"Cora, Cora, Cora"
Hit a 2 Run Bomb beyond the 385 Sign in Yankee Stadium, for Red Sox to take a 4-3 lead:
However, Julio Lugo did a "Peccata", allowing Jeter to reach 1st Base;
Okajima is in relief of Julian Tarvarez. I'm listening to the Red Sox Radio Feed on Gameday Audio, as I will not listen to "Ma & Pa Pinstripes" on WCBS Newsradio 88 here in NY;
4-3 After 6, on the WRKO Red Sox Radio Network
However, Julio Lugo did a "Peccata", allowing Jeter to reach 1st Base;
Okajima is in relief of Julian Tarvarez. I'm listening to the Red Sox Radio Feed on Gameday Audio, as I will not listen to "Ma & Pa Pinstripes" on WCBS Newsradio 88 here in NY;
4-3 After 6, on the WRKO Red Sox Radio Network
"Cora, cora, cora!"
I haven't heard that in YEARS from anybody except my mother: that used to be a favorite saying of my Italian grandmother (R.I.P.)!
Requiscant In Pacem:
Also, a bit of humor, in tribute to "Tora, Tora, Tora", a Pearl Harbor Movie, in the '70s.
I remember that: "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger" -- the Japanese code to let Tojo know the attack was a success.
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