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Sunday, November 22, 2009

MMCMXC-What I Prefer Liturgically

As One who saw the Dramatic Liturgical Changes 40 Years ago at this time, unto the point where The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass took on aspects of the Sacred Liturgies of The Lutherans, with the beginning of the Haugen-Haas Insipid Hymn Festival at such Liturgies, often infused to us in the form of a "Folk" Mass, I feel I can comment on the state of Liturgy:

I am now seeing a return of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar to His Proper Place at The Centre of The Altar, which "Dignum Et Justum Est" or in the vernacular, "It Is Right & Just."

The Problem within the Current Offering Of The Sacred Liturgy, began with the Priest facing The Populi. Whereas the the Focus of The Liturgy should be on The Christ in regards to the Eucharist, which occurred when the Priest faced East, the Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass in the current form, may give way to a personality centred Liturgy:

If there's one thing to be said about the Anglican Book Of Common Prayer, it must be noted that the English used, is of a stately manner;

Currently, I attend the 5:15PM Sunday Mass at St Agnes RC Church on East 43rd Street, between Lexington and Third Avenues, in Midtown Manhattan, though I reside in Queens. WHY do I do this? There is absolutely NO Haugen-Haas Awful Liturgical Musical Festival. There is NO "Michael Row The Boat Ashore" type of Liturgical Music at Mass there. There is a stately Opening Hymn and Closing Hymn. There is the singing of Gregorian Chant in Latin, at the Communion Antiphon. Some pre-Communion Prayers like the "Agnus Dei" are chanted in Latin. There is Solemnity as it should be;

The Parish is home to the Traditional Latin Mass of the 1962 Missale Romanum, but even in the current Ordinary Rite, there is a Beautiful Solemnity, I experience NOWHERE Else:

Mum was Baptized there in 1921;

I went to the then Parish Owned HS from 1969 to 1973, when the school had liberalized somewhat;

But, as a Church with Solemnity, even in the Current Liturgical Form, I feel at Home;

Pax Vobis;

The Pez Report



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