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Monday, November 03, 2008

My Beliefs Are Varied And My Own

I believe in Medical Freedom. What is meant is that whatever way works to prevent diseases, I'm all for it:

If Alternative Medicine is Your Bag(It's also my bag), by all means, use it. If seeing an M D or D O is your bag, by all means, utilize these resources;

In faith, I consider myself a Catholic who likes Good, Traditional Liturgy. If You wonder why I have Gregorian Chant, it's both a favorite of mine and gives you something to think about. I'm NOT a Fan of Guitar Masses. I like some Greek(Kyrie) and Latin in The Liturgy, as Latin is STILL The Official Language of The Church;

I prefer The Web for my Information, as there are Opposing Points of View, here;

In short, I'm a Bit of a Libertarian;

I root, root, root for The Underdog. It means that I neither root for The Yankees, nor The Lakers. Those are front-runner teams on both coasts. Give me a Good Ol' Game at Fenway Park, or Citi Field, and I'll be Happy;

My Philosophy!




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