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Monday, May 23, 2011

WFAN-Home To "Intellecshuals"

You know what I am talking about-Sports Talk Radio, a subset of Listener Generated Programming. It is here that most people have no idea WHAT they are talking about. I think of these callers as "Grandstand General Managers."

I think of WFAN as an audio version of YouTube(Banal, Idiotic, Senseless), in that people are looking for exposure, to become stars of some kind. Like on YouTube, the sillier, the better, it does not portend to be an intelligent discussion. Like a show called "Seinfeld", it is all about NOTHING(Yada, Yada).

WFAN does have some sense of intelligent discussion on Sunday Mornings from 6AM to 9AM, with the rest of the time being Sports Oriented Programming. But "The Fan" does entertain & provides an outlet, abeit banal. But it does a better job than Sominex at putting people to sleep at night. It is useful in that sense. And it keeps people happy.



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