"It's 'Coupon' Time In Corona, AGAIN"

Just when Mets Fans thought that the team was competetive, like in Y2K, suddenly Mets OWNERSHIP plays the Nasty Game of "TEASING The Fans":
No wonder Nellie Doubleday got out-Freddie & Jeff are at it, AGAIN;
Raise the ticket prices & Mets fans will bask in the glow of Last Season's "Veil Of Tears", fans are paying good money to see a winner;
Remember the Vlad Guererro "Move"? Did constipation set in at Shea?
Was Tim Mc Carver FIRED for being too HONEST?
Thinking you could fool fans with signing the "Japanese Derek Jeter", who couldn't hit to save his life, in '01, & now signing a 40+ Sandy Alomar Jr, what next? A-Rod, when he's all broken down with hurt feelings from The Real Derek Jeter? Am I making any sense, whatsoever?
Nellie D.-come home & save Mets fans from "The Coupons";
Note-if Dad was still here, he'd have visions of a Rerun of M.Donald Grant(Ouch, ouch, ouch, Triple OUCH);
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