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Sunday, May 20, 2012

DailyMotion To Be Companion Network To Vimeo, Artistically

It was March, 2011. The Vimeo iPhone App was finally released, just in time for the 2011 Knights Of Columbus Int'l Free Throw Basketball Championship Long Island Final Coverage.
The Tactical Decision to designate Vimeo as Lead Network for this special coverage should come as no surprise. Vimeo, during Bonus Coverage of 2011 District Coverage, carried in HD 720p on DailyMotion & You Tube, actually knocked You Tube down to 3rd Place in coverage. I was not really surprised, as I have usually considered You Tube to be both subpar & overrated. Coverage was only appearing on You Tube because I was mandated to carry coverage there. DailyMotion cleaned You Tube's Clock during District 28 Coverage.
You see, DailyMotion had become the actual Main Network, as it had outdrawn You Tube, so much that You Tube had become irrelevant. The Queens County 2011 Championship was about to be webcast for the 1st & Only Time. This portion of Competition Coverage was no longer the purview of the Grand Knight nor District Deputy. DailyMotion was now the Exclusive Network for the 2011 Queens County Final.
This did not sit well with the Computer Illiterate Status Quo, which chanted You Tube as a Mantra, despite not really watching You Tube. Those who told me that You Tube is the only place for viewership, were the ones not even bothering to tune into any coverage. But, they whined when it was NOT on You Tube. They could have Googled, Binged or Yahoo'd 2011 Queens County Final Knights Of Columbus Int'l Free Throw Basketball Championship & found it on DailyMotion. The #s were a bit weak at 1st, but did grow steadily.
Bringing Vimeo into the picture as lead Network, turned a # of heads. The "Utter Pain In The Arse Washwomen From Queens" were making threats that coverage had better be on You Tube, not that it be watched, which it really was not, but it must go there because it is the ONLY thing that would be watched, but never even reached 100 Views. This was coming from people who may not be literate enough to read the NY Post.
On both Vimeo & DailyMotion, an announcement went over both services advising would be You Tube Viewers that You Tube Coverage would be somewhat limited, because of both the lack of interest in You Tube coverage, as well as the # of Bloholes who are clueless about Video.
Michael Meloni, Chairman of the Long Island Final, gave me clearance to carry coverage on services other than You Tube. Michael told me that NY State Council was interested in video services other than You Tube.
Coverage appeared on Vimeo, DailyMotion, Lockerz(VodPod), You Tube & Ireland's
DailyMotion was designated to carry coverage which couldn't be uploaded immediately to Vimeo. Hence, DailyMotion was the Companion Network. The feed was Network Three. YouTube operated with VodPod as the feed. Without VodPod, YouTube would've had only 55 Views.
You Tube became irrelevant, but two sets of Parents gave me ultimatums for their children to be carried on You Tube. I reluctantly obliged.
As DailyMotion is the 2nd Largest Video Service, it turned out to accumulate viewers in Europe & North America. Vimeo is the Indie Network. Both Vimeo & DailyMotion are artistic services, so for DailyMotion being the Companion Feed, this works fine.

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