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Monday, July 24, 2006

Some MLB Thoughts About A-Rod's Slump

On Saturday Afternoon, during Astros-Mets, on "FOX Saturday Baseball", The "Sophocles Of The Diamond", Mr James Timothy Mc Carver, in a discussion with Mr Joseph Buck about the Media & Yankee Fan-Hazing of Alex Rodriguez, who's mired in a batting & fielding slump; made this rather-astute, abeit humorous observation about this whole situation:
"I'm inclined to believe that Alex Rodriguez is responsible for Global Warming";

Fast Forward to this morning;
I was walking to the Subway, to make my commute to Lower Manhattan, when a gust of wind suddenly blew;
It almost took my Red Sox Cap with it;
Then I thought "It must be A-Rod striking out again";

Perhaps, Alex Rodriguez should read about how St Francis of Assisi, handled pressure;
It may just make his Soul, Body & Mind, whole again.


Blogger KAYLEE said...

Nice Post.Thanks for the comments on my blog.I dont like a-rod but then again I hate anybody that plays for the yankees.CUZ I hate the yankees.especially Steinbrenner
he over pays his players.anyway lets win today.And not have Julian
Tavarez or Rudy Seanez blow it I am the lucky one I dont have to stay up til like 1 am to see the sox game.But 8pm Is still a late start time!

6:56 PM  
Blogger Michael Leggett said...

I know as you're 3 Hours behind Boston & NY.

7:06 PM  
Blogger KAYLEE said...

Yeah I am I like it here except for the heat.

10:42 PM  

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