Translation NOT Interpretation
The New Translation Of The Mass From Latin To English, is a real translation, whereas the prior English Translation was a Humanistic Interpretation, greatly devoid of the Mysterious & The Spiritual. If I had translated "Anima Mea" as "I", in, let's say, 1964, had I been in Cathedral Preparatory Seminary in Brooklyn, I would have been given a good, swift kick in the arse. But, by 1970, Anima Mea, in disregard to the Spiritual Being called the Soul, became "I", the Humanistic Interpretation. The Interpreters were treating English Speakers, as if they had no real brain power. In the zeal to make the Latin Rite Liturgy seem friendly to Broad Church Anglicans & Lutherans, their interpretation was put into the Latin Rite Liturgy. It didn't feel right nor did it feel nor sound Catholic, as the Stateliness had gone out of the Liturgy. Altar Rails were removed & tabernacles often were moved away from the centre. Some Catholic Churches looked Barren, as if they were Protestant Low Churches. Something just wasn't right. But, upon reading the prayers in Latin, one could sense something was amiss in translation. Multis, a Latin word from which multiple comes from, had always been translated as Many. But, the Interpreters came up with "All". While the Redemptive Sacrifice of The Christ is for all, Multis is still multiple or many. The Many actually constitutes The Believers(Faithful). For not everybody at Mass can receive Holy Communion. You may have someone who is a Lutheran or Anglican, who cannot participate in reception of the Sacrament, because they do not believe what Catholics do about the Eucharist. Calixta is Latin for the Sacred Vessel called the Chalice, from which comes the Blood Of Christ, under the appearance of Wine. It is no ordinary cup. The Calixta is being called The Chalice, once again. The Spiritual & Mysterious has returned To Mass. It feels Catholic-It IS Catholic. The Translation IS The Right Direction. Deo Gratias!
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