believe that Alex Rodriguez may be responsible for Global Warming";
Tomorrow, Sophocles will be on FOX, from $iti Field/Mets vs Rays;
I'm not going to mention Tim Mc Carver's Name(Wait, I just did);
The Pez Report
Labels: FOX Sports; MLB
The Washington Nationals Did THIS
No Homers were hit by anybody. Stammen was the Winning Pitcher. Joba The Thug Chamberlain was the loser;
At least there was NO ONE named Luis Castillo in the Lineup;
Final was 3-0 Nationals;
Note-The Montreal Expos/Washington Nationals have a common thing/Omar Minaya did a lot of damage to them as the Expos, just like he's doing to the NY Mets;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB Interleague; NY Yankees
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A Woodhaven Born Dude Did The Right Thing
Born in Woodhaven, Queens, he grew up in Long Beach, in Nassau County;
The Yankmes lost 3-2/ Adam Dunn homered to a very deep part of New Yankee Stadium;
Nice to Know;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB Interleague
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Child At Class Story Time
Labels: MLB Humor
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Johan Is Having Trouble With His Fastball
I suspect it may be MRI Time, for Johan Santana;
No power in his pitches at all;
WHY is he still in at being down by 6 Runs?
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB Interleague; NY Mets
Chastity Is Becoming A "Guy"? Huh?
This to "Marry" her Lover(Partner) in CA;
She had a sweet face in 1993 at age 24. Today, Chastity is known as Chaz and looms Rather-Large;
I've known my share of Lesbians. Often, my best Red Sox Game-Watching Mates are Lesbians. We party together, rather-nicely;
I have to ask Chaz one thing-can (s)he create life with the wife;
With Medical Technology the way it is, Nature is being altered;
& it's NOT nice, nor moral to try to fool "Mother Nature";
The Pez Report
Labels: Miscellaneous
Sophocles Was Wrong(Again) As Mets Clock Andy Pettitte & The Yankees, 6-2
Gary Sheffield put one in the LF Seats at that Wiffleball Park/Bandbox, called Yankee Stadium. So did Mets Catcher Omir Santos, only for 2 Runs;
Good Ol' Andy Pettitte, Old Friend of Roger Clemens, only lasted 5 Innings. That Horse's Patoot, A-Ro(i)d, homered off Mets Starter, Fernando Nieve, who went 6 2/3 Innings, and hadn't pitched in M L B since '06 with Houston. He was Rather-Brilliant, on this day;
The Rubber Match is on the CW 11, tomorrow. Stay Clear of viewing North Korean Television(YES), with Michael Kay;
Luis Castillo was 2/5. He didn't hurt any small animals;
The PEZ Report
Labels: MLB Interleague; NY Mets
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Omar Minaya, Jeffy Wilpon & Fred Wilpon Are 3 F--king A--h-les

Absolute F--king Useless A--h-les! Add The ABSO-F--king USELESS Luis Castillo and you have an "Absolutely F--king USELESS Barber Shop Quartet":
Instead of restocking The Farm System & getting High Quality Players, Omar Minaya, a COWARD and Coffee Boy for the Heretofore ABSOLUTELY Idiotic JEFFY Wilpon, who Mets Fans call "An A--h-le & A Retard", just follows along with what ever Jeffy The Baboon, says. Hiring that Treacherous Buffoon, Tony Bernezard, who wants Manny Acta as Manager so badly, was a MAJOR Error In Judgement, as Bernezard, who SUCKED as a 2nd Baseman with The Montreal Expos, became Jeffy The Baboon's Advisor on how to run Willie Randolph out on the next #7 Train;
Over the Winter of '06/'07, NO Moves were made by the FO, except to bring in Lower Quality Players to get even with Willie Randolph, for a Contract Extension, as well as to build Fred & Jeffy's Cash Machine & Rumpus Room(Citi Field). Luis Castillo was old & slow, yet signed to a 4 Year Deal;
