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Saturday, May 12, 2012

The 2011 K of C Free Throw Coverage Super Feed

It was January, 2011, when the plan to carry the Knights Of Columbus Int'l Free Throw Basketball Championship, was to occur. This coverage, comprehensive in scope, was going to be more than a 3 to 4 Minute Film on You Tube, the way 30 other jurisdictions in the Knights of Columbus usually would do this kind of coverage. This would cover action on the floor, by age group, shot from the rear angle to give the viewer the feel for how it is at the foul line.
As the owner of a mobile marvel called the Apple iPod Touch 4G, holding 32 GB of storage, it is an amazing mobile computer. The front camera is for Standard Definition Recording as well as for Face Time Communication, just like the iPhone. The rear camera is for High Definition Broadcast Quality Video, HD 720p, the broadcast standard for ESPN, A & E Networks & FOX. It would be during Knights of Columbus Int'l Free Throw Coverage that this iPod Touch 4G, would really be tested. It would be a test as plans for coverage intended to go via, with Vimeo, VodPod & Facebook/Twitter, as the super feed. A test run from Woodhaven, Queens, of a Free Throw Preliminary Competition, took place over You Tube & Vimeo. Let me say that You Tube is really a waste of time, with viewing #s which indicated to me that You Tube is overrated as a video sharing service. Finding that one of the competition videos had ended up on a Gambling Site, convinced me that You Tube is NOT the way to go. The Super Feed Plan looked very good by comparison to An All You Tube occasion. Besides, video often looks like crap on You Tube. A Second Feed utilizing French Based Dailymotion, was also in the works as a test network.
Being a Past Grand Knight, who when I was Grand Knight of Msgr Sherman Council 5103, who experimented with new Council Programming, which had a degree of success, the idea, complete with iTunes Download, was not conceived in a vacuum. As I had acted in Web Series and Indie Films, I learned from various, experimental young producers, that there is more than You Tube. When I made my acting debut in a web series called "Peripheral City"(Currently on Vimeo), my 1st Director introduced me to Vimeo & the rest is History.
But, due to the desire of the Grand Knight of Council 5103-East Glendale, Queens, to make nice with people in Parishes which compete in the competition, I was told that the competition was a "Must Carry" over that Censorship Laden Pile Of Horse Manure, You Tube, "For all those You Tube #s", which I was upset about, since I actually had experience with Real Producers & Directors, You Tube was added to keep the neighborhood happy. This empowered people, who I refer to as "The Utter Pain In The Arse Washwomen From Queens", who could be very whiny at times, who acted like Long Island North Shore Princesses at times(A little bit like someone I once dated from Great Neck). "You Tube" was their mantra. But, I was determined to carry this competition on the Blip Super Feed & Test DailyMotion as well. A test of well regarded Viddler was also in the works.
The Blip Super Feed was a lot of work, as Blip was Adobe Flash, not good for the iDevice crowd. But, I took the time to convert the video coverage to H.264 & set up the iTunes Download. I had hoped not to carry any You Tube Coverage, realizing that when Institution Heads listen to people who know nothing about the New Media instead of the Producer who actually knows this business, the Producer gets caught in all the crossfire from people who should mind their business, as that Producer actually realizes that his goal is to make for the best possible production. Having amateurs who spend their time second guessing the Producer, leads to conflict.
The Blip Feed had to compete with You Tube. The Blip #s would have been better, had it not been for certain people pleasing the masses. But the numbers were good, as was DailyMotion's initial #s. The Blip Super Feed came out of New York. Ditto, Dailymotion. Viddler had extremely small #s, though they did increase over 1 Year.
Vimeo became an Independent Feed with their own super feed. You Tube did well once, but those #s took a tumble by the District Round, where both DailyMotion & Vimeo demolished You Tube #s. In that You Tube did well for 1 Round, the Parents felt like they had a license to dictate coverage.
To those who told me that You Tube is the only coverage which would be watched, you're wrong. You Tube was a comparable flop, not worth my time then & not now.

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