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Sunday, January 03, 2010

On The Martyrs Of The Early Church-A Young Example

In Regard to St Agnes:

She was a young daughter of a Pagan Roman family, who became a Devout Christian. Her father espoused her to a Pagan man who planned to forbid her Christian worship. She remaiined Christian and refused the marriage, committng two capital offenses. Her father threatened her with Prostitution and, after a long trial, Agnes died at Age 13, a resolute Martyr in the Diocletian persecution circa 304AD.

Sancta Agnete, Ora Pro Nobis

Truly a Martyr for Youth!

It should be so noted that in the Parish Church at 147 East 43rd Street between Lexington and 3rd Avenues in Midtown Manhattan, the Story of The Martyrs is posted in the 1st Pew. Currently, young people are taught next to nothing about the Lives of The Saints, but for those young adults who head over to St. Agnes in Midtown, they do take an interest in reading about the lives of the Young Martyred Saints.

When I was in a Catholic Elementary School in Brooklyn in the 1960s, we read about the lives of the Saints. For not to know of the Lives of The Saints, especially the Martyrs, is not to know the History of The Church, Catholic and Apostolic, as those Martyrs were truly an Imitation of Christ.

Again, Kyrie was chanted in Greek, Agnus Dei and Communion Antiphon were chanted in Latin and from what I read from the Gospel, King Herod was one jealous and paranoid dude. It is a good thing the Three Wise Men went home via a different route, so as not to meet up with Herod.

As this was the Feast of Epiphany(Meaning Revelation), I am glad to have read about the life of St. Agnes, a brief life of Virtue and Courage.

The Pez Report

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