Accuracy, NOT Mere Numerals
In this numbers driven era, which IMHO, is not necessarily productive, whatever happened to good old accuracy? In Accuracy, there is true productivity:
Sadly, there are people who're more interested in the cutting of corners, with the utter pretense of huge numbers, translating into just numerals on a page, with a zero outcome. Why a zero outcome? In the quest for large numerals on a page, accuracy is sacrificed, leading in reality to nothing truly accomplished;
Now, over the years, short-cutting is done to make it look like something is being accomplished when it is not even close to being accomplished. In one such instance, I was giving instructions to a Police Officer to only issue the summons for Unlicensed General Vendor, in regards to those without a valid license and nothing more. A superior overruled me and ordered the issuance of other violations to the unlicensed vendors, which only applied to licensed vendors, resulting in the dismissal of 40 summonses. That superior, a "Numbers Freak", was only interested in numbers on a page and not true productivity. That superior also knew nothing about the subject matter at hand and overruled his expert in the matter, looking for undeservd kudos, a common practice in City Government. Instead of 10 Good Summonses and $2500 in fines coming in, 40 summonses cost a total of $20 per summons in processing fees, and all being dismissed, meant no return on effort, hence 40 X 0=0.
They're idiots, I tell you, IDIOTS;
The Pez Report
Labels: Law Enforcement; Life
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