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Thursday, December 31, 2009

One FINAL Pet Peeve For 2009

It regards Catholic Holy Days Of Obligation:

The Solemnity Of Mary, Mother Of God, Formerly Known as Feast Of The Circumcision, is part of Christmastide. In The United States, It is a Holy Day Of Obligation;

YET, there are hardly any Masses for this day of OBLIGATION in most Parishes in this Diocese of Brooklyn, hence my having to travel to find a Mass, like in Manhattan at East 43rd Street, between Lexington & 3rd Avenues, where there is a Quasi Decent Schedule;

I guess since the time of when the Episcopal Conference in this Country, came up with the idea that when such Holy Day falls on Saturday or Monday(Sunday Sandwich), the day is NOT of Obligation, diminishing said days importance;

Hence, Confusion! In most countries, many of these Feasts of The Church are not of Obligation;

To The Bishops in This Country, there must be EMPHASIS on These Holy Days. They must not be DIMINISHED, as is the practice today. Please Be CONSISTENT. THANK YOU!

Mychal-The FINAL PEZ Report of The Year 2009

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A Plea To Help Some "Starving Artists" By Being An Underwriter Of A New Series

Coming to The Vast Web in 2010 is a new Ensemble Series, called "Peripheral City", a Dark Comedy about the Nouveau Underclasses, which takes place in a Soup Kitchen at the "Hilton Street Unitarian Church." It is being shot in High Definition in The North Side Of Williamsburgh, Brooklyn by Amanda Cole. This is NOT "You Tube" Amateur Video. It is an intense Artistic Presentation:

Like those shows on Public Television, we must go to The Public. Clicking on The Title will take you to the Site. Pledges start at $3 & go all the way to $1000. The conditions include offering something to the Pledger, not only a high quality series with an outstandingly good cast, but you will have fun and may enjoy a delicious cooked dish;

It's a Great Series to be a part of-view The Preview;

Happy 2010 To You All;

Mychal for The Pez Report


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The Year Is Closing But NOT The Decade-Let Me Explain

Year 2000 was the last Year of The 20th Century. 2001 was the 1st Year of the 21st Century. 2010 will be the Year closing The Decade, hence the Decade does not close tomorrow, as 1 through 10 constitutes a Decade, not 0 through 9. If you go by the correct sequence, the NY Yankees have only won 1 World Series in this Century, while The Boston Red Sox have won 2 in this Century, so on 01-01-11, the New Decade Begins:

1-10, not 0-9, is how the decades are counted. If you're Catholic, Anglican or Lutheran, your Rosary Beads are 1 to 10 Beads, constituting a Decade of The Rosary, as ZERO constitutes a Number which means NOTHING of Value(Sort of like Mets Ownership);

BTW, Dear Catholic Nation, New Year's Day is "The Solemnity Of Mary, Mother Of God", though for those of you on The Traditional System with Traditional Latin Mass, The old nomenclature is "Feast Of The Circumcision", hence when The Christ Child was presented in The Temple, which both Old and New Calendars commemorate in The Gospels;

Epiphany, when the Three Wise Men brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh to The Christ Child, will be commemorated on Sunday, 1-3-10, but on 1-6-10, it is traditionally celebrated, especially in the Latino Communities. Baptism Of The Lord ends Christmastide in The Church, on January 10th;

Orthodox Christmas is January 6th, so a Happy Christmas to my acting colleague, Jelena Mjrda, from the up & coming Web Series, "Peripheral City", which series information may be accessed by clicking on the Title Above;

Happy '10 All;

The Pez Report from Mychal-Year End Special


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stay Tuned For "Bayside" Over These SNY and FOX Stations

Jason Bay will now patrol Left Field in a place without The Green Monster:

He will now call Citi Field, home to a Cavernous Expanse of Outfield, his place of Performance. It should be an interesting show;

Having replaced one Manuel Aristedes Ramirez in Fenway Park, he was an Offensive Presence, but NOT a blohole;

I'm beginning to wonder as to what possessed The Current Ownership Group to go after The Talented(Though Less So)Mike Cameron, who once did a Head On Collision with a Mr Carlos Beltran, while with The Mets in San Diego;

Could it be that with Fenway Park, in its' current state, may NOT be the revenue machine it's purported to be?

Only time will tell, but in the Red Sox Case, the team may have gone from Champagne to Brooklyn Lager, in letting go of Jason Bay;

"Bayside" Premieres in April, on SNY, ESPN, MLB Network and FOX. For once, Jeffy didn't put any stock in "Bernie From Far Rockaway."

