lansdowne126's videos on Dailymotion

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You Tube Has A Particular Audience

It is not the kind of audience known for thinking. It is a "Circus Et Pane Maximus" kind of viewer, in short, reactionist & spur of the moment. viewers have different criteria for viewing of videos, as I was to discover,
If coverage of the Knights of Columbus International Free Throw Basketball Championship in the Borough/County of Queens, NY, is any indication, the audience on is vastly different from You Tube. The audience on Vimeo is a rather international audience, looking at more than shooting of foul shots. They look for technique & something unique, like the demonstration of slow motion replay or Gregorian Chant dubbed behind the video. Audiences on Vimeo do not post idiotic comments like "Die, you stupid c--t." Vimeo Viewers make intelligent comments. Many of our viewers of the competition come from Continental Europe & The Pacific Rim.
Dailymotion is the 2nd Largest Website for videos in the Free World. It has gained popularity in North America. Headquartered in Paris, France, North American Operations are in The Borough of Manhattan. It has given the K of C Free Throw Coverage a chance to grow with a larger authentic audience. Dailymotion K of C Free Throw Videos appeared on Radio Tele Luxembourg's Belgium Site. Parts of that coverage was narrated in French.
When a group of Kids & Parents overclicked the coverage of the 1st Round, it became apparent that they wanted all these false positives for their own egos. If only to keep up the tale that only You Tube draws big #s, as well as to maintain coverage on that service, it was merely nothing but false positives. The other services drew well without these self serving stats Padders, who made it difficult to gauge who really watched on You Tube.
I believe in letting the event speak for itself. Self Serving Stats Padders who must asuage their egos, are not welcome. Funny how the #s shot downward, rapidly, on You Tube-after the padding came all the demanding to keep it on a service, where no one cared to watch.
With all that, You Tube will be just the Information Channel for where to tune & nothing more.


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