Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Great Walk Of 11/13/10

We have a Society known for Vanity. Men(& Some Women) like to sculpt their bodies in order to show off their bodies for all of their muscles.
We also have a sedentary society, which for whatever reason, does not understand the primary mode of transportation. At one time, we did not have fancy vehicles to transport ourselves around in.
So how did we get around? I did something yesterday traversing across the NYC Boroughs of Queens, Brooklyn & Manhattan which was not sedentary in the least.
Jesus Christ & The Apostles used this mode of Transportation all or most of the time. For the 1st Time in my life, I went & did Long Distance Walking, over streets & The Williamsburgh Bridge.
Would I do this again? I would do it. It was the best exercise in my life in that I got to see my city from the angle of a mere pedestrian. I traversed the City of New York, from Western Queens through Northern Brooklyn, and across the East River through the Lower East Side into the West Side along 14th Street for a short audition for a short film. Then it was a walk to St. Francis of Assisi RC Church for The Sacrament of Penance.
My thanks to Daniel Torres for the $2.25 subway fare to allow me to use the subway to Woodhaven Blvd & Jamaica Avenue, from which I walked another 7 blocks to home.
I do thank God for this most unique journey & the realization that a Journey starts with a single step. I traversed about 12 miles on foot.
Walking is the best exercise imaginable as one can do a lot of thinking & meditating as well as building up one's cardiovascular capabilities. One needs not sculpt and torturing oneself.
One only needs to begin with a single step.
Labels: Catholic Faith, Health
Thursday, November 11, 2010
For a dark, comedic fringe soap opera, watch "Peripheral City" on
Sunday, November 07, 2010
The BlackBerry Device is undergoing a decline at The Enterprise Level, whereas both the iPhone & Android are increasing. BlackBerry is becoming a teen device.
The most expensive prepaid mobile phone plans are with Verizon Wireless. What would you expect from a company which used to be "Ma Bell"?
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Goverment does not belong running Rapid Transit. Just what was so "Independent" about the Independent Subway, a vestige of New York City Government?
One thing is for sure-Apple changed the way of mobile computing. But there is Google's Android OS, Open Source & far less expensive. Apad!
Friday, November 05, 2010
I have spoken to a good # of iPhone users who had their iPhones unlocked. They have taken their service to the 4G T-Mobile System because AT&T is painfully slow
--ORIGINAL MSG: Mary Higgins Clark will be the 2011 Grand Marshal. She will be leading the parade on her birthday.
--ORIGINAL MSG: Bluto Blutarsky was right about The Germans Bombing Pearl Harbor. But it was done peacefully. It was done by T-Mobile.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Veritas-Horizon as a name was combined to form Verizon. I had always thought the name had come from Vertical & Horizontal.
The 1st 3rd Base Coach of the SD Padres passed on today. But his legacy is to have managed two teams to World Series Titles in Cincinatti & Cleveland.
A friend of mine just dropped his Health Insurance because it increased from $450 per month to $1500 per month. Screw Gov't Health Care.
Approximately 2:15PM-EDT, MLB Network broke in via blurtb that Sparky Anderson had passed away from "Complications From Dementia." That's what did in my Mom.
It was about 1:30PM-EDT when a flash on the MLB Network said that Sparky Anderson was being put into a hospice for his Dementia.
Derek Jeter is looking for a new contract. In 2011, Derek will be 37 Years Old. Right now his numbers have dropped & will drop further.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
The telephone has evolved from its' primary mission of carrying one's voice over lines & air, to becoming a data carrier in the form of text messaging & web.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Article on the SF(nee NY)Giants to follow on this blog. Thoughts about a "What If" scenario, danced in my head. Let's suppose they never left NYC.