The 5th Sunday After Epiphany In The Ordinary Time
For Today in the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time or 5th Sunday After Epiphany, is both the Story Of Grace and The Call To Priesthood, as well as to the Recognition of One's Own Sinfulness.
Simon Peter(Cephas) was a Fisherman, as were James & John, Sons of Zebedee. James and Simon Peter were partners in the fishing business, along with John. John was absent while James and Simon Peter were fishing all night, catching no fish. Then John told the two fishermen about seeing Jesus The Carpenter, who knew a great place where Simon Peter and James could catch a whole lot of fish. Simon Peter, being a bit cocky, reluctantly agreed to do this, after all, what does a carpenter know about fishing.
So Jesus comes aboard the fishing boat, tells Simon Peter and James to cast the nets into the deep. Suddenly, there's so much fish that Simon Peter and James need backup boats to help haul in the huge catch of fish. Simon Peter falls on his knees to The Christ, recognizing his own sinfulness. For Simon Peter, James and John decided to follow Jesus from that time onward, becoming "Fishers Of Men."
One learns of The Prophet Isiah, in the Presence of Angels, being in sorrow for his sins, & is cleansed of his sins, by an Angel, who held a hot tong to his lips and cleansed him of his unclean lips. When The Lord sought out someone to carry His Message, Isiah cried aloud "Here I Am, Lord".
Now in the case of St. Paul The Apostle, He was a zealous Jewish Man who defended the Jewish Faith of his forefathers, unto the point of the Persecution of Christians, until his encounter with The Christ on The Road to Damascus, which brought forth Saul The Persecutor as Paul The Apostle, He whose Writings, called "Epistles" tell the story of The Church and of Christ, not only to the Jews, but to the Gentiles as well, for Jesus told the Apostles to "Go Forth and Make Disciples of All Nations", which Paul, who calls himself the least of The Appstles because he was the greatest persecutor of The Church, truly went forth to the Nations of the then-understood world.
For all of these men were weak, but became strong in The Christ, through The Holy Spirit. God can choose anybody for His Work, including you and me.
Pax Vobiscum!
Simon Peter(Cephas) was a Fisherman, as were James & John, Sons of Zebedee. James and Simon Peter were partners in the fishing business, along with John. John was absent while James and Simon Peter were fishing all night, catching no fish. Then John told the two fishermen about seeing Jesus The Carpenter, who knew a great place where Simon Peter and James could catch a whole lot of fish. Simon Peter, being a bit cocky, reluctantly agreed to do this, after all, what does a carpenter know about fishing.
So Jesus comes aboard the fishing boat, tells Simon Peter and James to cast the nets into the deep. Suddenly, there's so much fish that Simon Peter and James need backup boats to help haul in the huge catch of fish. Simon Peter falls on his knees to The Christ, recognizing his own sinfulness. For Simon Peter, James and John decided to follow Jesus from that time onward, becoming "Fishers Of Men."
One learns of The Prophet Isiah, in the Presence of Angels, being in sorrow for his sins, & is cleansed of his sins, by an Angel, who held a hot tong to his lips and cleansed him of his unclean lips. When The Lord sought out someone to carry His Message, Isiah cried aloud "Here I Am, Lord".
Now in the case of St. Paul The Apostle, He was a zealous Jewish Man who defended the Jewish Faith of his forefathers, unto the point of the Persecution of Christians, until his encounter with The Christ on The Road to Damascus, which brought forth Saul The Persecutor as Paul The Apostle, He whose Writings, called "Epistles" tell the story of The Church and of Christ, not only to the Jews, but to the Gentiles as well, for Jesus told the Apostles to "Go Forth and Make Disciples of All Nations", which Paul, who calls himself the least of The Appstles because he was the greatest persecutor of The Church, truly went forth to the Nations of the then-understood world.
For all of these men were weak, but became strong in The Christ, through The Holy Spirit. God can choose anybody for His Work, including you and me.
Pax Vobiscum!
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