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Friday, August 31, 2007

When Joba The Pitcher Played Headhunter

He threw not once, but twice, 98MPH Fast Balls at Youk's Head:

Joba The Pitcher claimed that he was trying to get a "Swinging Strike";

This sounds a lot like "Clemens Reasoning" whenever Roger was jacked up on the drug of his choice;

Youk reached on an error. Imagine if he homered;

Just ask Mike Piazza, after he was beaned by that Over Roided, Juiced Up Jackass, named Clemens;

Roger's 1st Line of Reasoning was "It was an Accident", though NO NY Sportswriter even believed him;

Remember the Broken Bat? How drugged Up was that Fat#@$#%&%$$%$, who follows Andy around as if Andy was his "Wife";

"I Thought It Was The Ball", protested Clemens, The Over-Juiced A--hole;

Sorry, Joba, but I don't buy your story;

Playing to a Crowd of Baboons, doesn't cut it for me;



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