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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

'86 Redux

This year could be an '86 redux. The NY Mets Billy Wagner is talking World Series. Meanwhile, Theo Epstein has been restored to the throne as Red Sox GM.
The Mets & Red Sox may meet again in the World Series, ; a series which would confuse Yankees Fans to no end.
There are big ifs, such as:
Will Jason Giambi be practing "Needlepoint 'N Click," FULL TIME; will Johnny Damon be an asshole instead of an Idiot?
If Giambi had lost his "Lucky Syring in 2005, the Dunbar Crew(Thanks Jere), would've been only a .500 club if not less. Syringe Giambi was more-valuable than "Dora" (A-Rod spelled correctly)
In event of Red Sox-Mets Redux, this is a warning to Yankees Fans, EVERYWHERE in NY; Stay out of Mets & Red Sox Bar Locations, especially the men; Bleacher Creatures are advised to get lost. You're bad enough in The Bronx all season long.
Thanks & Let's Play Ball.
Click on Title to go to Jere's Blog. Thanks!

Monday, February 20, 2006


To FiNY of Red Sox Nation:
Congratulations on landing your dream job with that National Non Profit as Publications Manager;
Click on title to go to her blog. Thanks!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Rhyme of The Modern Mariner(Great Software For a Writer)

To a couple of friends who are recent converts to the Macintosh platform, I bid them a hearty welcome. One of them has been on the Mac platform for over a year. I've been using Macs for nearly 2 years. I was quite-content using the Venerable application suite called Appleworks 6 since March, '04. I could convert files to Microsoft Word versions and convert text files to PDF & I would be in awe of myself.
But, I caught an adventurous spirit & began to explore other great writing software. This was courtesy of reading "Low End Mac" about word processors for Mac OS X.
I experimented. I used Nisus Writer Express, an elegant word processor, followed by Mellel, which writes in several languages & is quite-elegant, Neo Office/J, which is a true Office Suite, with spreadsheets, vector drawing, & a word processor which writes in several languages & file formats+ it has a Power Point suite. Neo Office is free & open source.
I even tried Microsoft Office on the Mac. It was interesting watching that suite use 7/10 of a gigabyte of hard drive. I can now say that I've cussed MS Word in both Windows & Mac, but with MS Word on Mac, it was a bit more fun, as it has features the Windows versions don't have yet. Even the ads for MS Office for Mac, seem to be a lot more fun than the Windows version. But, I'm still not laying out up to $499 to fill Bill Gates' pockets. MS Office is the only Mac Application Suite with an uninstall wizard, & made my Mac Experience, very Windows-Like.
I reinstalled Appleworks, this evening. I used it & hated it. After the elegance of Nisus & Mariner & the not so elegant, but very-powerful AbiWord application, which is free & open source, I de-installed Appleworks. I had de-installed Neo Office & AbiWord. A short time ago, I reinstalled AbiWord. It's a great thing that I did, because it opened up my friend's order form for his new(er) white iBook. Just yesterday, I sent a complex MS Word Document to the Mac to read it. AbiWord read it perfectly, as a Word File, formatting and all.
Tried Mariner Write one more time. I will buy it Thursday. It's an intuitive piece of software & will be my main processor for a long time to come. Text Edit can read only RTF, TXT & Word documents without anything as complex as tables (Macros). Mariner Write can create tables(Macros), so I can use the software for editing & good basic writing.
I am keeping it simple &, quite-simply, Appleworks doesn't cut it for me anymore. It was great to experiment & I love quality software without all the damn bloat code.
Click on title to go to Mariner Software & you won't be disappointed. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ecchlesial IDIOTS of Boston- Part I