The Pez Report From Mychal

Happy 2010 All!

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Plainsong, AKA Gregorian Chant

The Plainchant Revolution

You arrive at a Catholic Church for The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass. I know one thing-you're not thrilled with "Folk" Masses, which is WHY I am writing this essay. YOU are NOT inspired with
Guitar Music, where BANAL music is played. You would rather sing to "O Sacrament Most Holy" rather than "Michael, Row The Boat Ashore", but some "Liturgical Expert", who probably used to sing in some Greenwich Village "Coffee House" some years ago, thinks you want to hear some asinine puff piece played in that "Coffee House", when all you want to hear and sing is "Dominus Vobisum, Et Cum Spiritu Tuo, Oremus."

Please, as you are NOT STUPID, the "Liturgical Experts" are about as right as NY Mets Ownership, which is not saying much about either the "Experts" or Mets Owners. Sometimes, Sarcasm is a way of expressing how I really feel in regards to how the Catholic Liturgy is presented to The Faithful.

It was January 11th, 1998, as I SUFFERED through a Mass where it sounded like a BAD Sitcom. I waited with Baited Breath for this Liturgy to end. One woman bragged to me that her Parish Liturgy was as good as where I heard more Classical Tones, to which I cracked "Please, NO." I was wondering when the "Betty Boop" theme was going to kick in.

When I was young in Brooklyn, NY, we had to learn how to read the "Kyrie" in the 2nd Grade. We had it recited to us and, because we were using Phonics to learn how to read, we picked up on how to read the text of the Prayer. "Dominus Vobiscum" was transmitted in the same way as "Gloria In Excelcis Deo." Hence, we learned to read Latin and that little bit of Greek.

BUT, The GREAT NEWS Is that a number of phrases are being chanted again. At the beginning of Mass at 5:15PM, the Opening Antiphon was chanted in English. It must be so noted that the Opening Antiphon was chanted in English, which sounded so elegant. The Kyrie was sung in Greek, while the Agnus Dei was sung in Latin, and the Communion Antiphon was chanted in Latin.

At the time of The reception of Holy Communion, many people actually head to the Altar Rail to receive the Sacrament. At St Agnes at East 43rd Street, between Lexington and 3rd Avenue, you have the option of receiving Holy Communion, either in a queue or at The Altar Rail. As this is the Parish from where the Latin Mass became a popular option, even in the Ordinary Rite of The Mass, the Faithful do go to kneel at the rail. I prefer kneeling to standing.

It's interesting, but The Church did call for the use of Latin in The Liturgy, as this is The Latin Rite Of The Roman Catholic Church, yet in most parishes, this is not carried out, as Vernacular is permitted, but Latin must b preserved.

Traditional Practice has returned. Is this GREAT OR WHAT? I couldn't do without it. But, where did the Faithful go?

Mychal-The Pez Report


Friday, December 25, 2009

From 4PM, EST Yesterday In The Vatican At The 10PM Papal Mass In Saint Peter's Basillica

A Happy Christmas Begins With Magnificent Liturgy

At the 5:15PM Holy Sacrifice of The Mass at St Agnes, East 43rd Street between Lexington and 3rd Avenues in Midtown Manhattan, one could anticipate The Coming Of The Child Jesus at his 2009th Birthday Celebration:
The Opening Prayer was chanted by Mr Andrew Mills, The Music Director, in English;
The Kyrie was sung in Greek;
The Agnus Dei was sung in Latin;
The Communion Antiphon was chanted in Latin;
The Gloria was recited for the 1st Time, as we are now in Christmastide;
Appropriate Christmas Hymns, namely the Standards were sung;
The Beginning of The Holy Gospel According To St. Matthew, gave The Geneology Of Christ, as he does come from The Line of King David;
As the Main Celebrant of The Mass explained in his Homily, This Beginning is preached as we Christians through Baptism are included with The Christ in His Line;
For Catholic Liturgy to be effective, It being The Central Offering of The Life Of Catholics, I feel that The Worshippers should be exposed to The Classical Hymns of The Church, all of The Year. The Tabernacle should be at The Centre and NOT off to the side, Hidden away, replaced by a "Presider's Chair", although The Priest as "Alter Christus" is central to The Liturgical Function. As Latin, & before it, Greek, are the Liturgical Languages and Latin being The Official Language Of The Church, The Parishioners should experience part of The Liturgy in Latin, such as the singing of The Agnus Dei in Latin;
Now, in The Ordinary Rite Of The Mass, with The Traditional Latin Mass being known as the Extraordinary Rite, there are places where misguided experimentation has led to indifference by Parishioners. Guitar Masses are used to bring in the young people, though I beg to differ, as I have found Gregorian Chant attracts more young people, as Beautiful Liturgy explains Catholicism more than "Michael Row The Boat Ashore", a "Hymn" which came with the Ill-Fated "Folk" Masses. Coupled with "Teaching" of The Faith in Catholic Sponsored Schools, where 8th Graders cannot explain WHAT a Sacrament IS, it does lead to indifference;
Something which I have noticed at East 43rd Street, is that while people queue up for Communion, many are now kneeling at the Altar Rail to receive The Eucharist. I feel that more kneeling and less queueing is needed, as to be more Fully-Catholic, in practice and experience;
As The Christ Is ETERNAL, let's not just remember Him at This Time & Easter but All Time. Great Catholic Liturgy, coupled with Effective Teaching will do it;

