"Buan-04/23/63"_The "Creator" of The Novus Ordo Mass
"Buan" is Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, the guy in charge of the "Wreckovation" called the New Order of The Mass, or "Novus Ordo":
He conducted this writing with the help of 6 Protestant Ministers(Lutherans & Anglicans, whose belief in the Corporeal Real Presence of Christ In The Eucharist, is defined as "With The Bread & Wine until the End Of The Liturgy" or "Consubstantiation"), to create a Mass, which would make Protestants comfortable;
After reading the Mass, I looked at the Broad Church Anglican Service & the High Church Lutheran Service & realized that the Novus Ordo Mass, is heavily-Protestant in structure. In fact, it's very hard to tell the difference among the 3 Services;
& looking at some hymns, sung in Lutheran Churches, many are sung in Catholic Churches & many are banal dreck;
Marty Haugen, a Lutheran, wrote a lot of these hymns for CATHOLIC usage. They're sung in Lutheran & Episcopal Churches, in North America, in addition to Catholic Parishes;
But, here's the big kicker about "Buan";
A search of the membership lists of Italian Freemasonry, showed Annibale Bugnini, was code-named "Buan" & became a Mason, on April 23rd, 1963, during Vatican II, which at that time, incurred "Ipso Facto" Excommunication. Masonry was proscribed by the Catholic Church, in 1738. I'm wondering if the 6 Ministers were also members of "The Craft";
Just Think-OUR Mass was changed by an Apostate Priest & 6 Other Clergy, to create this Mass, today;
It makes me want to PUKE;
He conducted this writing with the help of 6 Protestant Ministers(Lutherans & Anglicans, whose belief in the Corporeal Real Presence of Christ In The Eucharist, is defined as "With The Bread & Wine until the End Of The Liturgy" or "Consubstantiation"), to create a Mass, which would make Protestants comfortable;
After reading the Mass, I looked at the Broad Church Anglican Service & the High Church Lutheran Service & realized that the Novus Ordo Mass, is heavily-Protestant in structure. In fact, it's very hard to tell the difference among the 3 Services;
& looking at some hymns, sung in Lutheran Churches, many are sung in Catholic Churches & many are banal dreck;
Marty Haugen, a Lutheran, wrote a lot of these hymns for CATHOLIC usage. They're sung in Lutheran & Episcopal Churches, in North America, in addition to Catholic Parishes;
But, here's the big kicker about "Buan";
A search of the membership lists of Italian Freemasonry, showed Annibale Bugnini, was code-named "Buan" & became a Mason, on April 23rd, 1963, during Vatican II, which at that time, incurred "Ipso Facto" Excommunication. Masonry was proscribed by the Catholic Church, in 1738. I'm wondering if the 6 Ministers were also members of "The Craft";
Just Think-OUR Mass was changed by an Apostate Priest & 6 Other Clergy, to create this Mass, today;
It makes me want to PUKE;
After Pope Paul VI was shown irrefutable proof of Hanibal's membership in the Masonic Order he was made Papal Nuncio...
to IRAN!!!
True story.
Who knows if Paulus VI wasn't being blackmailed for something else. According to Wikipaedia, there was even mention that Bugnini might have commited Suicide.
Once, a priest emailed me a pic of Bugnini's grave with his memorial plaque. He titled it, My favourite grave. Needless to say, he doesn't think much of Bugnini.
That Priest must have some sense of Humour:
I've never heard of a "Favourite Grave", ANYWHERE.
The 1965 Missae Romanum, met the requirements for Reform. The 1970 Missae was a Radical Departure from Organic Development.
It was also a RADICAL Departure from our Catholic Heritage.
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