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Monday, December 25, 2006

On My Birthday In 20 Days, It Will Have A Latin Theme

For on that Birthday of Mine, I will venture to East 43rd Street, between Lexington & 3rd Avenues, to St.Agnes Church, home to many of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's Good Friday Homilies. I will be attending the 11:00AM Solemn High Mass:

It will NOT be the Current Mass(Novus Ordo) in English;

It Will be the Traditional Latin Mass, with Priest facing East towards the Altar;

It'll be Solemn, yet Joyful. Can anyone say "Gregorian Chant";

Remember The Old Communion Rail;

Gloria In Excelcis Deo!

Merry Christmas!


Blogger Suldog said...

I would find it so fascinating to attend a latin mass again. Last time for me was probably around age 7 or 8? Maybe even further back.

8:52 AM  
Blogger Michael Leggett said...

Jim, I can recall that in 2nd Grade of the Parish School, the Learning of Prayers in Latin & Greek(Kyrie is In Greek):

In The Confetior(The I Confess), as rendered today only as an option, as the Kyrie(Lord Have Mercy), sometimes takes its' place, the Original, Majestic Translation is NOT used in English, which invokes the Aid Of Saints. Even in the English Original Translation, it was Beautifully-Rendered, whereas today, a Generic Form is used in the English Speaking Countries, especially in The US & Canada:

It was usually a Reading of The Epistle, followed by a Psalm & then The Gospel, followed by Homily, then The Nicene Creed;

The Traditional Mass in Latin, was Unchanged for all these Centuries. It was in Advent 1964, that The Mass began to use the Native Language Translation, but followed the Original Format of The Traditional Mass, with Offertory & Consecration still in Latin;

It was in 1970, that the Current Mass Format was 1st Used, & when the Tabernacle was taken away from The Centre of The Church. Today's Mass resembles almost to a T, The Liturgies Of both The Lutherans & Anglicans. Whereas they teach that The Body & Blood Of Christ are present with the Bread & Wine, The Catholic Mass teaches that that the Bread & Wine are changed into The Body & Blood Of Christ, with only the Sensible Qualities remaining(Under The APPEARANCE Of Bread & Wine). The Current Mass, called Novus Ordo(New Order), was written in consultation with 6 Anglican & or Lutheran Clergymen & a Catholic Archbishop, who was EXILED to Iran, when it was found that he was a Mason;

With The Novus Ordo Mass, it was practically indistinguishible from Lutheran & Anglican Liturgies. In 1969, there was ONLY ONE Eucharistic Prayer. Now there are 16 of these, which can be used. This has led to all kinds of Liturgical Abuses, including Liturgies where the Priest dresses Up as a Clown(Bozo Celebrates The Mass), or Comes made up as A-Rod, complete with matching black purse(Lol). This WOULD NEVER take Place in The Traditional Mass. In the Traditional Mass, People kneeled at The Communion Rail & didn't chew the The Body of Christ. Many people were repelled by The Abuses of Novus Ordo, & may have been driven away from Mass Attendance by this new liturgy;

Jim, use Google to find out where a Latin Mass is located in the Boston Area. I think that you'll love the Experience.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Suldog said...

Thank you, Michael.

I don't know if I told you this before, but my Dad attended seminary for a brief time. I know it was in New York State, I believe it was St. Francis's? In any case, my middle name (Shawn) is for his very good friend and roomate while in seminary.

He went on to become an airline employee for the remainder of his life. As such, he got to travel extensively, as did my mother and I. And the point to all of this is that he bemoaned the changing from latin to local language especially because he did so much travelling to foreign lands. He felt somewhat excluded from a real celebration of mass when it was said in, for instance, German - a language he didn't know and couldn't really follow the mass in - whereas while the mass was in latin, it was the same the world over, more or less, and no matter where he went he would know exactly what was going on and what to say at which time and so forth. He had a point there.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Michael Leggett said...

Ahhh, your Da believed that he might have the call:

What is good is that a Priest Of The Latin Rite, may soon be allowed to Celebrate The Traditional Mass in Latin, without being blocked by his Bishop, as many Bishops who were quite liberal;

As Latin is the Official Language Of The Church, the Traditional Mass did attract Many Converts to The Faith. There was a Sacredness to it, which was lost in the present form;

In fact, the Midnight Mass in Rome by Pope Benedict XVI, was in Latin

3:35 PM  
Blogger Peter N said...

And, in a comic aside, that would make your birthday December 45th? Happy and healthy New Year Michael!!! Maybe that was an aside better left unsaid, but you know me. Bye!

10:17 AM  
Blogger Michael Leggett said...

December 45th?

Creative, Peter!


3:50 PM  
Blogger Michael Leggett said...

"Watch The World Television Premiere Of The Series, 'December 45th', following 'FOX NFL Sunday-The OT', @ 9Eastern, 8 Central, on FOX":

It's a show about NOTHING;

Oh, sooooo "Seinfeld"!

10:28 AM  

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