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Friday, March 06, 2009

MMD=2500-On Schemers Who Seek Endorsements

I am writing this article about Trust. I find it amazing at what people would do for Power and Prestige, at ANY Cost:

It was a time in my life, leading a Catholic Organization, called the Knights Of Columbus. This Council is located in the East Glendale Section of Queens, in The City Of New York. For you see, I was Grand Knight of that council;

There was something of an Estrangement between the Local Catholic Parishes and The Council. I had to try to make amends, for our lack of Charity and Service, in the time from 1996 until 1998;

You work to increase Membership and and Revenue Opportunities as Grand Knight, looking to leave the Council in better shape than when you found it. In my case I knew few people, other than my own members, nor the Dynamics of the Local Parishes in Glendale, East Glendale and Forest Hills;

It was Funny, but though the Council is in East Glendale, the stories from One Parish in Forest Hills were most-interesting;

The Active Life of The Council, particularly in Charity Operations, was told in Forest Hills, much more so, than in East Glendale and Glendale. For I learned that in Forest Hills, that much of the Charity Work took place. As I was selling Chance Books for The Council outside of that Parish in Forest Hills, people were writing cheques and taking chances like no tomorrow, on a weekend in November, 1996. It was such a Good Weekend, that Donations were made in Forest Hills and East Glendale;

But there was that rainy weekend in East Glendale and sales were anything but brisk. But it gave me a chance to meet some interesting people. An 8th Grade Girl, quite-petite, was Cantor For The Masses in East Glendale. She didn't have much of a voice(Perhaps another Fran Drescher in The Making, having a nasally voice), but she made the effort;

Now, for years, this Parish ran a tree sale, to send young adults to Appalachia, to build homes for the poor. Later, around March 4th, 1997, I made the published announcement that the Council would sponsor an Appalachia Fund Mass-Communion Breakfast, on Sunday, June 1st, 1997 at the Council. For one thing, Parish and Council would make merry, with all proceeds going to The Appalachia Fund. The Priest who ran this Fund, was Associate Chaplain of the Council and an Irish Missionary. The Breakfast now replaced the Christmas Tree Sale;

An Idea had popped into my head, with having music at the Mass, on Council Property. I remembered the young girl and asked for her services. She agreed to do this. As she and her mom entered the Council, I greeted them. The girl was nervous, as was her mom. I put the at ease with the words, "Relax for you're among friends";

As life is a journey, one never knows what is going to happen. The 1st Breakfast was a success with Parishioners in East Glendale. The Girl was invited with her parents to the Council's Recognition Night. I presented her with a medallion, and She wept, thanking me;

It was over the Actions of Certain Columbian Squires, who were involved in a petition drive to have a part of Forest Park, named for one of their members, killed in a drug Run, in Bushwick, Brooklyn, that I was alerted. The Council's Name, didn't need to be soiled by that action. So the Youth Award was established as a regional award, in The Greater Glendale-Forest Hills Region;

It was to be named for the Cantor and The Altar Server of the 1st Appalachia Fund Breakfast. The Idea was to Foster Service by young people across our neighborhoods;

Now, at the October Ceremony, naming the Award, The Girl, now a Freshman at St Francis Preparatory in Fresh Meadows, in 1997, was an Honor Student and in Service at her Parish. Her Girl Scout Leader was at the Ceremony. I would meet the Leader at Mass in a large Parish in Forest Hills. That Leader recommended that a young girl and Altar Server, would be sent to us for her 1st Public Appearance, as part of her practice, to be Soloist for a Christmas Mass. I had no idea what to expect;

The 11/11/1997 Memorial Mass was So-Exquisitely Sung. She was 12, going on 13, with the Voice of a Young Opera Star at the Age of 25 to 30 Years Old. She received an 11.5 Minute Standing Ovation. I was witness to her Soloist Performance. It was Exquisite. I cried Tears Of Joy. She was better than Charlotte Church, at her age;

Council Members called for her return. She received a 2nd Ovation of 5 Minutes. Chants of "Bravo" and "Bravissimo" were heard at The Council;

I made mention of this to my new-found friends. They were members of my Inner Circle. I saw this Cooperation of Parish and Council, as a Cornerstone of my Administration;

I had no idea of what I was in for, with this Cooperation. It was a strange set of events. I never knew how jealous these Glendale Friends really were;

Hearing that a Forest Hills Soloist had sung at the Council, enraged the Glendale Part of my Inner Circle. They saw it as a threat to their power, as I was to learn later, in bits and pieces, as they were scheming to attain Honours for their Child, often at any cost, including rumor and innuendo;

I was running an Altar Server Award Ceremony at the Hub Parish in Forest Hills. I broached the Subject of a Return of The Soloist for an Appearance at The 2nd Appalachia Fund Breakfast. She was One of Two Altar Servers to Be Honoured for both Altar Service and her Act of being the Guest Soloist at the Mass, in November, 1997;

She said OK. I thought that there would be no problem. The Altar Server Awards were at East Glendale's Parish Hub, the following Sunday. It was then announced by me to have two Cantors;

