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Monday, December 28, 2009

Plainsong, AKA Gregorian Chant

The Plainchant Revolution

You arrive at a Catholic Church for The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass. I know one thing-you're not thrilled with "Folk" Masses, which is WHY I am writing this essay. YOU are NOT inspired with
Guitar Music, where BANAL music is played. You would rather sing to "O Sacrament Most Holy" rather than "Michael, Row The Boat Ashore", but some "Liturgical Expert", who probably used to sing in some Greenwich Village "Coffee House" some years ago, thinks you want to hear some asinine puff piece played in that "Coffee House", when all you want to hear and sing is "Dominus Vobisum, Et Cum Spiritu Tuo, Oremus."

Please, as you are NOT STUPID, the "Liturgical Experts" are about as right as NY Mets Ownership, which is not saying much about either the "Experts" or Mets Owners. Sometimes, Sarcasm is a way of expressing how I really feel in regards to how the Catholic Liturgy is presented to The Faithful.

It was January 11th, 1998, as I SUFFERED through a Mass where it sounded like a BAD Sitcom. I waited with Baited Breath for this Liturgy to end. One woman bragged to me that her Parish Liturgy was as good as where I heard more Classical Tones, to which I cracked "Please, NO." I was wondering when the "Betty Boop" theme was going to kick in.

When I was young in Brooklyn, NY, we had to learn how to read the "Kyrie" in the 2nd Grade. We had it recited to us and, because we were using Phonics to learn how to read, we picked up on how to read the text of the Prayer. "Dominus Vobiscum" was transmitted in the same way as "Gloria In Excelcis Deo." Hence, we learned to read Latin and that little bit of Greek.

BUT, The GREAT NEWS Is that a number of phrases are being chanted again. At the beginning of Mass at 5:15PM, the Opening Antiphon was chanted in English. It must be so noted that the Opening Antiphon was chanted in English, which sounded so elegant. The Kyrie was sung in Greek, while the Agnus Dei was sung in Latin, and the Communion Antiphon was chanted in Latin.

At the time of The reception of Holy Communion, many people actually head to the Altar Rail to receive the Sacrament. At St Agnes at East 43rd Street, between Lexington and 3rd Avenue, you have the option of receiving Holy Communion, either in a queue or at The Altar Rail. As this is the Parish from where the Latin Mass became a popular option, even in the Ordinary Rite of The Mass, the Faithful do go to kneel at the rail. I prefer kneeling to standing.

It's interesting, but The Church did call for the use of Latin in The Liturgy, as this is The Latin Rite Of The Roman Catholic Church, yet in most parishes, this is not carried out, as Vernacular is permitted, but Latin must b preserved.

Traditional Practice has returned. Is this GREAT OR WHAT? I couldn't do without it. But, where did the Faithful go?

Mychal-The Pez Report



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is an amusing piece

7:26 PM  
Blogger Michael Leggett said...

I thank you & it's true that Gregorian Chant & Plainsong are making a huge comeback.

12:21 PM  

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