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Friday, October 31, 2008

NOW That Baseball Is Wrapped Up, I Shall Be Writing Other Subjects For A Few Days Like HALLOWEEN

Imagine no -uck and Mc Cavah, to kick around anymore. Can you imagine Halloween Masks of both Doofus Joe and Tim Mc Fullofs--t? How well are they selling?

Probably not too well, as who TF watched "The World Series On FOX"? Who would buy a "Jeffy" Mask?

The Not So American Holiday of Halloween is here. Let's just say it originated in Ireland, which, according to my spies, is turning into a veritable "East New York", as Ireland isn't Ireland, anymore. Can Anyone say "75 Precint", as it would be said in my Native Brooklyn?

1st of all, Halloween was at One Time, Irish New Years Eve, as November 1st on the Irish Calendar, was New Years Day, in Pre-Christian Ireland. When Ireland was Christianised, It became "All Hallows Eve";

In The Pagan Form, food was left out, with the hope that evil spirits would eat the food and leave those folks at home, alone. It was a "Fright Night", later evolving into parties and bonfires. Halloween survived in Ireland and made it to these shores;

In the modern form, it got a bit nasty. Stores are not selling eggs and shaving cream to minors, here in NYC. The Americanised version of Halloween has made it in Europe and a lot of people are pissed off over there, probably from the sale of -uck and Mc Cavah Masks, not to mention all the hair dye that goes with it;

Oh, Well! Trick Or Treat! Please don't get made up to look like THESE TWO!




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