All Star Game Coverage On FOX

You'll get an Unhealthy Dose Of Flatulence, either from Drinking Beer, or listening to these two Magpies, going on about either Nothing, or Derek Jeter, or Toilet II's Closing:
All Living Yankee Legends are Introduced, including that Legend In His Own Mind, George Steinbrenner(To Be Played by Larry David
National Anthem to be sung by some "American Idol" Winner;
Yankee Stadium II is talked about as a "Cathedral", which provokes exceptionally-angry comments from The Vatican;
Camera Shots, include about 85 Shots of Derek Jeter, and 30 Shots of A-Hole and Madonna;
Mc Carver, as usual, won't know what he's talking about(And wonders why he's on "The Riviera List");
Shots of EVERY Celebrity in The Toilet, Brought to you by Chevrolet;
Then, a round of Jeter mentions by Ol' Tim;
And Fitzy will watch the game, telling Tim and Joe that they can "GFY";
And, I think that I'll Puke at the end of this Game;
Labels: FOX Sports; MLB
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