Monday, December 18, 2006
About Me
- Name: Michael Leggett
- Location: Woodhaven, New York, United States
a Romantic & a Writer In The Tri State Area
The Liberty Bell - US Air Force Band Of The Rockies

Previous Posts
- "Yankees Fans Need To See A Shrink"
- "Curt, Our Fearless Leader"
- "My Favorite IDIOT"
- "Good Night, Trupe"
- "I'll Keep This Blog For Its' Primary Purpose"
- "Uh, Mr Dolan? Yoo Hoo, Isaiah? The Knicks Just Pl...
- "The Miracle Of '04 Would NOT Have Taken Place IF ...
- "Would '04 Happened Without Papi?"
- 'I Know That You Miss This Guy-Am I Right?"
P.S. Shhh...I'm creeping up on number one again after a 3 month or so absence on the Baseball 100...root for the good guy, me!...the secret? Who the heck knows? Writing every day and having so many friends like you. Maybe! Keep clicking, Michael and his hundreds and thousands of fans. Me included.
I've been voting for you, Peter:
Over this weekend, I've moved from 20 to 12;
I once remember surpassing Fenway Nation a few times this Summer, unto the point of being #6;
Hence, my illustrations campaign!
I miss one day of reading, and I come back to all this!
Good stuff Michael..:-)Good to read your thoughts...don't always understand, but I love seeing how your brain works...:-)
I go into creative streaks, Christine:
Saturday & Sunday were bonus days.
Hey ML, thanks...I had just gotten home and saw your comment almost before that big number sunk in.....hey, how do you vote anyways? By clicking??...clue me in, and I'll vote for you. And to think, I went back to the "toppermost of the poppermost" (John Lennon, egging his bandmates on in early '63) without me voting. As Sally Field said at the Oscars after winning her second Oscar for Norma Rae...."YOU LOVE ME. YOU REALLY DO!" I'm full of facts, unimportant ones. Thank you for your support. This message was approved by ME. TAKE CARE.
Go to the page by clicking on your #1. It'll take you to where you vote on the blog. There will be a rectangle, which you click on & that will be where you cast your vote.
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