Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Monday, July 30, 2012
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The mini-Kong Show: The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in New York City - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Saturday, July 28, 2012
The K of C Free Throw Coverage Which Broke All The Rules
Labels: blip.tv, DailyMotiom, KOFCFT, Viddler, Vimeo
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Friday, July 27, 2012
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Monday, July 23, 2012
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show SideShow("Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman") | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
"Cops" Meets "The Late Show With David Letterman"
Labels: Astoria, blip.tv, DocuComedy, iMovieApp, NewMedia, NewYork, QPTV, Queens, RealityComedy, SpliceApp, Up2BlipApp, VimeoApp
The Kong Show SideShow
Watch out my new video on blip.tv
Sent from blip.tv Uploader app for iOS
Sent from my iPod
Sent from blip.tv Uploader app for iOS
Sent from my iPod
Sunday, July 22, 2012
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
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Wendy Luker as Ms Starla, intuitive Tarot card reader @ THE KONG SHOW
Check out this video on YouTube:
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Sent from my iPod
Dan Tighe "Sensitive Guy" Live at the Iguana VIP Lounge, NYC
Check out this video on YouTube:
Sent from my iPod
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
The mini-Kong Show: The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in New York City - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Thursday, July 19, 2012
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The mini-Kong Show: The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in New York City
Check out this video on YouTube:
Sent from my iPod
Sent from my iPod
Dan Tighe "Sensitive Guy" Live at the Iguana VIP Lounge, NYC
Check out this video on YouTube:
Sent from my iPod
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York) - YouTube
Sent from my iPod
The Kong Show-The Biggest Little Comedy Show In New York
Labels: Made In New York, NewMedia, publicaccesscabletv, Queens, Social Networks
The Kong Show! The Biggest Little Comedy Variety Show in Town! (New York)
Check out this video on YouTube:
Sent from my iPod
Sent from my iPod
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Monday, July 16, 2012
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
The Kong Show-Rehearsals From Astoria-Corrections(No! Not Rikers Island) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals From Somewhere In Queens(Astoria) "The Kong Show" Webcast 2(Outdoors In Astoria) | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Rehearsals Somewhere In Queens(Astoria)For "The Kong Show" Webcast I | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip
Comedy Factory from CBC Radio: "Canadian Pride" June 28, 2012
Check out this great Podcast: http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/includes/cf.xml
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