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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

"60 Minutes" Soft Soap Alert-Yankees Fan Mike Wallace To Interview "The Dayton Doughnut"

Please! Spare Me!

Mr Mike Wallace, something of a Favourite Of Mine, going back to 1967 when "60 Minutes" was a Once A Month Show on CBS & can be hard-hitting, as it turns out, has been a Guest in George Steinbrenner's Bawx(Suzyn Waldman's Pronunciation) @ Yankthese Games, over the past several seasons;

He's going to interview an Old Friend From Texas, who pitched for The Yankmes;

I refer to the Guy From Texas as "The Dayton Doughnut", because he's originally from OHIO, not Texas & he is big & was called "The Texas Con Man" by the Late Will Mc Donaugh;

Yes, Mike Wallace, originally from The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts, will be interviewing a man, whose Wife, Debbie, calls "My Billy";

The Man who's the Subject of this interview is William Roger Clemens;

William R., will probably tell all of New England, Fitzy-Style "Y'all can GFY" & & be spending the evening in Denial, which, BTW, is NOT a River in Egypt;

This Will be on Sunday, January 6th, The Feast Of The Epiphany(Greek For Revelation). Methinks that William R., will be Very-Revealing by his uncomfortable Body Language;

Enjoy a Pint or 3 of Some Harpoon Ale, while listening to that Dude From OHIO;

Pax Vobiscum;

Venite Adoremus, Dominum;

It'll be on WBZ-TV-CBS4 in Boston & WCBS2 in NY;

Mike-Red Sox Nation(RSN)-NYC-Queens

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