Click on the Title to see what I'm writing about.
The 2 MLB Teams here in NYC, the NL Mets & The AL yankees, are about to embark on building new stadiums for themselves, next to their existing facilities.
Shea Stadium, State Of The Art for 1964 as a Multi-Purpose Stadium, is used primarily for Baseball, but has better Football Sightlines(I should know, as I've watched The Jets there, as well as 1 NY Giants Game). Ever get the obstructed Section 23-Mezzanine for Seats? That used to be the 30 Yard Line for AFL & NFL Games. But that Upper Level is so high up, that one could wave to Pilots, on final approach to LaGuardia Airport. Upper Level's Height is higher than Tier in Yankee Stadium. Tier in Yankee Stadium, is more-akin to the height of Shea's Mezzanine.
Yankee Stadium will be built in the adjoining Macoombs Dam Park. The existing stadium is over 80 years old. It was renovated for 2 1/2 years, before reopening in 1976. It is, essentially, the 1923 ballpark, updated to the 1970s'. The field & lower level seats of the old stadium, will remain in place, as a community baseball facility.
Now is the part about stadium naming rights.In Philadelphia, the Phillies Park is called Citizen's Bank; In San Francisco, the Giants home park is AT & T Park;
In Chicago, the White Sox play @ US Cellular Field;
Now the yankees plan to keep the name of their park, Yankee Stadium. Then again, with all their Marketing Sponsors, they could afford to keep the traditional name.
Actually, Mr Dunbar(Thanks, Jere) had plans for the City of New York to build him a new yankee playpen. It was Fred Wilpon & Company, who had plans to build the new Mets Park, using private financing, with only the City & State of New York, making contributions for infrastructure(Roads & improved MTA Subway & Railroad Station Facilities). The plans were put on hold just after 9/11, until now. Mr Dunbar is now using the Mets plans for his way of expediting the building of his new stadium.
The Mets Ball Park, will be modeled after Ebbett's Field in Brooklyn, home of the Brooklyn Dodgers, only with 44,000 seats, wide concourses, luxury boxes, climate controlled restaurants.
On April 15th, 1947, the Colour Line in Baseball was broken, when Jackie Robinson started @ 2nd Base for Brooklyn at Ebbett's Field.
In 1997, on the 50th Anniversary of that milestone, Jackie Robinson's #42 was retired throughout all of Major League Baseball, @ a Pre-Game Ceremony @ Shea Stadium, before Mets-Dodgers. Those players, who were wearing #42, before that date, could continue to wear that number until their retirement from Baseball, & no club could ever reissue that Uniform # to any player.
Only one player wears #42 at this time & he belongs to Mr Dunbar's Team. Let's just say, he blew 2 Save Chances in Games 4 & 5 of the '04 ALCS.
The yankees announced that their stadium will retain its' traditional name. The Mets haven't announced anything yet, in regards to the naming of the new ball park.
Enter The NY Post:
Tie The Kangaroo Down;
They are owned by News Corporation, headquartered in The Land Down Under. A subsidiary, News America Corporation, controls U.S. Operations, which include 20th Century FOX Studios, FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Sports, FOX News, an Interest in TV Guide, The News Magazine "The Weekly Standard", several Television Stations, which include WNYW(FOX)5 & WWOR(My)9 in NY as well as several other stations & the Ubiqtuous NY Post.
There are the Cable Channels, such as FOX Movie Channel, FX & FOX Sports Net;
The expansion of FOX Sports Net, came when FOX bought 40% of SportsChannel NY & Madison Square Garden Network + NY Knickerbockers(NBA), NY Rangers(NHL) & NY Liberty(WNBA), as Cablevision had SportsChannel Networks, in several other cities, so the FOX Sports Net Brand grew leaps & bounds. FOX Sports Net had 19 MLB Teams under contract, in 1998.
But, since then, a # of teams formed their own networks, not relying on FOX Sports Net, as the money is better when the teams own their own TV rights.
The NY Mets, in the #1 TV Market, have launched their own network, called Sportsnet New York(SNY), which has a New England Sports Network(NESN)feel to it.
FOX Sports Net-NY(FSN-NY), lost their TV rights, after so many years.
Now, the Post, part of this News Corporation Empire, is a sponsor of Note, for DFyankees. News Corporation once owned the LA Dodgers, but sold the team after losing a ton of money.
In the past 2 Weeks, The Post Editorial Page has been dedicated to haranging the NY Mets into naming the new Mets Ball Park for Jackie Robinson, with no corporate sponsors.
I haven't seen this kind of braying from the Post, in a long time. These guys are using the "Mc Carver Tactic" of going on & on, until someone shouts "Shut Up, Tim."
Two Editorials on Stadium Naming? You're a sponsor of DFyankees? Your company lost The Mets Cable TV Rights?
Your company owned the Dodgers & blew it.
No doubt, it's a wonderful thing to name a Ballpark for Jackie Robinson, who was also part of The Corporate World(Chock Full Of Nuts Coffee), as he did blaze a path for MLB Players of all Races, to play that Great Game of Baseball. But, I also suspect that since Cablevision/Fox Sports Net lost the Mets TV Rights, the Post is playing a High-Minded Role, to conceal the seething feelings of rage for your company's programming loss.
& be prepared to be a Section Sponsor of The Jackie Robinson Park. For The NY Post & News Corporation, it's time to put up(The Cash) or shut up.
& Get rid of "Scooter The Talking Baseball" & Tim's Hair Dye, while you're at it.
All those promotions with Derek Jeter in them, reveals your true corporate loyalties.