"OK-I know It's Pinkish, BUT I Have Drawn A Shamrock"

This is to remind us that the plant represents The Triune Godhead, in Father, Son & Holy Ghost & is part of Irish Culture, on St. Patrick's Day(A Feast Day, BTW);
The Image Manipulation Software wasn't the easiest to use, but I gave it the Ol' University Try. In this case, I decided to try to do it myself, from the heart;
Then, again, NYC & the Northeast are getting hit with snow & ice, strange considering that it was 70 Degrees F on Thursday Morning. Then again, it is March;
Then I remembered that Tinpot General Juan Dunleavy, is RUINING the Parade, with his VINDICTIVENESS;
But, there is "The Great Dunleavy", an Australian of Irish Descent, from News Corp's NY Post, who's a severe critic of "That Other Guy";
Slainte, All;
PS: It might look good on "A-Rod".
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