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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

We In The US Of A Now Border The UCSP

U C S P stands for the United Canadian Socialist Provinces:

My Brother Sir Knight Of Columbus, spoke with a Constable in Branford, ON(Ontario), the Constable being a Sir Knight of Columbus, in short, the 4th Degree and found out the following information;

Canada, though heavily Catholic, is more like Cuba(Cuber as pronounced by J F K), in that freedom of speech is severely-limited;

There are "Human Rights Commissions" in the Provinces and one based in Ottawa, The Capital;

You may not criticize Africans, as The Canadians use that word for Blacks;

You may not criticize Moslems;

You may not criticize French Canadians;

If you do, you face arrest or may be sued by the "Human Rights Commissions" in the Province or by the Federal One in Ottawa, especially if you're a Citizen Of Canada, or a British Subject, Domiciled In Canada;


Any Americans who go up North to "The Great White North", in the words of Bob and Doug Mac Kenzie, are in for some culture shock, eh;

I suppose that I may catch heck for stating that "O Canada" was, in part, written by a Southern Confederate States Of America, Civil War General;

And, in Southern Ontario, Blacks(Africans), are NOT Tolerated;

AND, in Canada, many would love to come South to The States and vote for Senator Barack Obama, in the U S Elections. I think that something might be arranged by the NY County Democrats in Washington Heights, in Upper Manhattan;

Wild Country, Eh!




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