The NY Post's "Enticement To A Near Occasion Of Sin"

Politically, I've been known to agree with the Well-Thought Editorials of the NY Post, owned by News Corporation of 1211 6th Avenue, on the Island of Manhattan:
But, WHY did you run a quasi-pornographic spread on Ashley Alexandra Du Pre(Born as Ashley Youmans of The NJ Shore)?
You guys made your paper, yesterday, a "Near Occasion Of Sin";
Your Paper's Presentation, may have caused a rush of hormones for a lot of males, yesterday;
WHAT is your OBSESSION with Sexuality, anyway?
I do remember your 10 days of Adultery Coverage, in regards to Mets Catcher Paul Lo Duca, followed by your quasi-blackmail demand of the NY Mets, to give up Ballpark-Naming Rights, while you act as corporate sponsors, aside from FOX, for the NY Yankees;
Labels: NY Post Coverage
"You guys made your paper, yesterday, a "Near Occasion Of Sin"
It's better than what the Post usually prints, actually-a complete occasion of imbecility.
FOX Sports in Print
As if edited by and for Tim Mc Carver
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