Happy Christmastide;

The Pez Report by Mychal

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Knights Of Columbus Role In Evangelization At Christmastide

About this evening's Papal Mass Transmissions to The World-the Satellite Uplink and in the case of Mission Lands, the Downlink is sponsored by the Knights Of Columbus:

So, whenever you meet one of the Gentlemen Of This Honored Order, Thank Him;

Pray For The Canonization Of That Holy Priest, Blessed Father Michael J Mc Givney;

Happy Christmastide;

Mychal For The Pez Report

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why is Dora The Explorer unpopular with Yankees Fans? If you spell Dora's name backwards, you get A-Rod.

Despite WHAT "Liturgical Experts" Think, Young People LOVE Gregorian Chant

On this Past 4th Sunday Of Advent, I was at the 5:15PM Mass at St Agnes, East 43rd Street in Midtown. It was the Ordinary Rite of The Mass & NOT the Traditional Latin Mass, but I heard The Following:
The Kyrie was sung in Greek;
The Agnus Dei was sung in Latin;
The Communion Antiphon was chanted in Latin;
Only ONE Hymn, "Veni, Veni Emmanuel" was sung, with two verses at the Beginning of Mass & two verses at The End Of Mass;
NO Haugen-Haas Hymns are ever sung here;
People either queue to receive The Eucharist, or they Actually Kneel to receive the Eucharist;
The Families and Young People do appreciate this type of Mass. This is NOT The "Michael Row The Boat Ashore" kind of crowd. There can be beauty in the Current Rite of The Mass. People DO want this kind of Liturgy. No Guitarists Need Apply;

The Pez Report-Merry Christmas;



Monday, December 21, 2009

Test Run Over iPod Touch

However, I can only do the Title, yet download apps up the kazoo!

The Pez Report-Mobile & Mac Edition!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Great News For Red Sox Nation Outside Of NESN Country

Those of you who use the iPhone & iPod Touch, there is an App which will allow you to watch the Red Sox live on your iPhone/iPod Touch, in 2010:

To those of you in NY/NJ/SW CT, you can now watch the NESN Feed. It'll be great avoiding YES during The Yankees Series;

Click on the title above;

The Pez Report-Mobile Edition

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Friday, December 18, 2009

One's iPod Touch can function as an iPhone. All one needs is a software app and a headphone-microphone and a wi fi connection and, voila you have a phone.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

TAPS travels to the infamous Hindenburg crash site on the season finale of Ghost Hunters, 2Nite @ 9/8c on Syfy!

Friday, December 11, 2009

MLB Boston Red Sox
1) New York Mets make offer to Jason Bay to appease fans? (Yahoo! Sports)
2) Boston Red Sox turn attention to Adrian Beltre

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

MLB Boston Red Sox
1) Peter Gammons leaving ESPN for MLB Network (AP)
2) Lowell Spinners invite White House party crashers (AP)
*Reply TRIVIA for fun

Are The NY Mets Relevant?

Well? Are They?


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

& Andy Rooney Has Met His Match-The Redoubtable Rex Murphy

Do Click on The Title, Please. We in this Country do watch Andy Rooney on CBS 60 Minutes, but in Canada, a Commentator of such rare common sense, called Rex Murphy, native of Newfoundland, should be viewed. I believe you'll like him. In this CBC Video, he speaks of that Canadian Institution, now showing up in the US called Tim Horton's, a Coffee House establishment all over Canada.


The Pez Report-Canadian Edition
