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Sunday, February 10, 2008

As To WHY The Novus Ordo Mass Was Reprinted

Dignum Et Justum Est(It Is Right & Just):

The Gang at the ICEL only interpreted the Latin. They did NOT translate the Latin To English;

Like "Et Cum Spiritu Tuo", which is "And With Thy Spirit", NOT the loose interpretation "And Also With You", which makes for a wholly-natural instead of Spiritual Prayer;

Those in the ICEL assume that everybody out there, is some kind of dummy & that they know better;

In The Confetior in The Novus Ordo Mass, the words "Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa". are left out in the English INTERPRETATION;

Multis is MANY, not all. For The Eucharist is for The Many, as in Believers. For All, makes it sound like anybody in that Church, can receive Holy Communion, including Protestants, whose belief in The Eucharist is either as a Symbol or Consubstantiation(Where Bread & Wine Co-Exist With The Body & Blood Of Christ), & not in Transubstantiation, or that The Victim under The Appearances Of Bread & Wine, do become The Body & Blood Of Christ. All was not used By Christ In The Last Supper;

The ICEL-NOT Translators but Interpreters With A Certain Agenda-Butchers;

In The Words of Chris "Mad Dog" Russo & Jere Smith to the ICEL-"Terrible Job";

Mike-RSN-NYCQ-In The RC Diocese Of Brooklyn

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