The Deal Blew up, tonight, becoming Fodder for Propaganda on North Korean Television(The YES Network), as broadcast by Kim Il Sung, I mean That Putz, Michael Kay, describing how the ball dropped i/f/o The Useless Castillo, who Francisco(K-Rod)Rodriguez wanted to throw under a speeding D Train, with the Mets Losing 9-8;
My Advice to The Wilpon Gang-As You're absof--kinglutely ruining EVERYTHING, Sell The Mets and take Omar The Garbage Dealer and Bernezard with you. You're running a 5th Rate Bananna Republic & Rest Home for burned out players;
Buffalo In The IL, is the WORST Leading Farm Club in The International League. Binghamton in The AA Eastern League, is the WORST Team in THAT League. It means that your Farm System does NOT EXIST. This is a "S--ta--" Farm System;
The Pez Report RAGE Edition
Labels: MLB Interleague; NY Mets
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Tonight On The Yankees Entertainment SUCKS Network, We Will Have To Endure Michael Kay-NOT Good News For "The Nation" In NYC
A J Burnett vs Josh Beckett at 7:10PM from The Fens;
Because we're in NYC, NO N E S N;
No Eck and No DO;
As a compromise, I'd prefer Gary, Keith and Ron-They informed & entertained us on S N Y during Mets-Red Sox;
Get the Earplugs READY;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox, MLB;NY Yankees
Sunday, June 07, 2009
I Had A Feeling That THAT Trade Would Bite Someone In The Arse
It was Saturday, September 2nd, '06, when the Red Sox faced the Blue Jays at Fenway Park. I saw David Murphy, fresh up from Pawtucket, get his 1st Major League Hit. It was a single off A J Burnett;
Then, on July 31st, '07, Murphy was sent to Texas in exchange for that Slab of Canadian Bacon, Eric Gagne'(Gagne', Often called Gag-Me by Fenway Denizens, is now with Quebec City in the Can-Am League, as Pitching Coach, as I speak, perhaps awaiting a Phone Call, from Omar Minaya);
Minaya would be strung from a Citi Field Light Tower, if he ever made that phone call. So would the same thing happen to Jeffy;
Reality Bites, as Murphy had 3 Hits off Daisuke Matsuzaka, including a Double, driving in 2 Runs, as Texas defeated the Red Sox, in front of 37, 787 Spectators at The Fens. Dice-K K'd 8, but allowed 5 Runs on 10 Hits in 5 2/3 Innings. Final was 6-3 Texas Rangers. Michael Young homered off Dice-K. Vicente Padilla got the Win;
& Eric Gagne' still SUCKS;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
June 6th, 1944;
Europe was freed;
God Save The Queen;
God Bless America;
Labels: History; WWII
More Junk From Los Mets De Nueva York
*Try Personalization! http://4in.fo/Ckfl5A
& Omar Minaya + JEFFY are looking to get an ankle hang from a $iti Field Light Tower. They Deserve It.
Labels: MLB;NY Mets
For 6 1/3-All Was Perfect At The Fens, Last Evening
Papi Homered, hitting Pesky's Pole. It was his 2nd Homer this Season. The Days of the Magnificent Shot, though, I believe is over;
8-1 was the final, as Jon's Pitch count was down, making a bit over 100 pitches by the 9th Inning. It was the rare complete game. The 'Pen had the evening off;
The Pez Report
Labels: MLB; Boston Red Sox
Friday, June 05, 2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
The Paraclete And Pentecost
The Holy Spirit, as Promised by Jesus Christ, would descend upon the Apostles, so they would go forth into the World and make Disciples Of All Nations;
Think of Paraclete, not as a mean, green little bird(Parakeet), but as a Coach in a Baseball Game. The Batter hits one off the Pitcher, and he's being encouraged by that Coach, to give one's all;
That's where The Holy Spirit comes into play. Pentecost is the Birthday Of The Church, when the Apostles went forth from the Upper Room;
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia;
Deo Gratias, Alleluia;
The Pez Report