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Monday, March 10, 2008

MDXCIX-I HATE Daylight Saving Time This Early in The Year

I can remember the Good Old Days when Daylight Saving Time really was worth it, like in Spring, as in the Last Sunday Of April, until the 1st Sunday in October:

But, the Buzzword, according to the Brain Surgeons in The US Govenment, is this is for lessening of Energy Consumption;

In short, it's friggin' dark as night in the Morning. People used to light, feel like they're waking up in the Middle of The Night, so on go all the lights. Something doesn't feel right;

This is to spur on business with extra Sunlight in the evenings;

But playing with peoples body clocks is not really a good thing, nor is it productive;

It's a crock;




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