I underestimated how the East Glendale Entourage operated, as they, on the Surface, were very-pleasant people, as they introduced me to others in their Hub;

This would be turned into a War. Lying was the Order of The Day;

Someone, using Catholic Charities-RC Diocese of Brooklyn Credentials, found their way into the Forest Hills Hub Parish, using Sexual Innuendo and reports of Criminal Activity by me;

Strange for me, as I hold NY State Certification as a Peace Officer, without a firearm, I was intensely-saddened by such an action;

People were looking at me strangely;

It was frightening, to say the least;

I got called in by the Pastor of That Forest Hills Hub Parish, as he demanded that I fire my East Glendale Cantor, based on the Reports of the one with Catholic Charities Credentials;

I was not going to fire my East Glendale Cantor, under any circumstances, until I found out the facts;

The Fact is that The East Glendale Cantor's Parents, came up with a scheme, to insure their daughter's Election to the Franciscan Chapter of the National Honor Society at St Francis Prep-Fresh Meadows. The Mom was the one, using her Catholic Charities Credentials, to turn the Appalachia Fund Breakfast, into their benefit for personal gain, by scaring another Parish into not doing business with me nor my successors;

On the Night of Council Honors(06/23/1998), the Mom said that "I wonder if Michael would be honoring us if he found out what we were doing to him", which I found very-strange and sad. They also tried to blame their daughter's Girl Scout Leader(The One from Forest Hills)for these very-insidious actions;

The Girl was elected to the Franciscan Chapter of The National Honor Society, based on operations in their East Glendale Hub Parish and the K of C Council in East Glendale, in November, 1999, for actions lasting from 1997 into 1999. When asked to sign the Application, I did and asked when I would send Supporting Documentation. I was informed that it was already taken care of, and told that it was none of my business as to what was put in support of the application;

You dishonored The Church, and the Memory of St Francis of Assisi, by such dishonesty, for promoting values which have no meaning in Faith, in your treacherous acts, which included the Betrayal of A Friend. I have forgiven You, but I can't forget this act, for your personal gain;

Like my amigo, Fitzy From North Billerica, MA, says, you need to GFY!

AND Treachery is NOT a Virtue, for it causes Needless Suffering In Body, Mind and Soul;

All THIS For A School Honor;

My Parting Words Of Counsel, to The Girl, for all the Disingenuous Actions, which occurred for personal gain, as she begged her "Mommy" not to cry, as she slyly reminded me that "Michael was good for us, for without him, there was no election to the National Honor Society", were these words, "Be Proud Of YOUR Achievements AND NEVER TAKE CREDIT for Someone else-You'll Sleep Better", stated twice for emphasis, softly and slowly;

She whispered in a hushed, panicky Tone of voice, "Mommy! Michael found out what we did. Michael found out what we did to him. He found out about us." The Mother got panicky;

The Mother cried before the Mass, in the Council Chamber. She cried 4 other times during the Mass. These tears represented the 5 Times her daughter was Cantor for these Masses;

There were tears cried by me, a SIXTH Time at this event. THAT was for Their Despicable Act Of BETRAYAL;

They moved to AZ in July, 2000, as engineered by her Father, a Master NOT of Faith, but of Schemes;

The Pastor-Emeritus of that Forest Hills Hub Parish, advised me of this situation, on The Ides of March, 2000, that those of That Inner Circle of Mine, caused this whole situation. It was frightening to say the least;

In The Girl's FINAL Cantor Appearance in The Council, at the 4th Appalachia Fund Mass-Breakfast, NOBODY Applauded. It was true about her last Cantor Appearance, in her East Glendale Parish;

And that Family, unto the Very End of This Situation in Queens, NY, had both tears and a guilty conscience. I have NOT SPOKEN to them since January 1st, 2001, for they have reaped the Utter Scorn, WHAT THEY SOWED, for being people NOT-REALLY of Faith;

For these People NEVER Apologized for their DESPICABLE Actions. As for the Daughter, She NEVER demonstrated Leadership nor True Christian Spirit, nor ANY CONTRITION for her part in these DESPICABLE Actions. For these ARE People who VIOLATED other people's reputations, in order to serve THEMSELVES, as was found to be the case in the consolidation of efforts of activities, conducted by her parents,and NOT by the Daughter, for an enhanced resume', as well as the smearing of people's names. For Those Teen Dances and Picnics and The Appalachia Fund Breakfasts, were put on the National Honor Society Application, as Leadership Qualities, even though Leadership was NOT the case;

They NEVER ONCE Said these words, "I'm Sorry";

AND WHERE Does one go to get their Reputations Back, Unsoiled;

For the matter of The Forest Hills Soloist-in ONE Appearance as Soloist for The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass, as Guest Soloist, She performed MORE Christian Service, in ONE Appearance, than all of The Schemers Of East Glendale's 4 Years "Service". The Soloist gave and was Joy to All Who Heard Her Voice.I had the Honor of Listening to Her Performances on November 11th, 1997, and Her Powerful Solo, singing "Silent Night", on December 24th, 1997. She was also a Joy for Her Modesty;


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