"Why Are CATHOLICS Joining This Order?"
Due to the incredibly-BAD Catholic Faith Teaching System in this Country, the Symbol below of The Masons, is being displayed:
I, as a K of C Grand Knight, was given tremendous problems by a member of that Fraternity, who returned to that Order after 20 Years. His Practice included Rumor, Innuendo & Pretended But Not Granted Authority. He had to leave The Masons when he 1st came into the Catholic Church. He is a Past Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus, but now has ascended up the Ladder of the Scottish Rite;
I have known many fine gentlemen of other Faiths, who're Masons & I have no doubt about their Charity towards others. What I'm concerned about is that someone I've known for about 25 Years, went into something which is STILL Forbidden by the Church, over 12 Years Ago. It is due to elements of Masonic Teaching, which run Contrary to Catholic Teaching;
Pursuant to An Apostolic Declaration of 26 November, 1983, in findings by The Sacred Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith, then headed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger of Munich, Germany(The Current Pope Benedict XVI) that "Our Position on The Masons has NOT Changed. Members of The Faithful, who enroll in Masonic Associations, shall be in Serious(Mortal)Sin & may not approach Holy Communion". This has the force & effect of amending Canon(Church)Law.
Unfortunately, this was NOT boldly proclaimed in many a Catholic Church in the United States. The Echlesiastic Liberals might have a problem with this, they who treat The Eucharist as if it was like having a Carvel Ice Cream Cone, or a symbol of youthful rites of passage;
No wonder there's only 18% Attendance @ Sunday Mass(The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass), which, in its' Current Form, called the Novus Ordo, which came out of a Committee of 6 PROTESTANT Ministers & a Catholic Cardinal, who as it turned out, was revealed as a Freemason(Which at the Time of Vatican II, Membership in the Masons, incurred Automatic Excommunication), into Liturgy, which is virtually Indistinguishable from Lutheran & Anglican Liturgies, in appearance. You can't really attract Converts by trying to be something you're not. With Liturgical ABUSES of the Novus Ordo Mass, such as putting the Tabernacle in a Chapel, or in some side place, The Central Teaching Of The Eucharist is Secondary(Clown Masses With Priests Dressed as Clowns or A-Rod, Anyone[Will that Priest Dressed as A-Rod Be Wearing A Hamburger Helper Mitt Or Carrying A Purse});
When an 8th Grade Graduate has no idea about the Corporeal Real Presence Of Christ In The Eucharist, it's time for this solution:
Baltimore Catechism(Note, that it has nothing to do with Major League Baseball or Cal Ripken Jr or Theo Epstein or Omar Minaya)! Now that was true Catholic teaching;
The Traditional Mass In Latin(There was NOTHING Wrong With it. Much of English is filled with Latin Roots & Latin helps with Other Languages. It taught a Sense Of Mystery & Reverence In Worship. The Crowds of Parishioners were larger, in Weekday Masses, than they are on Sunday, TODAY);
Catholics would never contemplate joining The Masons;
That's like Red Sox Nation Cheering Lustily for The YANKEES(Bwahahahahahahaha-NEVER).
I, as a K of C Grand Knight, was given tremendous problems by a member of that Fraternity, who returned to that Order after 20 Years. His Practice included Rumor, Innuendo & Pretended But Not Granted Authority. He had to leave The Masons when he 1st came into the Catholic Church. He is a Past Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus, but now has ascended up the Ladder of the Scottish Rite;
I have known many fine gentlemen of other Faiths, who're Masons & I have no doubt about their Charity towards others. What I'm concerned about is that someone I've known for about 25 Years, went into something which is STILL Forbidden by the Church, over 12 Years Ago. It is due to elements of Masonic Teaching, which run Contrary to Catholic Teaching;
Pursuant to An Apostolic Declaration of 26 November, 1983, in findings by The Sacred Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith, then headed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger of Munich, Germany(The Current Pope Benedict XVI) that "Our Position on The Masons has NOT Changed. Members of The Faithful, who enroll in Masonic Associations, shall be in Serious(Mortal)Sin & may not approach Holy Communion". This has the force & effect of amending Canon(Church)Law.
Unfortunately, this was NOT boldly proclaimed in many a Catholic Church in the United States. The Echlesiastic Liberals might have a problem with this, they who treat The Eucharist as if it was like having a Carvel Ice Cream Cone, or a symbol of youthful rites of passage;
No wonder there's only 18% Attendance @ Sunday Mass(The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass), which, in its' Current Form, called the Novus Ordo, which came out of a Committee of 6 PROTESTANT Ministers & a Catholic Cardinal, who as it turned out, was revealed as a Freemason(Which at the Time of Vatican II, Membership in the Masons, incurred Automatic Excommunication), into Liturgy, which is virtually Indistinguishable from Lutheran & Anglican Liturgies, in appearance. You can't really attract Converts by trying to be something you're not. With Liturgical ABUSES of the Novus Ordo Mass, such as putting the Tabernacle in a Chapel, or in some side place, The Central Teaching Of The Eucharist is Secondary(Clown Masses With Priests Dressed as Clowns or A-Rod, Anyone[Will that Priest Dressed as A-Rod Be Wearing A Hamburger Helper Mitt Or Carrying A Purse});
When an 8th Grade Graduate has no idea about the Corporeal Real Presence Of Christ In The Eucharist, it's time for this solution:
Baltimore Catechism(Note, that it has nothing to do with Major League Baseball or Cal Ripken Jr or Theo Epstein or Omar Minaya)! Now that was true Catholic teaching;
The Traditional Mass In Latin(There was NOTHING Wrong With it. Much of English is filled with Latin Roots & Latin helps with Other Languages. It taught a Sense Of Mystery & Reverence In Worship. The Crowds of Parishioners were larger, in Weekday Masses, than they are on Sunday, TODAY);
Catholics would never contemplate joining The Masons;
That's like Red Sox Nation Cheering Lustily for The YANKEES(Bwahahahahahahaha-NEVER).

Your blog is very quickly becoming illustrated.....
Can you cite the specific Masonic teachings that are in violation of Catholicism? I'm not a Mason - nor am I very much of a Catholic, these days - but MY WIFE is a Past Worthy Matron of The Rainbow Girls, a sub-organization within the Masons, and I'd be interested in hearing what the conflicts are. Thanks!
I sent over the packet by e-mail;
Read it & let me know;
Having found the right tools, this blo will be a somewhat-illustrated one;
If Jere can do it, so can I. Ditto, Quinn!
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