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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MMDC-On Cowards And Sneaks

I love when certain Individuals want you to look the other way, while you perform certain duties, but want you to risk everything over nothing:

In the street in Manhattan, I was ordered to summons someone, though the law said otherwise. I was informed that I must Write the summons, or face a trial for insubordination. The Summons was thrown out as invalid, and I was told that the purpose was to pick up Morale For The Group, by my failed summons. Suddenly, certain statutes were no longer enforced;

On duty in an Outer Borough, at a street Fair, serving summonses and emptying said Summons Book by writing for Unlicensed Vendors, I was assaulted , by being grabbed from behind, by 2 cousins of the street fair operator, followed by the operator, himself, who slammed his heel into my left instep.I grabbed the Operator of the Fair, and cuffed him, reciting Miranda Warning for this man. The Rookie with me ran to the Boss, and info'd him that I was assaulted but had the Street Fair Operator in Handcuffs. Boss comes over & tells the Operator that I had no authority to make an arrest, despite my being a Sworn, Certified Peace Officer in NY State, and that The Boss would be a Witness, testifying falsely, though he never saw the assault. That Boss wanted me to falsely report how I was injured, for a Workers' Compensation Case. I played a bit sore than to falsely sign That Claim;

Same Boss wanted me to arrest some homeless person for no reason. I asked him on which basis in law, was this person to be arrested. I was told to arrest that Person, but questioned on what offense was this person to be arrested. That Boss admitted that the man really didn't do anything;

I think the Message that certain people are demanding what one does is to go along with everything. Certain People hated those who think before taking an action and prefer those who ask no questions;

The Message is that those who ask questions, may face problems down the road. Certain Cowardly Types know that certain things are wrong, but figure that it's politically advantageous to turn on those who know the job and ask questions. They never confront you-they run to those who have influence;





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