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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Is NOT ABOUT The Chocolate Bunny

A Nun in my Old Cypress Hills, Brooklyn Neighborhood, told me that when she was a child, she gave up candy for Lent, then gourged herself on a Chocolate Bunny, on Easter Sunday:

Resurrection is the Theme of Easter;

For The Christ Rose, Gloriously from The Tomb, and Ministered to His Believers;

The Lenten Sacrifice came from the Time when The Christ was in the Desert for 40 Days, fasting and praying, even being tempted by Satan, who was told off by Christ("You Shall Not Put The Lord Thy God To The Test");

Satan thought he triumphed when Christ died on The Cross;

Satan really blew it, ESPECIALLY when The Just went to Heaven, and Christ Arose From The Tomb;

Gloria In Excelcis Deo;

Alleluia-He Is Risen;


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