My Annual Displaced Boston Red Sox Fans Directions To Shea Stadium In Corona, Queens
As a Service to those left in the Cold as to Ticket Availability @ Fenway Park & since the Minor League Baseball Schedule is finished & you don't feel like going to M L B's Official Scalper @ Stub Hub, I present to you my Annual Directions to Mets Games @ Shea Stadium, in Corona, Queens:
A LOT of R S N was @ The Site of Game 6 of The '86 World Series, only because they wanted a Day at a Ball Game & only Seats in The State Street Pavilion @ Fenway Park, were available for a Family of 4, or in the EMC Club. Mind you, Shea Stadium isn't as intimate as Fenway Park is, but the fans there make it fun. You have this weekend & 2 other weekends, to come down;
Ok, the occasional & delusional Yankees Fans, who're as fun to be with as Mel Gibson is welcome as a Speaker @ a B'nai Brith Convention(NOT), are the biggest jackasses on the planet. They get taunted, with "Yankees Suck", & for the jerk who wears an A-Rod Jersey, that fan is treated to such chants as "Gay Rod...Jeter's BF" & "Stray Rod...How's Your Mistress". Pedro Martinez will pitch this Sunday, so I advise that you go to the Mets Website to check for Ticket Availability;
Leave the car @ home. Shea Stadium's Parking Lot is a mess, with all that New Citi Field Construction, hence my PSA for coming to the Games over 3 Weekends. I remember that on a few weekends, families were coming from the Boston Area, a story I've heard in BOTH Fenway Park & Shea Stadium. I remember a father & 2 sons on the 7 Train, which sometimes sounds like the T to Kenmore, who came down for Mets-Braves, dressed in Papelbon & Ramirez Jerseys & Red Sox Warm Up Jacket. & neither Tom Glavine(of Billerica), nor Pedro Martinez, were pitching. That Game was pitched by Victor Zambrano until his arm went down(A Deal Crafted By a Duquette-D'oh). I've seen Amtrakers from Providence, at Shea, on a few Sundays. The Upper Level, the highest view in M L B, is good for waving to pilots on approach to La Guardia Airport. Now, here's my Directions List;
From South Station or Back Bay-Amtrak to NY Penn Station, then Uptown E Train to 74th Street-Roosevelt Avenue, & change for #7 Flushing Line To Shea Stadium;
If you want a Bargain-MBTA Commuter Rail to Providence then change for Amtrak to New Haven, then MTA Metro North To Grand Central Station-East 42nd Street. Change for #7 Flushing Line Direct to Shea Stadium;
For a Really-Quick Ride from South Station or Back Bay, Acela Express to Penn Station-NY & change for Long Island Railroad-Port Washington Branch, direct to Shea Stadium. It may be pricey, but worth it for Speed;
By Air, fly Delta Shuttle to La Guardia Airport from Logan & get the Q33 Bus to 82nd Street-Roosevelt Avenue, Changing for #7 Line El to Shea Stadium;
For Economy Conscious Travelers, go to South Station & take Fung Wah Bus to Canal Street. Walk west on Canal Street to Canal & Lafayette Street & get #6 Train to Grand Central Station, to change to #7 Flushing Line to Shea Stadium;
Just a myriad of ways to enjoy M L B, in NYC without going up to "The Toilet" in The Bronx;
A LOT of R S N was @ The Site of Game 6 of The '86 World Series, only because they wanted a Day at a Ball Game & only Seats in The State Street Pavilion @ Fenway Park, were available for a Family of 4, or in the EMC Club. Mind you, Shea Stadium isn't as intimate as Fenway Park is, but the fans there make it fun. You have this weekend & 2 other weekends, to come down;
Ok, the occasional & delusional Yankees Fans, who're as fun to be with as Mel Gibson is welcome as a Speaker @ a B'nai Brith Convention(NOT), are the biggest jackasses on the planet. They get taunted, with "Yankees Suck", & for the jerk who wears an A-Rod Jersey, that fan is treated to such chants as "Gay Rod...Jeter's BF" & "Stray Rod...How's Your Mistress". Pedro Martinez will pitch this Sunday, so I advise that you go to the Mets Website to check for Ticket Availability;
Leave the car @ home. Shea Stadium's Parking Lot is a mess, with all that New Citi Field Construction, hence my PSA for coming to the Games over 3 Weekends. I remember that on a few weekends, families were coming from the Boston Area, a story I've heard in BOTH Fenway Park & Shea Stadium. I remember a father & 2 sons on the 7 Train, which sometimes sounds like the T to Kenmore, who came down for Mets-Braves, dressed in Papelbon & Ramirez Jerseys & Red Sox Warm Up Jacket. & neither Tom Glavine(of Billerica), nor Pedro Martinez, were pitching. That Game was pitched by Victor Zambrano until his arm went down(A Deal Crafted By a Duquette-D'oh). I've seen Amtrakers from Providence, at Shea, on a few Sundays. The Upper Level, the highest view in M L B, is good for waving to pilots on approach to La Guardia Airport. Now, here's my Directions List;
From South Station or Back Bay-Amtrak to NY Penn Station, then Uptown E Train to 74th Street-Roosevelt Avenue, & change for #7 Flushing Line To Shea Stadium;
If you want a Bargain-MBTA Commuter Rail to Providence then change for Amtrak to New Haven, then MTA Metro North To Grand Central Station-East 42nd Street. Change for #7 Flushing Line Direct to Shea Stadium;
For a Really-Quick Ride from South Station or Back Bay, Acela Express to Penn Station-NY & change for Long Island Railroad-Port Washington Branch, direct to Shea Stadium. It may be pricey, but worth it for Speed;
By Air, fly Delta Shuttle to La Guardia Airport from Logan & get the Q33 Bus to 82nd Street-Roosevelt Avenue, Changing for #7 Line El to Shea Stadium;
For Economy Conscious Travelers, go to South Station & take Fung Wah Bus to Canal Street. Walk west on Canal Street to Canal & Lafayette Street & get #6 Train to Grand Central Station, to change to #7 Flushing Line to Shea Stadium;
Just a myriad of ways to enjoy M L B, in NYC without going up to "The Toilet" in The Bronx;
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