When I speak of these Idiots, I'm not talking about the 2004 "Bunch of Idiots" like Damon, Millar, Ramirez, Lowe, Martinez or Ortiz (Of those "Idiots", only Ortiz & Ramirez are left with the Red Sox).
No! I am talking about members of the Catholic Church Heirarchy in The Archdiocese of Boston, who transferred the NOTORIOUS Fr Paul Shanley, a serial sexual predator to assignments in Boston, California & NYC.
Fr Paul Shanley received a Special Imprint on his soul, upon reception of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, to be a member of the Priestly Fraternity & to perform "In The Name Of The Father, Son & Holy Spirit", the "Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass", for "The Glory Of God." That, he was unable to do throughout his time as a Priest, WORTHILY, because his attentian was mainly on young people, who are so trusting of a Priest, no matter who he is, so he could manipulate them into perverted sexual acts. In other words, his God was a Phallic Symbol, or even a live penis.
In 1962, he raped a 14 Year Old Girl. He used to tell his selected victims that "It's a Mortal Sin, if you tell anyone what goes on here between you & me." He also loved boys for what he could do with them, such as masturbating them, having them masturbate him, having them perform fellatio on him & he had anal intercourse with them. He did this to Altar Boys & Boys in the Confessional. He was transferred to several parishes over the years, with the Archdiocese of Boston not telling anyone about the reasons why. The Garbage Continued, unabated.
His Personnel File @ the Archdiocesan Chancery was beinning to look like the Manhattan Phone Book (It was getting that thick). He founded a "Street Ministry", for troubled youth, which was nothing more than a ruse to have gay sex with troubled boys. Yet, Humberto Cardinal Medeiros gave his "Official Blessing" to this project.
The Vicar General of The Archdiocese of Boston, Bishop Thomas V. Daily(Retired Supreme Chaplain of The Knights of Columbus & Retired Bishop of Brooklyn, NY @ the Present Time & To Think I've even done business with him, makes me wonder as to how many pints of Guiness Stout I was consuming), never really looked at Shanley's Folder & just signed off on everything.
Shanley, after all his sexual activity, developed some form of VD. He was also a founder of NAMBLA. It pained The Church, but NO ACTION WAS TAKEN.
With his folder, NO ONE CALLED THE POLICE?
With the death of Cardinal Medeiros, Bishop Daily was named Apostolic Administrator of The Archdiocese of Boston. He gave his blessing for Fr Shanley to become Apostolic Administrator of St Jean's Parish. Shanley was happy to see that there was a supply of boys as altar servers. One of those boys was Gregory Ford. He started sexually molesting him, when Greg was age 6 until he was 13, on a weekly basis. Complaints were accumulating.
One woman saw a diary written by her son, about the sexual predator activities of Shanley.
Well, Bishop Daily thought that this woman was some fanatic & found ways to keep her from calling. Telephone protocols were set up to avoid her.
When the Geoghan & Shanley Scandals hit the papers in NY & Boston, it was curtains for this functionary, an expert in covering up everything. Those scandals hit when Cardinal Law was still Archbishop of Boston. Daily has been deposed a # of times, in connection with both of these priests as well as with other priests in the Boston Area.
The Personnel Record of Fr Shanley, read like a Police Report of crimes, yet was never turned in to any Boston Area Police Forces. Daily neglected his duty, egregiously & systemically.
Tommy? Ya blew it; you're Big Time on my "Idiots" list.
End of Part I;
Click on title to go to a site about this horrific chain of events.
Thanks & Peace To All!

ONLY 8 ON Air Red Sox Games

With ONLY 8 Games on FOX & 1 Sunday Night Game on ESPN, there will be 153 Games on NESN for The Olde Towne Team, Boston Red Sox this Year. If you don't have cable in the Boston Area, you're out of luck unless you have radio.
I live in Queens, but follow the Red Sox on WTIC 1080 Hartford, or @ The Hairy Monk @ E25th Street/3rd Avenue-Manhattan, watching NESN, though the Later West Coast Games, I may just watch on my Mac, with the MLB TV Package, or just listen to via MLB Radio.
The End of Free TV is near. 21 Yankees Games are on WWOR9 & The WB11 will have 26 Mets Games. 126 Mets Games are on SNY, while YES will carry 131 Games of the Yankees.
The Teams are owning the Broadcast rights, now. & it's BIG BUCKS for them. Click on title to go to NESN. Thanks!

Monday, February 13, 2006

"Everythings Running Normally-Yeah! Right!"

