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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The "Yankopolypse"-The End Of The Yankee World As Seen By A "Prophet"

I, Michaelum, have a great vision of This Time, ending by some time next week, as Baseball drags on over the next 18 Games, including 3 Idiotic Recitations of "FOX Saturday Baseball", when the Prophet Timothy will wonder what life is like without the Appearance of Jeterus, Jetera and Jeterum, unless he's added to Post-Season on FOX, like in the N L C S:

Broadcast Row will find that the Green will not be as Grand a figure. Movie Studios will not be able to promote their stars and films without a Toilet as a backdrop;

Murdoch The Kingmaker will not have his star attraction available, where they, like squirrels, will be on Golf Courses and in Golf Outings on other networks. Lindsay Lohan will not be seen, hand in hand with Sandra Ronson, sitting by the Yankees Latrine(Dugout);

tbs will have Chip Caray, weeping and moaning and gnashing his teeth, wondering where Jeterum The god of Post-Season, is dancing at whatever disco;

The "Fans" at Toilet II, on September 21st, 2008, will cry into their beer and, no doubt, will be dousing both their livers and each other, with their malted liquids, running for the exits at the end of the 7th Inning, for the nearest pub, for more liver dousing, and reciting "26 World Championships", crying "Boston Sucks", and "Mets Suck";

Miller and Morgan will make no sense of this whatsoever. Buck will show no interest and The Prophet Timothy will utter "Jeterus, Jetera, Jeterum", infuriating the Prefect Of The Sacred Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith, who will chant "Yankees Combibo";

The Cathedral Of Baseball will close, causing Papa Ratzinger to exhale in relief, excommunicating Archbishop Steinbrenner for such blasphemy;

And The Populi will turn off their Television Sets and go do something else, perhaps more-creative, driving Murdoch, FOX and tbs to despair;

And the Populi will be Libera;

Libera-Play Ball;


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