Whenever the MTA Subsidiary, New York City Transit Authority (An Authority In What, I Don't Know) announces that Subway & Bus Services are running normally, after a big snowstorm, especially one which dropped 27 inches of snow on Central Park, or 25.4 inches on Queens, one wonders just how truthful this all is.
This morning's service on the J Train, was "The Trip From Hell." It was replete with slowdowns & changing from Skip-Stop Express & Full Express Service, to All-Local Service, inching into Lower Manhattan.
Coupled with M Trains terminating @ Myrtle Avenue-Broadway, a fairly-comfortable ride, turned into a train so-crowded, it would cause a full-panic attack from a person with Claustrophobia.
My back & kidneys hurt. I finally arrive @ Fulton Street-Nassau Street. Two Exits were closed. It was a slippery climb up those steps.
Might "There's a train in front of us; we'll be moving shortly" mean "We don't know what the f--- we're doing"? Or is it code for "We know that when we say things are running normally, that it's all bull----; just anything to get you to fork over $2"?
The NYCTA also has jurisdiction over the Manhattan & Bronx Surface Transit Operating Authority(MABSTOA-Buses in Manhattan & Bronx, which were run by Private Companies until 1962), & the Staten Island Rapid Transit Operating Authority(SIRTOA-Railroad once owned by Baltimore & Ohio Railroad until 7/1/71). I guess that they were running the same "Everything is normal-pay the $2" message, as did the parent NYCTA.
At least the Long Island Railroad (MTA-Long Island Railroad Company) & Metro-North (MTA-Metro North Commuter Railroad), told the truth & didn't give false hopes to their customers. Customers of those lines were told that many sections of the 3rd rail were covered in snow, so some diesel service was in place, though, not too much.
All I ask of MTA's NYCTA, is be more-honest with your customers. We don't appreciate Illuminati-Like Secrecy & BS. Only then, will we be glad to pay "The $2." Thanks!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

It was so mild. & Then, Tahdahhh, a Blizzard

After such a mild January, February seemed to be going the same way. Then, in the past few days, it got somewhat colder.
To think that it's 3 days from Pitchers & Catchers, reporting to Major League Baseball Spring Training Camps, followed by regular players 1 week later, that a blizzard is blanketing the NYC Metropolitan Area. We may get nearly 2 feet of snow, the 1st Snow Storm of this Winter. It, like a Large Burger King Burger, is a Whopper.
I'll be heading to the 11AM Mass. I'll shower early & head there. Walking will be interesting.
At least Subways run underground; it'll be my method of transportation.
Click on title, above, to go to a weather-forecasting site. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

HE Was With Me on a Journey

God & The Red Sox Cap

I was on a journey towards St Francis of Assisi Church on West 32nd Street, just ½ block from Madison Square Garden in The Borough of Manhattan, a Borough which has a good number of pubs dedicated to a Baseball Team, which plays a little over 200 miles Northeast of NYC.
I was riding on the E Line. The train stopped @ East 53rd Street-Lexington-3rd Avenue. A group of young Semi-Toughs boarded & made noises, shouting that they were looking for “Vics.” “Vics” is a ghetto term for Victims of Assault & Roberry. There were 6 of them roaming the E Train.
I watched & was alert for any funny stuff & I don't mean clown funny.They tried coming over to me, then backed off a bit when they saw a cap on my head, which was neither Yankees nor Mets. You see, I was donning a Boston Red Sox cap, red B & all.
“Nice Cap” said their leader. The Followers looked & gave me a high-sign. One of them said the usual “Yankees Suck” & they left me alone. I hate to think of what would've happened if I had donned a Mets or Yankees Cap.
But, God was protecting me on my trip. I made it into St Francis of Assisi Church. I had sins to confess. After receiving the Sacrament of Penance, I went to a 1st Friday Mass in the Lower Church & received Holy Communion. The last time I was @ a 1st Friday Mass, was in 5th Grade in 1965-1966. My working hours had always prevented me from going to Mass in the morning, but seeing that there's Friday Evening Mass on 1st Friday, I believe that I'll be partaking of 1st Friday Mass, on a regular basis from now on.
I realize that Sunday Mass isn't really enough for me, as I do sin during the week. Life is a struggle & one needs all the Divine Help one can receive. After watching a demented episode of “South Park”, which included a cut from a Gay Porn Flick, as well as a scene of a Priest having Sexual Intercourse with a female, inside of a Confessional, a Priest who gave a Homily, so-sternly to Cartman & Company, about Hell & showing Pope John Paul II in a state of Dementia, as well as my having consumed a few too many adult beverages, it was time for me to confess my sins & be at peace with God & with myself.
Thank You Lord for the opportunity to be with You this evening. You make my day, every day. Amen!
Click on Title for my Favorite Catholic TV Network. It may open your eyes. Thanks!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Baseball In-Football out

Thank Goodness that there's only 1 more NFL Football Game, that of the Pro Bowl, which is 3 days before Pitchers & Catchers report to their Baseball Spring Training Camps.
Mike Piazza will be with the San Diego Padres, & be reporting to Spring Training in Arizona, for the 1st time. The Dodgers & Mets are in Florida. The only West Coast Team in Florida, is the Dodgers, going back to the time that the team was in Ebbetts Field, @ the corner of Bedford Avenue & Sullivan Place in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. All other West Coast Teams, are in Arizona.
In regards to "The Super Bowl", @ least Paul Allen's team didn't win. The Seattle Seahawks "CRASHED", 21-10 to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Allen was a Co-Founder, with Bill Gates in the company called "Microsoft." You KNOW what I think of Micro$oft. This Text Editing Processor is free & open source.
I cannot wait for Baseball to return, as I feel lost without it. NESN & SNNY, here we come!
Lets Go Mets! Lets Go Red Sox! "Who Let The Dogs Out!"

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Sunday

On Sunday, January 15th, 1967, The Green Bay Packers(NFL), coached by Vince Lombardi, met The Kansas City Chiefs(AFL), coached by Hank Stram, in the 1st Championship played between the American Football League & the Long-Established National Football League. The AFL was founded in 1960, whereas the NFL was established in 1920. I had turned 12 on 1/14/67.
The AFL time was kept on the scoreboard clock & had a 2 point conversion. The NFL had the Officials keep the time on the field, just like in Soccer. There was no 2 Point Conversion Option in the NFL.
Green Bay crushed KC in that 1st Game, dubbed "The Super Bowl." Super Bowl I was played @ the Los Angeles Memorial Collesium, before 65,000 Fans & was not a sold-out event. It was televised on CBS(NFL) & NBC(AFL), the only time that 2 Networks, shared Super Bowl Coverage.
On my 13th Birthday, on 1/14/68, Green Bay creamed the Oakland Raiders, in Miami's Orange Bowl. That game was on CBS. Lombardi dubbed the AFL as upstarts. It was also the last game he coached for "The Pack."
It was Sunday, 1/12/69, the start of an amazing NYC Sports Year. It was 2 days before I turned 14. I was walking to the 9AM Mass @ St Sylvester Church with Dad. The NY Jets were to play the Baltimore Colts, whose lineage, as it turns out, goes back to Ebbetts Field as the NFL Brooklyn Dodgers. It was 8:55AM & the Las Vegas Line said that Baltimore was an 18 1/2 point favorite. I tempted fate & bet my father a dollar.
A Brooklyn Kid betting his father, before Mass on 1/12/69; it was my 1st-Ever Sports Bet. Super Bowl III was my 1st Pay Day in sports betting. Joe Namath "Guaranteed" Victory, as the Jets defied the 18 1/2 Odds & won 16-7.
The NBC Sports Pre Game Show was 1 Hour. Today, Pre Game is 3 hours. In Super Bowl XXXI, FOX ran a 7 Hour Pre Game Show, in 1997.
The 2 Point Conversion Option & Scoreboard Timekeeping, are part of the NFL now. This game is seen & bet around the world. Hey Vince-The Upstarts rule the NFL World. It's not your NFL, but a whole new game.
& Teams are playing for the money & The Trophy, named for the Pioneer, you are. Thanks, Vince!
Click on title to go to The NFL.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

M$ Free

I am free from the Scourge of Microsoft. I use free, Open Source Software. This is Abi Word. It is a worthy alternative to Microsoft Word.

Documents can be saved as .ABW, .TXT, .HTML, .DOC, .RTF & .SXW, as well as .PDF. Microsoft Word on Mac OS X, only saves in .DOC, .TXT, .HTML, .RTF & .PDF. MS Word in Windows XP, saves only in .DOC, .HTML, .RTF, & .TXT. When MS Windows VI or Vista is released, either this year or in 2007, .PDF will be added, a full 6 years behind Mac OS X.

.Doc=MS Word; .RTF=Rich Text Format;.TXT=Plain Text; .ABW is Abi Word; .HTML means that your document can be read as a web page; .PDF is Printable Document Format & is read exactly as you wrote the document to the other person on the receiving end. .SXW is Open Office Writer Format. .RTF, .TXT, .HTML & .PDF are internet communicating standards. Microsoft Word is a proprietary format, owned by Microsoft.

I write complex documents @ work, having to use Macros (Tables). I have to use MS Word to create them, but I save them as .RTF & use fewer kilobytes. In other words, I don't like sending an over-coded document.

Microsoft has a problem with Macro Viruses, so I now send documents across NYC Offices, using .HTML & .RTF. The documents come out just as professional looking, as if I sent them as Word Attachments.

One does NOT need MS Word to do a great job.
Click on the title above to see Abi Word. Thanks!

I hope to save you all a bundle on MS Word.